
Due to modern business demands, IBM joined hands with other companies to develop an open-source business blockchain network called Hyperledger Fabric project that is touching the sky. Due to modular architecture, digital keys, and on-demand data retrieval, hyperledger fabric is regarded as the base for the world’s future modular architecture blockchain-based apps. Further benefits of Hyperledger Fabric are given below to facilitate your interpretation.

由于现代商业需求,IBM与其他公司携手开发了一个名为“ Hyperledger Fabric”项目的开源商业区块链网络。 由于模块化架构,数字密钥和按需数据检索,超账结构被视为全球未来基于区块链的模块化架构应用程序的基础。 Hyperledger Fabric的其他优点在下面给出,以方便您进行解释。

模块化结构 (Modular Structure)

Hyperledger Fabric makes easier for a developer to create their own pluggable components straight into the blockchain architecture. A developer will be able to introduce new modules whenever they need or desire. And, they don’t need to build the system from the beginning again. Syncrasy Tech IT solutions company can help you with blockchain development and Salesforce development services.

Hyperledger Fabric使开发人员更容易直接将自己的可插入组件创建到区块链架构中。 开发人员将能够在需要或需要时引入新模块。 而且,他们不需要从头开始构建系统。 Syncrasy Tech IT解决方案公司可以为您提供区块链开发和Salesforce开发服务。

PKC11数字钥匙 (PKC11 Digital Keys)

Hyperledger Fabric features modified and unmodified PKC11 for the generation of digital keys. These keys enhance data protection particularly. Think of a mortgage company using blockchain technology. A mortgage is not expected to be exposed publicly. It requires the parties to check themselves in the network to ensure authenticity. With a modular blockchain framework like Hyperledger Fabric, you can provide enough data of security needed in the sensitive data sections.

Hyperledger Fabric具有经过修改和未经修改的PKC11,用于生成数字密钥。 这些密钥特别增强了数据保护。 想想使用区块链技术的抵押公司。 抵押贷款不应公开。 它要求各方在网络中进行自我检查以确保真实性。 借助Hyperledger Fabric之类的模块化区块链框架,您可以在敏感数据部分中提供足够的安全性数据。

必要时进行数据检索 (Data Retrieving When Necessary)

Hyperledger Fabric’s channels have not been given the importance they deserve so far. Channels allow for data partitioning that makes it possible to keep the data safe that is supposed to be from a blockchain framework. This is useful where the finance company thinking about to adopt blockchain but competitors seeing the company’s data. With the help of channels on Hyperledger Fabric, you can store sensitive data in data partitions. Traditional/public blockchains are lacking this convenient feature.

到目前为止,Hyperledger Fabric的渠道还没有得到应有的重视。 通道允许进行数据分区,从而可以保持应该来自区块链框架的数据安全。 这在金融公司考虑采用区块链但竞争对手看到公司数据的情况下很有用。 借助Hyperledger Fabric上的通道,您可以将敏感数据存储在数据分区中。 传统/公共区块链缺少此便捷功能。

不可信任 (Indubitable Trust)

Hyperledger Fabric manages transactions differently and efficiently. It lessens the necessary number of trust layers and verifications through which a transaction goes. This makes transactions to go easier, done more quickly, and without any problem on any digital platform.

Hyperledger Fabric以不同的方式高效地管理事务。 它减少了交易通过的信任层和验证的必要数量。 这使交易变得更容易,更快地完成,并且在任何数字平台上都没有任何问题。

Hyperledger Fabric is an extensive topic, but for developers who are interested in blockchain application development will find this post helpful.

Hyperledger Fabric是一个广泛的主题,但是对于对区块链应用程序开发感兴趣的开发人员,这篇文章会有所帮助。

在这里,我正在谈论Hyperledger Composer的入门。 (Here I’m talking about getting started with Hyperledger Composer.)

Hyperledger Composer is my favorite tool for blockchain application development. Built on tools including node.js, CLI, npm, and editors, hyperledger composer offers sample apps as well as tools to test the DevOps process to create blockchain applications.

Hyperledger Composer是我最喜欢的区块链应用程序开发工具。 hyperledger composer基于包括node.js,CLI,npm和编辑器在内的工具构建,提供了示例应用程序以及测试DevOps流程以创建区块链应用程序的工具。

可以通过运行以下脚本来安装Hyperledger Composer: (Hyperledger Composer can be installed by running the following script:)

cd $HOME
curl -O -k
chmod u+x

运行以下命令以开始安装过程: (Run the following command to start the installation process:)

sudo apt-get install -y software-properties-common

安装过程需要准备好组件: (The installation process requires components ready:)

CLI工具 (CLI tools)

npm install -g composer-cli@0.20

操场 (Playground)

npm install -g composer-playground@0.20

超级账本面料 (Hyperledger Fabric)

mkdir ~/fabric-dev-servers && cd ~/fabric-dev-servers

集成开发环境 (IDEs)

You can use many IDEs with Hyperledger Composer. The two most common types are Atom and VS Code IDEs.

您可以将许多IDE与Hyperledger Composer一起使用。 两种最常见的类型是Atom和VS Code IDE。

Atom IDE (Atom IDE)

Download Atom IDE @

下载Atom IDE @

Atom is a free and open-source text editor IDE that helps you to write code faster with its feature smart-auto completion. It also supports cross-platform editing, thus, allow Atom to work across different operating systems. You can split codes into multiple panes to compare and edit codes across different files.

Atom是一个免费的开源文本编辑器IDE,可通过其智能自动完成功能帮助您更快地编写代码。 它还支持跨平台编辑,因此允许Atom在不同的操作系统上工作。 您可以将代码分成多个窗格,以比较和编辑不同文件中的代码。

将项目文件夹添加到Atom的步骤: (Steps to add project folder to Atom:)

Go to File Menu.


Click on Add Project menu or press (ALT+CTRL+O).

单击添加项目菜单或按(ALT + CTRL + O)。

Specify the path of your folder and select the folder.


Create the ‘File’ by clicking on the ‘New File’ menu option.


这是在Atom中打开文件的方式: (This is how a file opened in Atom:)

在Atom中运行HTML文件的步骤: (Steps to run an HTML file in Atom:)

Right-click on the opened file.


Open the “File” on the web browser.


Open the “Script-Runner” to run scripts inside Atom IDE.

打开“ Script-Runner”以在Atom IDE中运行脚本。

(Note: It supports CoffeeScript, Python, JavaScript, Bash, and Ruby)


VS代码 (VS Code)

Download Visual Studio Code IDE @

下载Visual Studio Code IDE @

Visual Studio supports the features of a source code editor with Intellisense code completion, tooling, debugging with breakpoints, call stacks, and an interactive console. The VS code for Hyperledger Composer helps you to become more productive with its syntax highlighting, easy customization, community-contributed keyboard shortcut mappings, box selection, and auto-indentation.

Visual Studio支持具有Intellisense代码完成功能,工具,带有断点的调试,调用堆栈和交互式控制台的源代码编辑器的功能。 Hyperledger Composer的VS代码通过其语法突出显示,轻松自定义,社区贡献的键盘快捷键映射,框选择和自动缩进来帮助您提高生产力。

我将引导您完成使用Hyperledger Composer创建区块链解决方案的步骤。 (I will walk you through the steps of creating a blockchain solution using Hyperledger Composer.)

The following steps will give you an overview of techniques to apply to your own development work:


Hyperledger Composer works for the key concept of business network definition (BND) that helps you create your blockchain solution in the easiest way possible.

Hyperledger Composer适用于业务网络定义(BND)的关键概念,可帮助您以最简单的方式创建区块链解决方案。

第1步 (Step 1)

The first step is to use the Yeoman generator to create the structure of a business network. Use this command to complete the step:

第一步是使用Yeoman生成器来创建业务网络的结构。 使用此命令完成步骤:

yo hyperledger-composer:businessnetwork

For command execution, you will require the name of the business network, author name, author email address. Simply enter tutorial-network.

为了执行命令,您将需要业务网络的名称,作者名称,作者电子邮件地址。 只需输入tutorial-network。

Enter — Apache 2.0 as license selection details.

输入-Apache 2.0作为许可证选择详细信息。

Enter the namespace by following this command;



第2步 (Step 2)

The second step is about defining a business network that is made up of:


  • Participants参加者
  • Assets资产
  • Transactions交易次数
  • Access control rules访问控制规则
  • Events and queries事件和查询

Open the model file



用以下代码替换内容: (Replace the content with following codes:)

/*** My commodity trading network*/
namespace org.example.mynetwork
asset Commodity identified by tradingSymbol {o String tradingSymbolo String descriptiono String mainExchangeo Double quantity--> Trader owner
participant Trader identified by tradeId {o String tradeIdo String firstNameo String lastName
transaction Trade {--> Commodity commodity--> Trader newOwner

Save all the changes made by you with the following command:



添加JavaScript事务逻辑的步骤 (Steps to Add JavaScript Transaction Logic )

The transaction processor function file contains the JavaScript logic that executes the transactions given in the model file.


第1步 (Step 1)

Open the logic.js script file.


第2步 (Step 2)

Replace the whole content by following the code:
/*** Track the trade of a commodity from one trader to another* @param {org.example.mynetwork.Trade} trade - the trade to be processed* @transaction*/
async function tradeCommodity(trade) {trade.commodity.owner = trade.newOwner;let assetRegistry = await getAssetRegistry('org.example.mynetwork.Commodity');await assetRegistry.update(trade.commodity);

Finally, save the changes to



将访问控制添加到您的区块链解决方案的步骤: (Steps to Add Access Control to Your Blockchain Solution:)

第1步 (Step 1)

Use this file permissions.acl and replace the control rules by following:


/*** Access control rules for tutorial-network*/
rule Default {description: "Allow all participants access to all resources"participant: "ANY"operation: ALLresource: "org.example.mynetwork.*"action: ALLOW
}rule SystemACL {description:  "System ACL to permit all access"participant: "ANY"operation: ALLresource: "org.hyperledger.composer.system.**"action: ALLOW

第2步 (Step 2)

Save the changes made to permissions.acl.


This is how you can define the business network for your blockchain solution.


I will tell you how this business network should be packaged into a deployable business network archive .bna file.


Use the tutorial-network directory and run the following command:


composer archive create -t dir -n


After the correct execution of the command, you will see a business network archive file tutorial-network@0.0.1.bna that has been created in the tutorial network directory.


部署业务网络的步骤: (Steps For the Deployment of Business Network:)

第1步 (Step 1)

From the tutorial-network run the followinacg command:


omposer network install --card PeerAdmin@hlfv1 --archiveFile tutorial-network@0.0.1.bna

第2步 (Step 2)

To start your business network use this command:


composer network start --networkName tutorial-network --networkVersion 0.0.1 --networkAdmin admin --networkAdminEnrollSecret adminpw --card PeerAdmin@hlfv1 --file networkadmin.card

composer网络开始--networkName教程网络--networkVersion 0.0.1 --networkAdmin admin --networkAdminEnrollSecret adminpw --card PeerAdmin @ hlfv1 --file networkadmin.card

第三步 (Step 3)

Import the network administrator identity by following the command:


composer card import --file networkadmin.card

第4步 (Step 4)

To check whether the business network has been deployed successfully or not use the following command:


composer network ping --card admin@tutorial-network

生成REST API服务器的步骤 (Steps for Generating REST API Server)

It is also important to add a layer of language-neutral abstraction to your blockchain solution. REST API can generate that layer to your blockchain app.

向您的区块链解决方案中添加一层与语言无关的抽象也很重要。 REST API可以为您的区块链应用生成该层。

第1步 (Step 1)

In the first step you need to create the REST API by navigating to the tutorial-network directory and by running the following command:

在第一步中,您需要通过导航到tutorial-network目录并运行以下命令来创建REST API:


第2步 (Step 2)

Next, enter the card name by using:



第三步 (Step 3)

In the next step, use “never use namespaces” when you are asked to use namespaces in the generated REST API.

在下一步中,当系统要求您在生成的REST API中使用名称空间时,请使用“从不使用名称空间”。

第4步 (Step 4)

Select the option “No” when asked to secure the API


第5步 (Step 5)

Select the option “Yes” when asked to enable the option of event publication


第6步 (Step 6)

Again select the option “No” when asked to go for TLS Security.


步骤7 (Step 7)

You will see the generated API connected to your blockchain business network.


如何在Hyperledger Composer上开发Angular 4应用程序? (How to Develop Angular 4 Application on Hyperledger Composer?)

第1步 (Step 1)

Use tutorial-network directory and run the command:


yo hyperledger-composer:angular

第2步 (Step 2)

Connect the running


business network by pressing “Yes” in the command box.


第三步 (Step 3)

For your business network card enter the command:



第4步 (Step 4)

Connect to REST API by selecting “Connect to existing REST API” and go further.

通过选择“连接到现有REST API”来连接到REST API,然后继续。

第5步 (Step 5)

For the REST server address, select the option localhost and enter 3000 for the server port.


第6步 (Step 6)

Select the option of “namespaces are not used” and go further.


步骤7 (Step 7)

Run the application by using npm start.

通过使用npm start运行该应用程序。

步骤8 (Step 8)

You will have your Angular 4 application ready on REST API that you can check admin@tutorial-network.

您将在REST API上准备好Angular 4应用程序,可以检查admin @ tutorial-network。

By taking the above points into perspective, I can sum up the post on three core points required to create a blockchain solution on Hyperledger Fabric Composer. These points are, fabric blockchain network, deploy blockchain solution to the network, and Fabric REST API server. And developers should always remember the principle of convoluted app designing. And equally important, you need to find a competent and experienced developer that can bring you good results.

通过考虑以上几点,我可以对在Hyperledger Fabric Composer上创建区块链解决方案所需的三个核心点进行总结。 这些要点是:Fabric区块链网络,将区块链解决方案部署到网络以及Fabric REST API服务器。 开发人员应始终记住复杂的应用程序设计原理。 同样重要的是,您需要找到一个能为您带来良好结果的合格且经验丰富的开发人员。

Thank you for reading and I welcome your feedback and input.




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