先执行/usr/sbin/sshd -T    找错

line 89 Bad configuration option: StrictHostKeyChecking

line 91 Bad configuration option: UserKnownHostsFile


sudo vi  / etc/ssh/sshd_config 修改对应行,这里去掉就行了,根据正常的sshd_config来改

The remote system refused the connection.相关推荐

  1. 服务器拒绝连接(The remote system refused the connection.)

    在使用CRT连接服务器的时候,出现了的 The remote system refused the connection. 一般客户端都是通过 SSH 协议连接服务器的.ping了一下,网络是通的,依 ...

  2. secureCRT The remote system refused the connection. .

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  3. Windows上使用SecureCRT软件连接Linux终端 — 解决问题;The remote system refused the connection

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  4. 如何解决secureCRT里面的The remote system refused the connection.

    不废话,先爆照 Ubuntu缺省安装了openssh-client,所以在这里就不安装了,如果你的系统没有安装的话,再用apt-get安装上即可. 然后确认sshserver是否启动了: ps -e ...

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  6. Listener refused the connection with the following error 错误解决(最大连接数)

    查询数据库当前进程的连接数: select count(*) from v$process; 查看数据库当前会话的连接数: elect count(*) from v$session; 查看数据库的并 ...

  7. oracle 监听拒绝连接,报mybatis映射文件错误Listener refused the connection with the following error: ORA-12519, TNS

    以下错误是:数据库连接数问题. 仔细检查映射文件.xml文件正确 后来发现是数据库最大连接数已满 修改之alter system set processes = 4000 scope = spfile ...

  8. Listener refused the connection with the following error

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  9. Listener refused the connection with the following error: ORA-12519, TNS:no appr

    异常: Listener refused the connection with the following error: ORA-12519, TNS:no appropriate service ...

  10. Unencrypted connection refused. Goodbye. Connection closed by foreign host.

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