
1.1 value

/*** The value is used for character storage.*/char[] value;

1.2 count

/*** The count is the number of characters used.*/int count;


2.1 deleteCharAt

/*** Removes the {@code char} at the specified position in this* sequence. This sequence is shortened by one {@code char}.** <p>Note: If the character at the given index is a supplementary* character, this method does not remove the entire character. If* correct handling of supplementary characters is required,* determine the number of {@code char}s to remove by calling* {@code Character.charCount(thisSequence.codePointAt(index))},* where {@code thisSequence} is this sequence.** @param       index  Index of {@code char} to remove* @return      This object.* @throws      StringIndexOutOfBoundsException  if the {@code index}*              is negative or greater than or equal to*              {@code length()}.*/public AbstractStringBuilder deleteCharAt(int index) {if ((index < 0) || (index >= count))throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(index);System.arraycopy(value, index+1, value, index, count-index-1);count--;return this;}

2.2 delete

/*** Removes the characters in a substring of this sequence.* The substring begins at the specified {@code start} and extends to* the character at index {@code end - 1} or to the end of the* sequence if no such character exists. If* {@code start} is equal to {@code end}, no changes are made.** @param      start  The beginning index, inclusive.* @param      end    The ending index, exclusive.* @return     This object.* @throws     StringIndexOutOfBoundsException  if {@code start}*             is negative, greater than {@code length()}, or*             greater than {@code end}.*/public AbstractStringBuilder delete(int start, int end) {if (start < 0)throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(start);if (end > count)end = count;if (start > end)throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException();int len = end - start;if (len > 0) {System.arraycopy(value, start+len, value, start, count-end);count -= len;}return this;}

2.3 append

/*** Appends the specified string to this character sequence.* <p>* The characters of the {@code String} argument are appended, in* order, increasing the length of this sequence by the length of the* argument. If {@code str} is {@code null}, then the four* characters {@code "null"} are appended.* <p>* Let <i>n</i> be the length of this character sequence just prior to* execution of the {@code append} method. Then the character at* index <i>k</i> in the new character sequence is equal to the character* at index <i>k</i> in the old character sequence, if <i>k</i> is less* than <i>n</i>; otherwise, it is equal to the character at index* <i>k-n</i> in the argument {@code str}.** @param   str   a string.* @return  a reference to this object.*/public AbstractStringBuilder append(String str) {if (str == null)return appendNull();int len = str.length();ensureCapacityInternal(count + len);str.getChars(0, len, value, count);count += len;return this;}

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