我開發的JAVA程式碼在給Fortify檢測後,一直被查出有path manipulation…

上網查大都是教人用文字白名單過濾,但我有兩個path manipulation問題,

一是isr= new InputStreamReader 這行被檢出,這看似無法套用文字過濾…

二是 line = cleanString (br.readLine()); 這行,我本來想用文字過濾,但想到readline進來的網路資料的文字不會只有英文,還有中文,



public static void main(String[] args) {

String checkurl = "https://opendata.tw/";

URL connectto = new URL(checkurl);

HttpsURLConnection conn = (HttpsURLConnection) connectto.openConnection();

try {

conn.connect();}catch (IOException e){}

InputStreamReader isr = null;

if (conn.toString().contains("https://opendata.tw/")) {

if (cleanConn (conn.getInputStream()) != null){

isr= new InputStreamReader ( cleanConn(conn.getInputStream()),"UTF-8" );}

BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

String line;

line = cleanString (br.readLine());


public static String cleanString(String path) {

HashMap map = new HashMap();

map.put("a", "a");

map.put("b", "b");

map.put("c", "c");

map.put("d", "d");

map.put("e", "e");

map.put("f", "f");

map.put("g", "g");

map.put("h", "h");

map.put("i", "i");

map.put("j", "j");

map.put("k", "k");

map.put("l", "l");

map.put("m", "m");

map.put("n", "n");

map.put("o", "o");

map.put("p", "p");

map.put("q", "q");

map.put("r", "r");

map.put("s", "s");

map.put("t", "t");

map.put("u", "u");

map.put("v", "v");

map.put("w", "w");

map.put("x", "x");

map.put("y", "y");

map.put("z", "z");

map.put("A", "A");

map.put("B", "B");

map.put("C", "C");

map.put("D", "D");

map.put("E", "E");

map.put("F", "F");

map.put("G", "G");

map.put("H", "H");

map.put("I", "I");

map.put("J", "J");

map.put("K", "K");

map.put("L", "L");

map.put("M", "M");

map.put("N", "N");

map.put("O", "O");

map.put("P", "P");

map.put("Q", "Q");

map.put("R", "R");

map.put("S", "S");

map.put("T", "T");

map.put("U", "U");

map.put("V", "V");

map.put("W", "W");

map.put("X", "X");

map.put("Y", "Y");

map.put("Z", "Z");

map.put(".", ".");

map.put(":", ":");

map.put("/", "/");

map.put("\\", "\\");

Character curChar = null;

Character nextChar = null;

if (path.contains("http")) {

map.put("?", "?");

map.put("-", "-");

map.put("=", "=");

map.put("0", "0");

map.put("1", "1");

map.put("2", "2");

map.put("3", "3");

map.put("4", "4");

map.put("5", "5");

map.put("6", "6");

map.put("7", "7");

map.put("8", "8");

map.put("9", "9");

//map.put(",", ",");

//map.put("\"", "\"");

//map.put("[", "[");

//map.put("]", "]");

//map.put("{", "{");

//map.put("}", "}");


if (path.contains("success")) {

return path;

}else {

String temp = "";

for (int i = 0; i < path.length(); i++) {



nextChar= path.charAt(i+1);

}catch (Exception e) {}


if (map.get(path.charAt(i)+"")!=null) {

if (map.get(path.charAt(i)+"")!=null && curChar == '.' && nextChar !='.') {

temp += map.get(path.charAt(i)+"");

}else if (map.get(path.charAt(i)+"")!=null && curChar != '.') {

temp += map.get(path.charAt(i)+"");




return temp;



private static InputStream cleanConn(InputStream inputStream) {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub

if (inputStream.toString().contains("sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection")) {

return inputStream;


return null;


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