
pip install mysql-connector-python-rf   报错

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[root@mhc 下载]# rpm -ivh mysql-connector-python-2.1.6-1.el7.x86_64.rpm
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   1:mysql-connector-python-2.1.6-1.el################################# [100%]


import osimport reimport subprocessfrom collections import OrderedDictimport stringimport socketimport logging as logimport mysql.connector as mysqlconnimport timeimport pwdfrom mysql.connector import Error as MySQLError

class Error(Exception):pass

class MySQL(object):""" MySQL represents the connection to and configuration of the MySQL process and its clients. """ def __init__(self, db=None,user="test",password="test.123",root_password="root.123",repl_user="repluser",repl_password="repl.123"):self.mysql_db = dbself.mysql_user = userself.mysql_password = passwordself.mysql_root_password = root_passwordself.mysql_random_root_password = False self.mysql_onetime_password = None self.repl_user = repl_userself.repl_password = repl_passwordself.datadir = '/var/lib/mysql' self.pool_size = None

 # state self.ip = "" self._conn = None self._query_buffer = OrderedDict()

def render(self, src='/etc/my.cnf.tmpl', dest='/etc/my.cnf'):""" Writes-out config files, even if we've previously initialized the DB, so that we can account for changed hostnames, resized containers, etc. """ pool_size = self._get_innodb_buffer_pool_size()with open(src, 'r') as f: template = string.Template( rendered = template.substitute(buffer=pool_size,server_id=self.server_id,hostname=self.ip)with open(dest, 'w') as f: f.write(rendered)

@property def server_id(self):""" replace server-id with ID derived from hostname """ _hostname = socket.gethostname()return int(str(_hostname)[:4], 16)

def _get_innodb_buffer_pool_size(self):""" replace innodb_buffer_pool_size value from environment or use a sensible default (70% of available physical memory) """ if not self.pool_size:with open('/proc/meminfo', 'r') as memInfoFile: memInfo = base ='^MemTotal: *(\d+)', memInfo).group(1)self.pool_size = int((int(base) / 1024) * 0.7)return self.pool_size

@property def conn(self):""" Convenience method for setting up a cached connection with the replication manager user. """ if self._conn:return self._conn ctx = dict(user=self.repl_user,password=self.repl_password,timeout=25) # derived from ContainerPilot config ttl self._conn = self.wait_for_connection(**ctx)return self._conn

def wait_for_connection(self, user='root', password=None, database=None, timeout=10):""" Polls mysqld socket until we get a connection or the timeout expires (raise WaitTimeoutError). Defaults to root empty/password. """ while timeout > 0:try: sock = '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' return mysqlconn.connect(unix_socket=sock,user=user,password=password,database=database,charset='utf8',connection_timeout=timeout)except MySQLError as ex: timeout = timeout - 1 if timeout == 0:raise Error(ex) time.sleep(1)

def add(self, stmt, params=()):""" Adds a new SQL statement to an internal query buffer """ self._query_buffer[stmt] = params

def execute(self, sql, params=(), conn=None):""" Execute and commit a SQL statement with parameters """ self.add(sql, params)self._execute(conn, discard_results=True)

def execute_many(self, conn=None):""" Execute and commit all previously `add`ed statements in the query buffer """ self._execute(conn, discard_results=True)

def query(self, sql, params=(), conn=None):""" Execute a SQL query with params and return results. """ self.add(sql, params)return self._execute(conn=conn)

def _execute(self, conn=None, discard_results=False):""" Execute and commit all composed statements and flushes the buffer """ try:if not conn: conn = self.connexcept (Error, MySQLError):raise # unrecoverable

 try: cur = conn.cursor(dictionary=True, buffered=True)for stmt, params in self._query_buffer.items(): log.debug('%s %s', stmt, params) cur.execute(stmt, params=params)if not discard_results:return cur.fetchall()


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