



#pragma once#define SER_GET(bGet,value) SerGet(bGet,value,#value)
#define SER_ARR(bGet,value,n) SerGet(bGet,value,n,#value)
#define SER_GETD(bGet,value,default) SerGet(bGet,value,#value,NULL,default)
#define SER_ARRD(bGet,value,n,default) SerGet(bGet,value,n,#value,default)class CIni
public:// If the IniFilename contains no path,// the module-directory will be add to the FileName,// to avoid storing in the windows-directory// bModulPath=true: ModulDir, bModulPath=false: CurrentDirstatic void AddModulPath(CString& rstrFileName, bool bModulPath = true);static CString GetDefaultSection();static CString GetDefaultIniFile(bool bModulPath = true);CIni();CIni(CIni const& rIni);CIni(CString const& rstrFileName);CIni(CString const& rstrFileName, CString const& rstrSection);virtual ~CIni();void SetFileName(const CString& rstrFileName);void SetSection(const CString& rstrSection);const CString& GetFileName() const;const CString& GetSection() const;CString        GetString(LPCTSTR lpszEntry,    LPCTSTR     lpszDefault = NULL,                LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL);CString        GetStringUTF8(LPCTSTR lpszEntry,LPCTSTR     lpszDefault = NULL,                LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL);CString        GetStringLong(LPCTSTR lpszEntry,LPCTSTR     lpszDefault = NULL,                LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL);double     GetDouble(LPCTSTR lpszEntry,    double      fDefault = 0.0,                    LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL);float      GetFloat(LPCTSTR lpszEntry,     float       fDefault = 0.0F,               LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL);int            GetInt(LPCTSTR lpszEntry,       int         nDefault = 0,                  LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL);ULONGLONG  GetUInt64(LPCTSTR lpszEntry,    ULONGLONG   nDefault = 0,                  LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL);WORD       GetWORD(LPCTSTR lpszEntry,      WORD        nDefault = 0,                  LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL);bool       GetBool(LPCTSTR lpszEntry,      bool        bDefault = false,              LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL);CPoint     GetPoint(LPCTSTR lpszEntry,     CPoint      ptDefault = CPoint(0,0),       LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL);CRect      GetRect(LPCTSTR lpszEntry,      CRect       rectDefault = CRect(0,0,0,0),  LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL);COLORREF   GetColRef(LPCTSTR lpszEntry,    COLORREF    crDefault = RGB(128,128,128),  LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL);bool       GetBinary(LPCTSTR lpszEntry,    BYTE** ppData, UINT* pBytes,                LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL);void       WriteString(LPCTSTR lpszEntry,  LPCTSTR     s,                              LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL);void       WriteStringUTF8(LPCTSTR lpszEntry,LPCTSTR   s,                              LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL);void       WriteDouble(LPCTSTR lpszEntry,  double      f,                              LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL);void       WriteFloat(LPCTSTR lpszEntry,   float       f,                              LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL);void       WriteInt(LPCTSTR lpszEntry,     int         n,                              LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL);void       WriteUInt64(LPCTSTR lpszEntry,  ULONGLONG   n,                              LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL);void       WriteWORD(LPCTSTR lpszEntry,    WORD        n,                              LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL);void       WriteBool(LPCTSTR lpszEntry,    bool        b,                              LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL);void       WritePoint(LPCTSTR lpszEntry,   CPoint      pt,                             LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL);void       WriteRect(LPCTSTR lpszEntry,    CRect       rect,                           LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL);void       WriteColRef(LPCTSTR lpszEntry,  COLORREF    cr,                             LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL);bool       WriteBinary(LPCTSTR lpszEntry,  LPBYTE pData, UINT nBytes,                  LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL);void       SerGetString(   bool bGet, CString&     s,  LPCTSTR lpszEntry,  LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL,    LPCTSTR lpszDefault = NULL);void       SerGetDouble(   bool bGet, double&      f,  LPCTSTR lpszEntry,  LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL,    double fDefault = 0.0);void        SerGetFloat(    bool bGet, float&       f,  LPCTSTR lpszEntry,  LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL,    float fDefault = 0.0);void     SerGetInt(      bool bGet, int&         n,  LPCTSTR lpszEntry,  LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL,    int nDefault = 0);void     SerGetDWORD(    bool bGet, DWORD&       n,  LPCTSTR lpszEntry,  LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL,    DWORD nDefault = 0);void       SerGetBool(     bool bGet, bool&        b,  LPCTSTR lpszEntry,  LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL,    bool bDefault = false);void        SerGetPoint(    bool bGet, CPoint&      pt, LPCTSTR lpszEntry,  LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL,    CPoint ptDefault = CPoint(0,0));void       SerGetRect(     bool bGet, CRect&       rc, LPCTSTR lpszEntry,  LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL,    CRect rectDefault = CRect(0,0,0,0));void       SerGetColRef(   bool bGet, COLORREF&    cr, LPCTSTR lpszEntry,  LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL,    COLORREF crDefault = RGB(128,128,128));void        SerGet( bool bGet, CString&  s,  LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL,    LPCTSTR lpszDefault = NULL);void       SerGet( bool bGet, double&   f,  LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL,    double fDefault = 0.0);void        SerGet( bool bGet, float&    f,  LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL,    float fDefault = 0.0F);void        SerGet( bool bGet, int&      n,  LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL,    int nDefault = 0);void     SerGet( bool bGet, short&    n,  LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL,    int nDefault = 0);void     SerGet( bool bGet, DWORD&    n,  LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL,    DWORD nDefault = 0);void       SerGet( bool bGet, WORD&     n,  LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL,    DWORD nDefault = 0);void       SerGet( bool bGet, CPoint&   pt, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL,    CPoint ptDefault = CPoint(0,0));void       SerGet( bool bGet, CRect&    rc, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL,    CRect rectDefault = CRect(0,0,0,0));void       SerGet( bool bGet, CString* s,  int nCount, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL, LPCTSTR lpszDefault = NULL);void       SerGet( bool bGet, double*  f,  int nCount, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL, double fDefault = 0.0);void        SerGet( bool bGet, float*   f,  int nCount, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL, float fDefault = 0.0F);void        SerGet( bool bGet, BYTE*    n,  int nCount, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL, BYTE nDefault = 0);void        SerGet( bool bGet, int*     n,  int nCount, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL, int nDefault = 0);void     SerGet( bool bGet, short*   n,  int nCount, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL, int nDefault = 0);void     SerGet( bool bGet, DWORD*   n,  int nCount, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL, DWORD nDefault = 0);void       SerGet( bool bGet, WORD*    n,  int nCount, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL, DWORD nDefault = 0);void       SerGet( bool bGet, CPoint*  pt, int nCount, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL, CPoint ptDefault = CPoint(0,0));void       SerGet( bool bGet, CRect*   rc, int nCount, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL, CRect rectDefault = CRect(0,0,0,0));int            Parse(const CString&, int nOffset, CString &rstrOut);void       DeleteKey(LPCTSTR lpszKey);private:void Init(LPCTSTR lpszIniFile, LPCTSTR lpszSection = NULL);LPTSTR GetLPCSTR(LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection, LPCTSTR lpszDefault);bool  m_bModulPath;  //true: Filenames without path take the Modulepath//false: Filenames without path take the CurrentDirectory#define MAX_INI_BUFFER 256TCHAR    m_chBuffer[MAX_INI_BUFFER];CString m_strFileName;CString m_strSection;static CString    Read( LPCTSTR lpszFileName, LPCTSTR lpszSection, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszDefault);static void        Write(LPCTSTR lpszFileName, LPCTSTR lpszSection, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszValue);


#include "StdAfx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include ".\ini.h"
#include "StringConversion.h"#ifndef _countof
#define _countof(array) (sizeof(array)/sizeof(array[0]))
#endifvoid CIni::AddModulPath(CString &rstrFileName, bool bModulPath)
{TCHAR drive[_MAX_DRIVE];TCHAR dir[_MAX_DIR];TCHAR fname[_MAX_FNAME];TCHAR ext[_MAX_EXT];_tsplitpath(rstrFileName, drive, dir, fname, ext);if (!drive[0]){//PathCanonicalize(..) doesn't work with for all Plattforms !CString strModule;if (bModulPath){DWORD dwModPathLen = GetModuleFileName(NULL, strModule.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), MAX_PATH);strModule.ReleaseBuffer((dwModPathLen == 0 || dwModPathLen == MAX_PATH) ? 0 : -1);}else{DWORD dwCurDirLen = GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, strModule.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH));strModule.ReleaseBuffer((dwCurDirLen == 0 || dwCurDirLen >= MAX_PATH) ? 0 : -1);strModule.TrimRight(_T('\\'));strModule.TrimRight(_T('/'));strModule += _T("\\");}_tsplitpath(strModule, drive, dir, fname, ext);strModule = drive;strModule += dir;strModule += rstrFileName;rstrFileName = strModule;}
}CString CIni::GetDefaultSection()
{return AfxGetAppName();
}CString CIni::GetDefaultIniFile(bool bModulPath)
{TCHAR drive[_MAX_DRIVE];TCHAR dir[_MAX_DIR];TCHAR fname[_MAX_FNAME];TCHAR ext[_MAX_EXT];CString strTemp;CString strApplName;DWORD dwModPathLen = GetModuleFileName(NULL, strTemp.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), MAX_PATH);strTemp.ReleaseBuffer((dwModPathLen == 0 || dwModPathLen == MAX_PATH) ? 0 : -1);_tsplitpath( strTemp, drive, dir, fname, ext );strTemp = fname;strTemp += _T(".ini");if (bModulPath){strApplName = drive;strApplName += dir;strApplName += strTemp;}else{DWORD dwCurDirLen = GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, strApplName.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH));strApplName.ReleaseBuffer((dwCurDirLen == 0 || dwCurDirLen >= MAX_PATH) ? 0 : -1);strApplName.TrimRight(_T('\\'));strApplName.TrimRight(_T('/'));strApplName += _T("\\");strApplName += strTemp;}return strApplName;
{m_strFileName = GetDefaultIniFile(m_bModulPath);m_strSection  = GetDefaultSection();
}CIni::CIni(CIni const &Ini):
{if (m_strFileName.IsEmpty())m_strFileName = GetDefaultIniFile(m_bModulPath);AddModulPath(m_strFileName, m_bModulPath);if (m_strSection.IsEmpty())m_strSection = GetDefaultSection();
}CIni::CIni(CString const &rstrFileName):
{if (m_strFileName.IsEmpty())m_strFileName = GetDefaultIniFile(m_bModulPath);AddModulPath(m_strFileName, m_bModulPath);m_strSection = GetDefaultSection();
}CIni::CIni(CString const &rstrFileName, CString const &rstrSection):
{if (m_strFileName.IsEmpty())m_strFileName = GetDefaultIniFile(m_bModulPath);AddModulPath(m_strFileName, m_bModulPath);if (m_strSection.IsEmpty())m_strSection = GetDefaultSection();
}void CIni::SetFileName(const CString &rstrFileName)
{m_strFileName = rstrFileName;AddModulPath(m_strFileName);
}void CIni::SetSection(const CString &rstrSection)
{m_strSection = rstrSection;
}const CString& CIni::GetFileName() const
{return m_strFileName;
}const CString& CIni::GetSection() const
{return m_strSection;
}void CIni::Init(LPCTSTR lpszFileName, LPCTSTR lpszSection)
{if (lpszSection != NULL)m_strSection = lpszSection;if (lpszFileName != NULL)m_strFileName = lpszFileName;
}CString CIni::GetString(LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszDefault, LPCTSTR lpszSection)
{if (lpszDefault == NULL)return GetLPCSTR(lpszEntry, lpszSection, _T(""));elsereturn GetLPCSTR(lpszEntry, lpszSection, lpszDefault);
}CString CIni::GetStringLong(LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszDefault, LPCTSTR lpszSection)
{CString ret;unsigned int maxstrlen = MAX_INI_BUFFER;if (lpszSection != NULL)m_strSection = lpszSection;do {GetPrivateProfileString(m_strSection, lpszEntry, (lpszDefault == NULL) ? _T("") : lpszDefault, ret.GetBufferSetLength(maxstrlen), maxstrlen, m_strFileName);ret.ReleaseBuffer();if ((unsigned int)ret.GetLength() < maxstrlen - 2)break;maxstrlen += MAX_INI_BUFFER;}while (maxstrlen < 32767);return ret;
}CString CIni::GetStringUTF8(LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszDefault, LPCTSTR lpszSection)
{if (lpszSection != NULL)m_strSection = lpszSection;CStringA strUTF8;GetPrivateProfileStringA(CT2CA(m_strSection), CT2CA(lpszEntry), CT2CA(lpszDefault),strUTF8.GetBufferSetLength(MAX_INI_BUFFER), MAX_INI_BUFFER, CT2CA(m_strFileName));strUTF8.ReleaseBuffer();return OptUtf8ToStr(strUTF8);
}double CIni::GetDouble(LPCTSTR lpszEntry, double fDefault, LPCTSTR lpszSection)
{TCHAR szDefault[MAX_PATH];_sntprintf(szDefault, _countof(szDefault), _T("%g"), fDefault);szDefault[_countof(szDefault) - 1] = _T('\0');GetLPCSTR(lpszEntry, lpszSection, szDefault);return _tstof(m_chBuffer);
}float CIni::GetFloat(LPCTSTR lpszEntry, float fDefault, LPCTSTR lpszSection)
{TCHAR szDefault[MAX_PATH];_sntprintf(szDefault, _countof(szDefault), _T("%g"), fDefault);szDefault[_countof(szDefault) - 1] = _T('\0');GetLPCSTR(lpszEntry, lpszSection, szDefault);return (float)_tstof(m_chBuffer);
}int CIni::GetInt(LPCTSTR lpszEntry, int nDefault, LPCTSTR lpszSection)
{TCHAR szDefault[MAX_PATH];_sntprintf(szDefault, _countof(szDefault), _T("%d"), nDefault);szDefault[_countof(szDefault) - 1] = _T('\0');GetLPCSTR(lpszEntry, lpszSection, szDefault);return _tstoi(m_chBuffer);
}ULONGLONG CIni::GetUInt64(LPCTSTR lpszEntry, ULONGLONG nDefault, LPCTSTR lpszSection)
{TCHAR szDefault[MAX_PATH];_sntprintf(szDefault, _countof(szDefault), _T("%I64u"), nDefault);szDefault[_countof(szDefault) - 1] = _T('\0');GetLPCSTR(lpszEntry, lpszSection, szDefault);ULONGLONG nResult;if (_stscanf(m_chBuffer, _T("%I64u"), &nResult) != 1)return nDefault;return nResult;
}WORD CIni::GetWORD(LPCTSTR lpszEntry, WORD nDefault, LPCTSTR lpszSection)
{TCHAR szDefault[MAX_PATH];_sntprintf(szDefault, _countof(szDefault), _T("%u"), nDefault);szDefault[_countof(szDefault) - 1] = _T('\0');GetLPCSTR(lpszEntry, lpszSection, szDefault);return (WORD)_tstoi(m_chBuffer);
}bool CIni::GetBool(LPCTSTR lpszEntry, bool bDefault, LPCTSTR lpszSection)
{TCHAR szDefault[MAX_PATH];_sntprintf(szDefault, _countof(szDefault), _T("%d"), bDefault);szDefault[_countof(szDefault) - 1] = _T('\0');GetLPCSTR(lpszEntry, lpszSection, szDefault);return _tstoi(m_chBuffer) != 0;
}CPoint CIni::GetPoint(LPCTSTR lpszEntry, CPoint ptDefault, LPCTSTR lpszSection)
{CPoint ptReturn = ptDefault;CString strDefault;strDefault.Format(_T("(%d,%d)"), ptDefault.x, ptDefault.y);CString strPoint = GetString(lpszEntry, strDefault, lpszSection);if (_stscanf(strPoint,_T("(%d,%d)"), &ptReturn.x, &ptReturn.y) != 2)return ptDefault;return ptReturn;
}CRect CIni::GetRect(LPCTSTR lpszEntry, CRect rectDefault, LPCTSTR lpszSection)
{CRect rectReturn = rectDefault;CString strDefault;strDefault.Format(_T("%d,%d,%d,%d"), rectDefault.left, rectDefault.top, rectDefault.right, rectDefault.bottom);CString strRect = GetString(lpszEntry, strDefault, lpszSection);//new Version foundif (_stscanf(strRect, _T("%d,%d,%d,%d"), &rectDefault.left, &rectDefault.top, &rectDefault.right, &rectDefault.bottom) == 4)return rectReturn;//old Version foundif (_stscanf(strRect, _T("(%d,%d,%d,%d)"), &rectReturn.top, &rectReturn.left, &rectReturn.bottom, &rectReturn.right) != 4)return rectDefault;return rectReturn;
}COLORREF CIni::GetColRef(LPCTSTR lpszEntry, COLORREF crDefault, LPCTSTR lpszSection)
{int temp[3] = {   GetRValue(crDefault),GetGValue(crDefault),GetBValue(crDefault) };CString strDefault;strDefault.Format(_T("RGB(%hd,%hd,%hd)"), temp[0], temp[1], temp[2]);CString strColRef = GetString(lpszEntry, strDefault, lpszSection);if (_stscanf(strColRef, _T("RGB(%d,%d,%d)"), temp, temp+1, temp+2) != 3)return crDefault;return RGB(temp[0], temp[1], temp[2]);
}void CIni::WriteString(LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpsz, LPCTSTR lpszSection)
{if (lpszSection != NULL) m_strSection = lpszSection;WritePrivateProfileString(m_strSection, lpszEntry, lpsz, m_strFileName);
}void CIni::WriteStringUTF8(LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpsz, LPCTSTR lpszSection)
{if (lpszSection != NULL) m_strSection = lpszSection;CString str(lpsz);WritePrivateProfileStringA(CT2CA(m_strSection), CT2CA(lpszEntry), StrToUtf8(str), CT2CA(m_strFileName));
}void CIni::WriteDouble(LPCTSTR lpszEntry, double f, LPCTSTR lpszSection)
{if (lpszSection != NULL)m_strSection = lpszSection;TCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH];_sntprintf(szBuffer, _countof(szBuffer), _T("%g"), f);szBuffer[_countof(szBuffer) - 1] = _T('\0');WritePrivateProfileString(m_strSection, lpszEntry, szBuffer, m_strFileName);
}void CIni::WriteFloat(LPCTSTR lpszEntry, float f, LPCTSTR lpszSection)
{if (lpszSection != NULL)m_strSection = lpszSection;TCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH];_sntprintf(szBuffer, _countof(szBuffer), _T("%g"), f);szBuffer[_countof(szBuffer) - 1] = _T('\0');WritePrivateProfileString(m_strSection, lpszEntry, szBuffer, m_strFileName);
}void CIni::WriteInt(LPCTSTR lpszEntry, int n, LPCTSTR lpszSection)
{if (lpszSection != NULL)m_strSection = lpszSection;TCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH];_itot(n, szBuffer, 10);WritePrivateProfileString(m_strSection, lpszEntry, szBuffer, m_strFileName);
}void CIni::WriteUInt64(LPCTSTR lpszEntry, ULONGLONG n, LPCTSTR lpszSection)
{if (lpszSection != NULL)m_strSection = lpszSection;TCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH];_ui64tot(n, szBuffer, 10);WritePrivateProfileString(m_strSection, lpszEntry, szBuffer, m_strFileName);
}void CIni::WriteWORD(LPCTSTR lpszEntry, WORD n, LPCTSTR lpszSection)
{if (lpszSection != NULL)m_strSection = lpszSection;TCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH];_ultot(n, szBuffer, 10);WritePrivateProfileString(m_strSection, lpszEntry, szBuffer, m_strFileName);
}void CIni::WriteBool(LPCTSTR lpszEntry, bool b, LPCTSTR lpszSection)
{if (lpszSection != NULL)m_strSection = lpszSection;TCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH];_sntprintf(szBuffer, _countof(szBuffer), _T("%d"), (int)b);szBuffer[_countof(szBuffer) - 1] = _T('\0');WritePrivateProfileString(m_strSection, lpszEntry, szBuffer, m_strFileName);
}void CIni::WritePoint(LPCTSTR lpszEntry, CPoint pt, LPCTSTR lpszSection)
{if (lpszSection != NULL)m_strSection = lpszSection;CString strBuffer;strBuffer.Format(_T("(%d,%d)"), pt.x, pt.y);Write(m_strFileName, m_strSection, lpszEntry, strBuffer);
}void CIni::WriteRect(LPCTSTR lpszEntry, CRect rect, LPCTSTR lpszSection)
{if (lpszSection != NULL)m_strSection = lpszSection;CString strBuffer;strBuffer.Format(_T("(%d,%d,%d,%d)"), rect.top, rect.left, rect.bottom, rect.right);Write(m_strFileName, m_strSection, lpszEntry, strBuffer);
}void CIni::WriteColRef(LPCTSTR lpszEntry, COLORREF cr, LPCTSTR lpszSection)
{if (lpszSection != NULL)m_strSection = lpszSection;CString strBuffer;strBuffer.Format(_T("RGB(%d,%d,%d)"), GetRValue(cr), GetGValue(cr), GetBValue(cr));Write(m_strFileName, m_strSection, lpszEntry, strBuffer);
}TCHAR* CIni::GetLPCSTR(LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection, LPCTSTR lpszDefault)
{if (lpszSection != NULL)m_strSection = lpszSection;CString strTemp;if (lpszDefault == NULL)strTemp = Read(m_strFileName, m_strSection, lpszEntry, CString());elsestrTemp = Read(m_strFileName, m_strSection, lpszEntry, lpszDefault);return (TCHAR *)memcpy(m_chBuffer, (LPCTSTR)strTemp, (strTemp.GetLength() + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
}void CIni::SerGetString(bool bGet, CString &rstr, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection, LPCTSTR lpszDefault)
{if (bGet)rstr = GetString(lpszEntry, lpszDefault, lpszSection);elseWriteString(lpszEntry, rstr, lpszSection);
}void CIni::SerGetDouble(bool bGet, double &f, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection, double fDefault)
{if (bGet)f = GetDouble(lpszEntry, fDefault, lpszSection);elseWriteDouble(lpszEntry, f, lpszSection);
}void CIni::SerGetFloat(bool bGet, float &f, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection, float fDefault)
{if (bGet)f = GetFloat(lpszEntry, fDefault, lpszSection);elseWriteFloat(lpszEntry, f, lpszSection);
}void CIni::SerGetInt(bool bGet, int &n, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection, int nDefault)
{if (bGet)n = GetInt(lpszEntry, nDefault, lpszSection);elseWriteInt(lpszEntry, n, lpszSection);
}void CIni::SerGetDWORD(bool bGet, DWORD &n,    LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection, DWORD nDefault)
{if (bGet)n = (DWORD)GetInt(lpszEntry, nDefault, lpszSection);elseWriteInt(lpszEntry, n, lpszSection);
}void CIni::SerGetBool(bool bGet, bool &b, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection, bool bDefault)
{if (bGet)b = GetBool(lpszEntry, bDefault, lpszSection);elseWriteBool(lpszEntry, b, lpszSection);
}void CIni::SerGetPoint(bool bGet, CPoint &pt, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection, CPoint ptDefault)
{if (bGet)pt = GetPoint(lpszEntry, ptDefault, lpszSection);elseWritePoint(lpszEntry, pt, lpszSection);
}void CIni::SerGetRect(bool bGet, CRect & rect, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection, CRect rectDefault)
{if (bGet)rect = GetRect(lpszEntry, rectDefault, lpszSection);elseWriteRect(lpszEntry, rect, lpszSection);
}void CIni::SerGetColRef(bool bGet, COLORREF &cr, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection, COLORREF crDefault)
{if (bGet)cr = GetColRef(lpszEntry, crDefault, lpszSection);elseWriteColRef(lpszEntry, cr, lpszSection);
}void CIni::SerGet(bool bGet, CString &rstr, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection, LPCTSTR lpszDefault)
{SerGetString(bGet, rstr, lpszEntry, lpszSection, lpszDefault);
}void CIni::SerGet(bool bGet, double &f, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection, double fDefault)
{SerGetDouble(bGet, f, lpszEntry, lpszSection, fDefault);
}void CIni::SerGet(bool bGet, float &f, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection, float fDefault)
{SerGetFloat(bGet, f, lpszEntry, lpszSection, fDefault);
}void CIni::SerGet(bool bGet, int &n, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection, int nDefault)
{SerGetInt(bGet, n, lpszEntry, lpszSection, nDefault);
}void CIni::SerGet(bool bGet, short &n, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection, int nDefault)
{int nTemp = n;SerGetInt(bGet, nTemp, lpszEntry, lpszSection, nDefault);n = (short)nTemp;
}void CIni::SerGet(bool bGet, DWORD &n, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection, DWORD nDefault)
{SerGetDWORD(bGet, n, lpszEntry, lpszSection, nDefault);
}void CIni::SerGet(bool bGet, WORD &n, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection, DWORD nDefault)
{DWORD dwTemp = n;SerGetDWORD(bGet, dwTemp, lpszEntry, lpszSection, nDefault);n = (WORD)dwTemp;
}void CIni::SerGet(bool bGet, CPoint &pt, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection, CPoint ptDefault)
{SerGetPoint(bGet, pt, lpszEntry, lpszSection, ptDefault);
}void CIni::SerGet(bool bGet, CRect &rect, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection, CRect rectDefault)
{SerGetRect(bGet, rect, lpszEntry, lpszSection, rectDefault);
}void CIni::SerGet(bool bGet, CString *ar, int nCount, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection, LPCTSTR lpszDefault)
{if (nCount > 0) {CString strBuffer;if (bGet) {strBuffer = GetString(lpszEntry, _T(""), lpszSection);int nOffset = 0;for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++) {nOffset = Parse(strBuffer, nOffset, ar[i]);if (ar[i].GetLength() == 0)ar[i] = lpszDefault;}} else {strBuffer = ar[0];for (int i = 1; i < nCount; i++) {strBuffer.AppendChar(_T(','));strBuffer.Append(ar[i]);}WriteString(lpszEntry, strBuffer, lpszSection);}}
}void CIni::SerGet(bool bGet, double *ar, int nCount, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection, double fDefault)
{if (nCount > 0) {CString strBuffer;if (bGet) {strBuffer = GetString(lpszEntry, _T(""), lpszSection);CString strTemp;int nOffset = 0;for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++) {nOffset = Parse(strBuffer, nOffset, strTemp);if (strTemp.GetLength() == 0)ar[i] = fDefault;elsear[i] = _tstof(strTemp);}} else {CString strTemp;strBuffer.Format(_T("%g"), ar[0]);for (int i = 1; i < nCount; i++) {strTemp.Format(_T("%g"), ar[i]);strBuffer.AppendChar(_T(','));strBuffer.Append(strTemp);}WriteString(lpszEntry, strBuffer, lpszSection);}}
}void CIni::SerGet(bool bGet, float *ar, int nCount, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection, float fDefault)
{if (nCount > 0) {CString strBuffer;if (bGet) {strBuffer = GetString(lpszEntry, _T(""), lpszSection);CString strTemp;int nOffset = 0;for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++) {nOffset = Parse(strBuffer, nOffset, strTemp);if (strTemp.GetLength() == 0)ar[i] = fDefault;elsear[i] = (float)_tstof(strTemp);}} else {CString strTemp;strBuffer.Format(_T("%g"), ar[0]);for (int i = 1; i < nCount; i++) {strTemp.Format(_T("%g"), ar[i]);strBuffer.AppendChar(_T(','));strBuffer.Append(strTemp);}WriteString(lpszEntry, strBuffer, lpszSection);}}
}void CIni::SerGet(bool bGet, int *ar, int nCount, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection, int iDefault)
{if (nCount > 0) {CString strBuffer;if (bGet) {strBuffer = GetString(lpszEntry, _T(""), lpszSection);CString strTemp;int nOffset = 0;for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++) {nOffset = Parse(strBuffer, nOffset, strTemp);if (strTemp.GetLength() == 0)ar[i] = iDefault;elsear[i] = _tstoi(strTemp);}} else {CString strTemp;strBuffer.Format(_T("%d"), ar[0]);for (int i = 1; i < nCount; i++) {strTemp.Format(_T("%d"), ar[i]);strBuffer.AppendChar(_T(','));strBuffer.Append(strTemp);}WriteString(lpszEntry, strBuffer, lpszSection);}}
}void CIni::SerGet(bool bGet, unsigned char *ar, int nCount, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection, unsigned char ucDefault)
{if (nCount > 0) {CString strBuffer;if (bGet) {strBuffer = GetString(lpszEntry, _T(""), lpszSection);CString strTemp;int nOffset = 0;for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++) {nOffset = Parse(strBuffer, nOffset, strTemp);if (strTemp.GetLength() == 0)ar[i] = ucDefault;elsear[i] = (unsigned char)_tstoi(strTemp);}} else {CString strTemp;strBuffer.Format(_T("%d"), ar[0]);for (int i = 1; i < nCount; i++) {strTemp.Format(_T("%d"), ar[i]);strBuffer.AppendChar(_T(','));strBuffer.Append(strTemp);}WriteString(lpszEntry, strBuffer, lpszSection);}}
}void CIni::SerGet(bool bGet, short *ar, int nCount, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection, int iDefault)
{if (nCount > 0) {CString strBuffer;if (bGet) {strBuffer = GetString(lpszEntry, _T(""), lpszSection);CString strTemp;int nOffset = 0;for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++) {nOffset = Parse(strBuffer, nOffset, strTemp);if (strTemp.GetLength() == 0)ar[i] = (short)iDefault;elsear[i] = (short)_tstoi(strTemp);}} else {CString strTemp;strBuffer.Format(_T("%d"), ar[0]);for (int i = 1; i < nCount; i++) {strTemp.Format(_T("%d"), ar[i]);strBuffer.AppendChar(_T(','));strBuffer.Append(strTemp);}WriteString(lpszEntry, strBuffer, lpszSection);}}
}void CIni::SerGet(bool bGet, DWORD *ar, int nCount, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection, DWORD dwDefault)
{if (nCount > 0) {CString strBuffer;if (bGet) {strBuffer = GetString(lpszEntry, _T(""), lpszSection);CString strTemp;int nOffset = 0;for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++) {nOffset = Parse(strBuffer, nOffset, strTemp);if(strTemp.GetLength() == 0)ar[i] = dwDefault;elsear[i] = (DWORD)_tstoi(strTemp);}} else {CString strTemp;strBuffer.Format(_T("%d"), ar[0]);for (int i = 1; i < nCount; i++) {strTemp.Format(_T("%d"), ar[i]);strBuffer.AppendChar(_T(','));strBuffer.Append(strTemp);}WriteString(lpszEntry, strBuffer, lpszSection);}}
}void CIni::SerGet(bool bGet, WORD *ar, int nCount, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection, DWORD dwDefault)
{if (nCount > 0) {CString strBuffer;if (bGet) {strBuffer = GetString(lpszEntry, _T(""), lpszSection);CString strTemp;int nOffset = 0;for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++) {nOffset = Parse(strBuffer, nOffset, strTemp);if (strTemp.GetLength() == 0)ar[i] = (WORD)dwDefault;elsear[i] = (WORD)_tstoi(strTemp);}} else {CString strTemp;strBuffer.Format(_T("%d"), ar[0]);for (int i = 1; i < nCount; i++) {strTemp.Format(_T("%d"), ar[i]);strBuffer.AppendChar(_T(','));strBuffer.Append(strTemp);}WriteString(lpszEntry, strBuffer, lpszSection);}}
}void CIni::SerGet(bool bGet, CPoint * ar, int nCount, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection, CPoint ptDefault)
{CString strBuffer;for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++){strBuffer.Format(_T("_%i"), i);strBuffer = lpszEntry + strBuffer;SerGet(bGet, ar[i], strBuffer, lpszSection, ptDefault);}
}void CIni::SerGet(bool bGet, CRect *ar, int nCount, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszSection, CRect rcDefault)
{CString strBuffer;for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++){strBuffer.Format(_T("_%i"), i);strBuffer = lpszEntry + strBuffer;SerGet(bGet, ar[i], strBuffer, lpszSection, rcDefault);}
}int CIni::Parse(const CString &strIn, int nOffset, CString &strOut)
{strOut.Empty();int nLength = strIn.GetLength();if (nOffset < nLength) {if (nOffset != 0 && strIn[nOffset] == _T(','))nOffset++;while (nOffset < nLength) {if (!_istspace((_TUCHAR)strIn[nOffset]))break;nOffset++;}while (nOffset < nLength) {strOut += strIn[nOffset];if (strIn[++nOffset] == _T(','))break;}strOut.Trim();}return nOffset;
}CString CIni::Read(LPCTSTR lpszFileName, LPCTSTR lpszSection, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszDefault)
{CString strReturn;GetPrivateProfileString(lpszSection,lpszEntry,lpszDefault,strReturn.GetBufferSetLength(MAX_INI_BUFFER),MAX_INI_BUFFER,lpszFileName);strReturn.ReleaseBuffer();return strReturn;
}void CIni::Write(LPCTSTR lpszFileName, LPCTSTR lpszSection, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszValue)
}bool CIni::GetBinary(LPCTSTR lpszEntry, BYTE** ppData, UINT* pBytes, LPCTSTR pszSection)
{*ppData = NULL;*pBytes = 0;CString str = GetString(lpszEntry, NULL, pszSection);if (str.IsEmpty())return false;ASSERT(str.GetLength()%2 == 0);INT_PTR nLen = str.GetLength();*pBytes = UINT(nLen)/2;*ppData = new BYTE[*pBytes];for (int i=0;i<nLen;i+=2){(*ppData)[i/2] = (BYTE)(((str[i+1] - 'A') << 4) + (str[i] - 'A'));}return true;
}bool CIni::WriteBinary(LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPBYTE pData, UINT nBytes, LPCTSTR pszSection)
{// convert to string and write outLPTSTR lpsz = new TCHAR[nBytes*2+1];UINT i;for (i = 0; i < nBytes; i++){lpsz[i*2] = (TCHAR)((pData[i] & 0x0F) + 'A'); //low nibblelpsz[i*2+1] = (TCHAR)(((pData[i] >> 4) & 0x0F) + 'A'); //high nibble}lpsz[i*2] = 0;WriteString(lpszEntry, lpsz, pszSection);delete[] lpsz;return true;
}void CIni::DeleteKey(LPCTSTR pszKey)
{WritePrivateProfileString(m_strSection, pszKey, NULL, m_strFileName);


#pragma once
#include <Windows.h>
#include <atlenc.h>int utf8towc(LPCSTR pcUtf8, UINT uUtf8Size, LPWSTR pwc, UINT uWideCharSize)
{LPWSTR pwc0 = pwc;while (uUtf8Size && uWideCharSize){BYTE ucChar = *pcUtf8++;if (ucChar < 0x80){uUtf8Size--;uWideCharSize--;*(pwc++) = ucChar;}else if ((ucChar & 0xC0) != 0xC0){return -1; // Invalid UTF8 string..}else{BYTE ucMask = 0xE0;UINT uExpectedBytes = 1;while ((ucChar & ucMask) == ucMask){ucMask |= ucMask >> 1;if (++uExpectedBytes > 3)return -1; // Invalid UTF8 string..}if (uUtf8Size <= uExpectedBytes)return -1; // Invalid UTF8 string..UINT uProcessedBytes = 1 + uExpectedBytes;UINT uWideChar = (UINT)(ucChar & ~ucMask);if (uExpectedBytes == 1){if ((uWideChar & 0x1E) == 0)return -1; // Invalid UTF8 string..}else{if (uWideChar == 0 && ((BYTE)*pcUtf8 & 0x3F & (ucMask << 1)) == 0)return -1; // Invalid UTF8 string..if (uExpectedBytes == 2){//if (uWideChar == 0x0D && ((BYTE)*pcUtf8 & 0x20))//    return -1;}else if (uExpectedBytes == 3){if (uWideChar > 4)return -1; // Invalid UTF8 string..if (uWideChar == 4 && ((BYTE)*pcUtf8 & 0x30))return -1; // Invalid UTF8 string..}}if (uWideCharSize < (UINT)(uExpectedBytes > 2) + 1)break; // buffer fullwhile (uExpectedBytes--){if (((ucChar = (BYTE)*(pcUtf8++)) & 0xC0) != 0x80)return -1; // Invalid UTF8 string..uWideChar <<= 6;uWideChar |= (ucChar & 0x3F);}uUtf8Size -= uProcessedBytes;if (uWideChar < 0x10000){uWideCharSize--;*(pwc++) = (WCHAR)uWideChar;}else {uWideCharSize -= 2;uWideChar -= 0x10000;*(pwc++) = (WCHAR)(0xD800 | (uWideChar >> 10));*(pwc++) = (WCHAR)(0xDC00 | (uWideChar & 0x03FF));}}}return (int)(pwc - pwc0);
}CString OptUtf8ToStr(const CStringA& rastr)
{CStringW wstr;int iMaxWideStrLen = rastr.GetLength();LPWSTR pwsz = wstr.GetBuffer(iMaxWideStrLen);int iWideChars = utf8towc(rastr, rastr.GetLength(), pwsz, iMaxWideStrLen);if (iWideChars <= 0){// invalid UTF8 string...wstr.ReleaseBuffer(0);wstr = rastr;              // convert with local codepage}elsewstr.ReleaseBuffer(iWideChars);return wstr;                  // just return the string
}CStringA wc2utf8(const CStringW& rwstr)
{CStringA strUTF8;int iChars = AtlUnicodeToUTF8(rwstr, rwstr.GetLength(), NULL, 0);if (iChars > 0){LPSTR pszUTF8 = strUTF8.GetBuffer(iChars);AtlUnicodeToUTF8(rwstr, rwstr.GetLength(), pszUTF8, iChars);strUTF8.ReleaseBuffer(iChars);}return strUTF8;
}CStringA StrToUtf8(const CString& rstr)
{return wc2utf8(rstr);


void CCIniTest2Dlg::OnBnClickedOk()//读取ini文件
{// TODO: 在此添加控件通知处理程序代码CIni out;LPBYTE msg;UINT msgLen;out.GetBinary(_T("entry-1"),&msg,&msgLen,_T("root section"));msg[msgLen]=NULL;::MessageBoxA(NULL,(char*)msg,"section-1 in entry-1",0);
}void CCIniTest2Dlg::OnBnClickedButton1()//写入ini文件
{// TODO: 在此添加控件通知处理程序代码CIni in;char msg[255];sprintf(msg,"百度and谷歌");in.WriteBinary(_T("entry-1"),(LPBYTE)msg,(UINT)strlen(msg),_T("root section"));in.WriteInt(_T("entry-2"),123456,_T("root section"));





  1. 轻松实现一个操作ini文件的类

    作者:lixiaosan(CSDN) 前言: 相信很多朋友在编写自己的程序中,都需要把一些数据先期导入到程序中进行初始化.那么这个时候,比较好的做法就是把你所有的数据写入一个ini文件,然后在程序去读 ...

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  5. 魔塔之拯救白娘子~我的第一个VB6+DX8做的小游戏源码~4读写ini文件

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  6. C# 对Ini文件操作(C# ini文件操作类)

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  7. MFC读写ini文件方法

    在我们的程序设计中经常需要对一些参数进行配置,配置好后还要在下一次启动仍然有效,那么一个有效的可行办法就是使用ini文件,也就是Windows初始化文件来保存一些我们的设置,然后让程序启动的时候从这个 ...

  8. C#学习笔记——读写ini文件

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