Python reversed() function returns a reversed iterator from the specified sequence argument.

Python reversed()函数从指定的sequence参数返回反向迭代器。

python reversed() (Python reversed())

Python reversed() function syntax is:

Python reversed()函数语法为:

  • The input argument must be a sequence, for example tuple, list, string etc.输入参数必须是一个序列,例如tuple , list , string等。
  • The returned object is of type reversed and it’s an iterator.返回的对象是reversed类型,它是一个迭代器。
  • We can supply a custom object as reversed() function argument if it has __reversed__() method or supports the sequence protocol.如果自定义对象具有__reversed__()方法或支持序列协议,则可以提供它作为reversed()函数参数。
  • We need to implement __len__() method and the __getitem__() method with integer arguments starting at 0 to support sequence protocol.我们需要使用从0开始的整数参数来实现__len__()方法和__getitem__()方法,以支持序列协议。

带序列的reversed() (reversed() with sequence)

Let’s look at reversed() function examples with standard sequence objects such as string, bytes, tuple, list etc.

让我们看一下带有标准序列对象(例如字符串, 字节 ,元组,列表等)的reversed()函数示例。

def print_iterator(it):for x in it:print(x, end=' ')print('\n')# reversed string
r = reversed('abc')
print_iterator(r)# reversed list
r = reversed([1, 2, 3])
print_iterator(r)# reversed tuple
r = reversed((1, 2, 3))
print_iterator(r)# reversed bytes
r = reversed(bytes('abc', 'utf-8'))
print_iterator(r)# reversed bytearray
r = reversed(bytearray('abc', 'utf-8'))



<class 'reversed'>
<reversed object at 0x109d1f208>
c b a 3 2 1 3 2 1 99 98 97 99 98 97

Notice that bytes and bytearray elements are converted to integer while printing on console.


具有具有__reversed__方法的对象的reversed() (reversed() with object having __reversed__ method)

# object with __reversed__ method
class Data:name = ''def __init__(self, n) = ndef __reversed__(self):return reversed( = Data('ABC')r = reversed(d)print_iterator(r)

Output: C B A

输出: CBA

具有对象支持序列协议的reversed() (reversed() with object supporting sequence protocol)

# object supporting sequence protocol i.e.
# implementing __len__() and __getitem__ method
class MyTupleWrapper:t = ()def __init__(self, tu):if not isinstance(tu, tuple):return ValueError('Only accepts tuple')self.t = tudef __len__(self):return len(self.t)def __getitem__(self, index):return self.t[index]mt = MyTupleWrapper((1, 2, 3, 4))
r = reversed(mt)

Output: 4 3 2 1

输出: 4 3 2 1

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Reference: Official Documentation

参考: 官方文档


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