Mikhail Krestjaninoff中的“

Analyzing java memory usage in a Docker container”有一些线索:

Resident Set Size is the amount of physical memory currently allocated and used by a process (without swapped out pages). It includes the code, data and shared libraries (which are counted in every process which uses them)

Why does docker stats info differ from the ps data?

Answer for the first question is very simple – 07002: it includes file caches into the total memory usage info. So, we can just avoid this metric and use ps info about RSS.

Well, ok – but why is RSS higher than Xmx?

Theoretically, in case of a java application

RSS = Heap size + MetaSpace + OffHeap size

where OffHeap consists of thread stacks, direct buffers, mapped files (libraries and jars) and JVM code itse

Since 07003 we have 07004!

As you can see, I’ve already added -XX:NativeMemoryTracking=summary property to the JVM, so we can just invoke it from the command line:

docker exec my-app jcmd 1 VM.native_memory summary


Don’t worry about the “Unknown” section – seems that NMT is an immature tool and can’t deal with CMS GC (this section disappears when you use an another GC).

Keep in mind, that NMT displays “committed” memory, not “resident” (which you get through the ps command). In other words, a memory page can be committed without considering as a resident (until it directly accessed).

That means that NMT results for non-heap areas (heap is always preinitialized) might be bigger than RSS values.

As a result, despite the fact that we set the jvm heap limit to 256m, our application consumes 367M. The “other” 164M are mostly used for storing class metadata, compiled code, threads and GC data.

First three points are often constants for an application, so the only thing which increases with the heap size is GC data.

This dependency is linear, but the “k” coefficient (y = kx + b) is much less then 1.

更普遍的是,这似乎是issue 15020之后,报告了自从Docker 1.7以来的类似问题

I’m running a simple Scala (JVM) application which loads a lot of data into and out of memory.

I set the JVM to 8G heap (-Xmx8G). I have a machine with 132G memory, and it can’t handle more than 7-8 containers because they grow well past the 8G limit I imposed on the JVM.

07007 shows that each container itself is using much more memory than the JVM is supposed to be using. For instance:


dave-1 3.55% 10.61 GB/135.3 GB 7.85% 7.132 MB/959.9 MB

perf-1 3.63% 16.51 GB/135.3 GB 12.21% 30.71 MB/5.115 GB

It almost seems that the JVM is asking the OS for memory, which is allocated within the container, and the JVM is freeing memory as its GC runs, but the container doesn’t release the memory back to the main OS. So… memory leak.

java jvm容器_在Docker容器中运行的JVM的驻留集大小(RSS)和Java总承诺内存(NMT)之间的差异...相关推荐

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