Database:PostgreSQL 9.4.24
报错信息显示:函数 group_concat(character varying) 不存在,通过查资料发现。

PostgreSQL里面没有group_concat函数(MySQL里面有—),为了使用group_concat这一功能,我们可以用array_agg 和
array_to_string 取而代之。array_agg 和 array_to_string同样可以用于其他数据库,用于达到group_concat这一功能。

**结论Conclusion**There is no function like group_concat available in PostgreSQL which was available in MySQL, instead of using this function we are using array_agg and array_to_string function. Array_agg and array_to_string function will work same as group_concat function work in other databases. We can also use string_agg function in PostgreSQL.


select address, array_to_string(array_agg(name order by name), '"') from group_concat group by address;
select address, array_to_string(array_agg(name order by name), ',') from group_concat group by address;


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