

  1. 邻接表
  2. 改进前序遍历树









 1 #coding=utf-8 2  3 import sqlite3 as lite 4 import time 5  6 if __name__ == "__main__": 7  8     con = lite.connect('data.sqlite3') 9     allline = con.execute("select * from foods").fetchall()    10     11     def show_item(parent, level):12         sql = "select * from foods where parent='%s' " % parent13         cur = con.execute(sql)14         for one in cur.fetchall():15             print '---'*level + one[1]16             show_item(one[1], level+1)17             18     show_item('food',0)










select * from foods where left > 1 and right < 18 order by left

“order by left”刚好就是按照正常的顺序进行排列,剩下一个问题就是缩进!?



 1 # coding=utf-8 2  3 import sqlite3 as lite, time 4  5 if __name__ == "__main__": 6      7     def show_tree(isShow = False): 8         sql = 'select * from foods1 where left>1 and right<18' 9         con = lite.connect('data.sqlite3')10         lines = con.execute(sql).fetchall()11 12         stack = []13         for line in lines:14             title = line[0]15             left  = line[1]16             right = line[2]17 18             while stack and right > stack[-1]:19                 stack.pop()20 21             if isShow:  print '--'*len(stack) + title22             stack.append(right)23     24     show_tree(True)


对比以上两个算法,我让两个脚本同样运行50000次,发现两者差别并不大。(list0.py是邻接表, list2.py是改进前序遍历)



  • 我不希望在数据库中放和数据无关的其他信息,例如前序遍历树加入的left和right,因为会影响数据库的独立性。
  • 普通邻接表的主要费时在数据库查询
  • 改进邻接表的主要费时在层次判断
 1 #coding=utf-8 2  3 import sqlite3 as lite 4 import time 5  6 def show_item(parent, level): 7     def find_childs(parent): 8         return [line for line in allline if line[0] == parent ] 9         10     lines = find_childs(parent)11     for line in lines:12         title = line[1]13         # print '---'*level + title14         show_item(title, level+1)15             16 if __name__ == "__main__":17     con = lite.connect('data.sqlite3')18     allline = con.execute("select * from foods").fetchall()    19 20     start = time.time()21     for i in range(0,50000):22         show_item('food',0)23     print time.time() - start

需要解释的是find_childs(parent, level)函数,它的功能其实就是代替数据库查询:
select * from foods where parent='%parent'

这样将这部分逻辑移到代码中,大量的减少了数据库查询次数,效果很显著:(list0.py:普通邻接表, list1.py:改进邻接表, list2.py:改进前序遍历)

View Code

 1 #coding=utf-8 2  3 import sqlite3 as lite 4 import time 5  6 if __name__ == "__main__": 7  8     con = lite.connect('data.sqlite3') 9     allline = con.execute("select * from foods").fetchall()    10     11     def show_item(parent, level):12         sql = "select * from foods where parent='%s' " % parent13         cur = con.execute(sql)14         for one in cur.fetchall():15             # print '---'*level + one[1]16             show_item(one[1], level+1)17 18     start = time.time()19     for i in range(0,50000):20         show_item('food',0)21     print time.time() - start22     

View Code

 1 #coding=utf-8 2  3 import sqlite3 as lite 4 import time 5  6 def show_item(parent, level): 7     def find_childs(parent): 8         return [line for line in allline if line[0] == parent ] 9         10     lines = find_childs(parent)11     for line in lines:12         title = line[1]13         # print '---'*level + title14         show_item(title, level+1)15             16 if __name__ == "__main__":17     con = lite.connect('data.sqlite3')18     allline = con.execute("select * from foods").fetchall()    19 20     start = time.time()21     for i in range(0,50000):22         show_item('food',0)23     print time.time() - start

View Code

 1 # coding=utf-8 2  3 import sqlite3 as lite, time 4  5 if __name__ == "__main__": 6      7     def show_tree(isShow = False): 8         sql = 'select * from foods1 where left>1 and right<18' 9         con = lite.connect('data.sqlite3')10         lines = con.execute(sql).fetchall()11 12         stack = []13         for line in lines:14             title = line[0]15             left  = line[1]16             right = line[2]17 18             while stack and right > stack[-1]:19                 stack.pop()20 21             if isShow:  print '--'*len(stack) + title22             stack.append(right)23 24     start = time.time()25     for i in range(0,50000):26         show_tree(False)27     print time.time() - start28     29     


  1. http://www.sitepoint.com/hierarchical-data-database/
  2. http://www.blogjava.net/kiant/articles/319878.html



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