本文翻译自:Uncaught Error: Invariant Violation: Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function but got: object

I am getting this error: 我收到此错误:

Uncaught Error: Invariant Violation: Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: object. 未捕获的错误:始终违反:元素类型无效:预期为字符串(对于内置组件)或类/函数(对于复合组件),但得到了:对象。

This is my code: 这是我的代码:

var React = require('react')
var ReactDOM =  require('react-dom')
var Router = require('react-router')
var Route = Router.Route
var Link = Router.Linkvar App = React.createClass({render() {return (<div><h1>App</h1><ul><li><Link to="/about">About</Link></li></ul></div>)}
})var About = require('./components/Home')
ReactDOM.render((<Router><Route path="/" component={App}><Route path="about" component={About} /></Route></Router>
), document.body)

My Home.jsx file: 我的Home.jsx文件:

var React = require('react');
var RaisedButton = require('material-ui/lib/raised-button');var Home = React.createClass({render:function() {return (<RaisedButton label="Default" />);},
});module.exports = Home;





var About = require('./components/Home').default


https://github.com/rackt/react-router/blob/e7c6f3d848e55dda11595447928e843d39bed0eb/examples/query-params/app.js#L4 Router is also one of the properties of react-router . https://github.com/rackt/react-router/blob/e7c6f3d848e55dda11595447928e843d39bed0eb/examples/query-params/app.js#L4 Router也是react-router的属性之一。 So change your modules require code like that: 因此,更改模块需要这样的代码:

  var reactRouter = require('react-router')var Router = reactRouter.Routervar Route = reactRouter.Routevar Link = reactRouter.Link

If you want to use ES6 syntax the link use( import ), use babel as helper. 如果要使用ES6语法链接use( import ),请使用babel作为帮助程序。

BTW, to make your code works, we can add {this.props.children} in the App , like 顺便说一句,为了使您的代码正常工作,我们可以在App添加{this.props.children} ,例如

render() {return (<div><h1>App</h1><ul><li><Link to="/about">About</Link></li></ul>{this.props.children}</div>)


Have you just modularized any of your React components? 您是否刚刚对任何React组件进行了模块化? If yes, you will get this error if you forgot to specify module.exports , for example: 如果是,则如果忘记指定module.exports ,则会出现此错误,例如:

non-modularized previously valid component/code: 非模块化先前有效的组件/代码:

var YourReactComponent = React.createClass({render: function() { ...

modularized component/code with module.exports : 带有module.exports的模块化组件/代码:

module.exports = React.createClass({render: function() { ...


In my case ( using Webpack ) it was the difference between: 就我而言( 使用Webpack )是以下两者之间的区别:

import {MyComponent} from '../components/xyz.js';


import MyComponent from '../components/xyz.js';

The second one works while the first is causing the error. 第二个起作用,而第一个引起错误。 Or the opposite. 或相反。


In my case, that was caused by wrong comment symbols. 就我而言,这是由错误的注释符号引起的。 This is wrong: 这是错误的:

<Tag>/*{ oldComponent }*/{ newComponent }

This is correct: 这是对的:

<Tag>{/*{ oldComponent }*/}{ newComponent }

Notice the curly brackets 注意大括号


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