本文翻译自:Find and replace strings in vim on multiple lines

I can do :%s/<search_string>/<replace_string>/g for replacing a string across a file, or :s/<search_string>/<replace_string>/ to replace in current line. 我可以执行:%s/<search_string>/<replace_string>/g来替换文件中的字符串,或者:s/<search_string>/<replace_string>/来替换当前行。

How can I select and replace words from selective lines in vim? 如何在vim中的选择行中选择和替换单词?

Example: replace text from lines 6-10 , 14-18 but not from 11-13 . 示例:替换第6-10行,第14-18行的文本,而不是第11-13行的文本。




You can do it with two find/replace sequences 您可以使用两个查找/替换序列来完成此操作


The second time all you need to adjust is the range so instead of typing it all out, I would recall the last command and edit just the range 第二次您需要调整的是范围,所以我不用回输所有内容,而是回想上一条命令并仅编辑范围


Replace All: 全部替换:


Find each occurrence of 'foo' (in all lines), and replace it with 'bar'. 找到所有出现的“ foo”(在所有行中),然后将其替换为“ bar”。

For specific lines: 对于特定的行:


Change each 'foo' to 'bar' for all lines from line 6 to line 10 inclusive. 将第6行到第10行(包括第6行)的所有行的每个“ foo”更改为“ bar”。


The :&& command repeats the last substitution with the same flags. :&&命令用相同的标志重复最后的替换。 You can supply the additional range(s) to it (and concatenate as many as you like): 您可以为其提供其他范围(并连接任意多个范围):

:6,10s/<search_string>/<replace_string>/g | 14,18&&

If you have many ranges though, I'd rather use a loop: 如果您有很多范围 ,我宁愿使用循环:

:for range in split('6,10 14,18')| exe range 's/<search_string>/<replace_string>/g' | endfor


As a side note, instead of having to type in the line numbers, just highlight the lines where you want to find/replace in one of the visual modes: 作为旁注,无需键入行号,只需在一种可视模式下突出显示要查找/替换的行即可:

  • VISUAL mode ( V ) VISUAL模式( V )
  • VISUAL BLOCK mode ( Ctrl + V ) VISUAL BLOCK模式( Ctrl + V )
  • VISUAL LINE mode ( Shift + V , works best in your case) VISUAL LINE模式( Shift + V ,最适合您的情况)

Once you selected the lines to replace, type your command: 选择要替换的行后,键入命令:


You'll note that the range '<,'> will be inserted automatically for you: 您会注意到,将自动为您插入范围'<,'>


Here '< simply means first highlighted line , and '> means last highlighted line . 在这里, '<仅表示第一行突出显示的行 ,而'>表示最后突出显示的行

Note that the behaviour might be unexpected when in NORMAL mode: '< and '> point to the start and end of the last highlight done in one of the VISUAL modes. 请注意,在NORMAL模式下,该行为可能是意外的: '<'>指向在一种VISUAL模式下完成的最后一个突出显示的开始和结束。 Instead, in NORMAL mode, the special line number . 而是在NORMAL模式下输入特殊行号. can be used, which simply means current line . 可以使用,它仅表示当前行 Hence, you can find/replace only on the current line like this: 因此,您只能在当前行上查找/替换,如下所示:


Another thing to note is that inserting a second : between the range and the find/replace command does no harm, in other words, these commands will still work: 要注意的另一件事是,在range和find / replace命令之间插入第二个:并没有什么害处,换句话说,这些命令仍然可以使用:




Suppose if you want to replace the above with some other info. 假设您想将以上内容替换为其他信息。


In this the above will be get replaced with ( sys.pkg.mpu.umc.kdk. ) . 在此上面的内容将被替换为( sys.pkg.mpu.umc.kdk. )。


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