conj means example
after 在……以后 Please start to serve after everyone arrives.【翻译】人到齐了再上菜吧。
although 虽然,尽管,即使 Although there are many people eating here, it’s still quiet. 【翻译】这里尽管就餐的人很多,但是却很安静。
as 随着 But as time goes on, you will realize that …
正如 Those that do have foreign ambitions, as in other industries, are not always up to the task.
因为,由于 My wife didn’t apply for a U.S. visa as she doesn’t need to go abroad for business.【翻译】我妻子没有申请没有签证,因为她不需要海外出差。
unless 除非,除非在…情况下 In general, avoid using self-signed certificates unless the network is trusted.
once 一…就,一旦,当…时候 Once you have the certificate, concatenate the certificate and private key to a .pem file.
in case 以防万一,作为准备,免得 In case I forget, please remind me.
until 直到……为止 Let’s wait until the rain stops.
as long as 只要,和……一样长 I will cooperate as long as I am notified on time. 【翻译】只要准时告诉我,我就会合作。
so 所以,比便,(引出结果)因此 My sister met him at the Grand theatre yesterday, so he couldn’t have attended your lecture.
till 直到……为止,直到……才,在……前(不……) For your safety, please stay in your seat till the plane has stopped completely.【翻译】为了您的安全,在飞机完全停稳之前,请在座位上坐好。
while 在……期间,当……的时候 Please do not inflate it while you are still inside the aircraft.【翻译】您还在机舱里的时候,请不要充气。

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