2019 高考必刷卷 42套听力


Text 1

M: I just stopped by your office in the bank. They told me you had quit. Where are you working now?

W: I am working as a lawyer now. The pay is better, and the work is much more interesting.

Text 2

M: I think I hear someone at the door. Is it the repairman?

W: That’s just the postman with a bag for our neighbor. She and her husband are visiting their daughters in the States. So, I will keep it for them until they come back.

Text 3

M: I would like to make an appointment with Dr. Johnson at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday.

W: That time is already booked. How about the same time on the following day?

M: Sure.

Text 4

W: Taking a bus to Miami is cheaper than going by train.

M: That’s true. But I’d rather pay a little more for the added comfort and convenience.

Text 5

W: Why did you come to school so late this morning?

M: The bus I took broke down on the way, and I had to walk the rest of the way here.

Text 6

W: Hello. Where are you heading today?

M: I’m off to Barcelona for a week.

W: Would you like a window seat or an aisle seat?

M: Are there any seats available by the emergency exits?

W: Let me see here... Yes, there’s one left.

M: OK, I’ll take that one, then. Which gate do I need to go to?

W: You’re here a bit early. It is now three o’clock, so check the departure screen in half an hour. Here’s your boarding pass. Enjoy your flight!

Text 7

M: I have no idea what to wear to this wedding. Should I wear that old black suit or go buy something new?

W: You don’t have any nice suits, other than that old black one you wore for graduation.

M: Yeah, that’s probably too small for me now, anyway. So, what should I do?

W: Why don’t we go down to the mall and get you a nice, dark blue suit? You already have some nice brown shoes you can wear with it.

M: That’s a pretty good idea.

W: OK, so we need to get you a new suit, a dress for myself, and a gift for them at the mall. This is getting expensive. I hope my cousin appreciates it!

Text 8

M: Hi, Sylvia. This is Thomas Woods calling. How are you today?

W: I’m fine, Mr. Woods. How are you?

M: Well, actually, I have a toothache. I was hoping Dr. Morris would have some time to see me this Friday.

W: I’m afraid he’s all booked this Friday. I can put you in for 2:00 p.m. next Tuesday.

M: That would be great.

W: I’ll have to give you the address of our new office.

M: Oh, you moved?

W: Yes, we moved downtown. Do you have a pen at hand?

M: Could you hold on, please? Okay, go ahead, Sylvia.

W: Okay, we are at 723 Baltic Ave, Suite 204.

M: Okay. I’ll see you on Tuesday.

W: Okay. Thanks for calling. See you then.

M: Bye.

Text 9

W: Good afternoon, Mr. Smith. May I come in?

M: Hi! Come on in.

W: Could you spare a few minutes to go over a letter I’ve just written? You see, I’ve never written a letter in English before, so I’ve probably made a lot of mistakes.

M: OK. Please sit down. What’s the letter for?

W: I’m applying for a position as a visiting scholar at MIT.

M: Oh, that’s wonderful.

W: But for several days now, I’ve been staring at a blank piece of paper wondering how to begin and what to say. I finally finished it this morning, but I don’t know if it’s OK.

M: Letter writing isn’t so difficult, though a great many people think it is. With a little practice you will find that it’s as easy to write as it is to talk.

W: Well, it isn’t easy to speak English, either. But I do believe that I can improve with a lot of practice.

M: Good. Let’s go over the letter.

Text 10

There was once a math professor who was very absent-minded. When he moved from Cambridge to Newton, his wife, knowing that he would forget that they had moved and where they had moved to, gave him a piece of paper with the new address. That day, the professor had an idea about solving a math problem. He reached in his pocket, found the piece of paper, and started to write on it. Then he threw the piece of paper away. At the end of the day, he went home. When he got there, he realized that they had moved. However, he had no idea where they had moved to, and the piece of paper with the address on it was long gone. Fortunately, there was a young girl on the street. He went up to her and said, “Excuse me, perhaps you know me. I lived in this house until this morning, and we just moved. Would you happen to know where we moved to?” The young girl replied, “Yes, Daddy. Mommy thought you would forget, so I came here to meet you.”

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