用了好久的sygate,一直很喜欢,但是还是被symantec 收购了,而且这个产品 被永久终止开发,可怜的sygate, 而symantec自家的norton我觉得很差根本赶不上sygate的, 可惜啊!!!!

sygate可以对dll注入进行拦截,norton呢?sygate甚至可以对中间层的驱动进行包截获,norton呢? symantec又做了一件很愚蠢的事情.


Symantec kills off free Sygate firewall

November 29, 2005, 09:25 BST

Sygate's free Personal Firewall product is being killed off by Symantec, to avoid overlap with its paid-for Norton-branded offering
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One month after closing the Sygate Technologies takeover, Symantec is cutting the Sygate Personal Firewall products because of overlap with the Norton Personal Firewall.

The Sygate Personal Firewall and Sygate Personal Firewall Pro products will no longer be available effective 30 November, Symantec spokesman Phil Weiler said Monday. Consumers will receive special upgrade pricing when they buy a replacement product from Symantec's Norton family of Internet security products, he said.

By pulling the Sygate Personal Firewall, Symantec is further reducing the options for people looking for a free firewall for their computer. Sygate offered the Sygate Personal Firewall at no cost and sold Sygate Personal Firewall Pro. Kerio Technologies has previously said it will discontinue its desktop firewall at the end of this year.

"While the Sygate products complement our enterprise offerings, there was an overlap on the consumer side of the business. After looking at the Sygate Personal Firewall technology we decided to discontinue the products and continue selling Norton Personal Firewall," Weiler said. In other news:

The Sygate Personal Firewall was downloaded more than 3.6 million times from CNET Download.com, a division of CNET Networks, the publisher of ZDNet UK.

Consumers looking for a free firewall still have options. These include Zone Labs' Zone Alarm, Microsoft's Windows Firewall and Jetico.

Symantec will continue to support and develop the Sygate enterprise product portfolio, including Symantec Sygate Enterprise Protection, Symantec Sygate On-Demand, Symantec Sygate Embedded and Symantec Sygate Network Access Control, Weiler said.

Symantec announced the takeover of Sygate in August. The deal was closed in October

Symantec Shelves Sygate Personal Firewall
By Paul F. Roberts

Symantec Corp. will discontinue sales and support for customers who bought personal security products from Sygate Inc., which Symantec purchased in October.

Symantec is shelving Sygate's Personal Firewall and Personal Firewall Pro products on Nov. 30, according to an e-mail statement by Jenna Dee, a spokesperson for Symantec.

The announcement is the first indication that the Cupertino, Calif., company intends to cancel some Sygate products and move customers to its own platform.

This announcement surprised some Sygate customers, who accused Symantec of wanting to kill off competing security technology.

Sygate Personal Firewall Pro customers will receive special upgrade pricing to move to Symantec's Norton family of security products. However, Sygate's enterprise software line is not affected by the announcement, Dee said.

Symantec's statement follows misleading notices on its Web site that suggested that the company might be dropping sales and support of Sygate's entire product line.

Symantec purchased Sygate for an undisclosed sum to acquire endpoint security and compliance products, such as Sygate On-Demand and Sygate NAC (Network Access Control).

PointerClick here to read more about how the Sygate merger serves Symantec's endpoint security ambitions.

Symantec has stated publicly that it plans to use Sygate's Universal NAC technology to enforce business policies and automate security practice within enterprises, which will help with network security and regulatory compliance. The company also said it plans to integrate Sygate's Network Access Control Agent with Symantec's LiveUpdate and LiveState Patch Manager services.

In an interview with eWEEK in August, Sygate President and CEO John De Santis said that for the time being, Symantec would sell all Sygate's software as "stand-alone products" following the consummation of the deal. Symantec would begin the job of integrating Sygate's technology into the Symantec product portfolio in the first half of 2006, De Santis said.

However, information posted on the Symantec Web site and spotted by some Sygate customers suggested otherwise.

A notice labeled "Service & Support" warns that "all Sygate products and forum support will be discontinued" on Nov. 30.

That message riled some Sygate customers, and prompted broadside attacks on Symantec in one online customer forum.

"Symantec, you're not going to gain any customers from this crime you have perpetrated against us. You have taken away a product many of us wanted to continue using and haven't offered a replacement," read one submission to a Sygate support forum by an individual who used the online handle "Colonel Kenobi."

However, the Web site message was a mistake, said Symantec spokesperson Genevieve Haldeman.

PointerFor advice on how to secure your network and applications, as well as the latest security news, visit Ziff Davis Internet's Security IT Hub.

Dee said Symantec is working to update the notice to specify that only the Personal Firewall and Personal Firewall Pro products are being discontinued.

She added that Symantec plans to continue to support and develop the Sygate enterprise products, including Sygate Enterprise Protection, On-Demand, Network Access Control and Sygate Embedded.

PointerFor an eWEEK Labs review of Sygate On-Demand 2.5, click here.

The Sygate purchase left Symantec with new technology for its enterprise customers but overlapping products on the consumer end, Dee said.

"Upon review, the decision was made to offer special pricing and incentives to move customers to the Norton family. In this way we can provide a more consistent experience and level of support," she said.

According to Dee, Sygate firewall users who don't upgrade will still be able to use Web-based technical support for the products.

Symantec did not provide details on what it would do with the Personal Firewall technology it acquired. However, a Symantec executive told eWEEK in October that Symantec plans to replace its enterprise firewall with Sygate's technology.

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