



declare @a table (a int,b int,s int)declare @b table (a int,b int,c int,d int,m int)insert @aselect 1,2,20union allselect 2,3,15

insert @bselect 1,2,3,9,5union allselect 1,2,4,10,12union allselect 1,2,5,11,10union allselect 1,2,6,12,5union allselect 2,3,4,6,10union allselect 2,3,5,7,5union allselect 2,3,6,8,10

@a表a           b           s           ----------- ----------- ----------- 1           2           202           3           15


a           b           c           d           m           ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 1           2           3           9           51           2           4           10          121           2           5           11          101           2           6           12          52           3           4           6           102           3           5           7           52           3           6           8           10

现在做以下说明:具体要求如下:参照@a表中的字段 a,b去@b表中找相同的数据例:@a表中a           b           s           ----------- ----------- ----------- 1           2           20

在@b表中相对对应的数据有a           b           c           d           m           ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 1           2           3           9           51           2           4           10          121           2           5           11          101           2           6           12          5

然后再以@b标为基准,按照d从小到大,用@a中的s=20逐条和@b表中的m进行比较第一条   20>5   该数据不取出第二条   15>12该数据不取出第三条   3<10该数据取出,m被更新成7第四条    数据直接取出

结果为:a           b           c           d           m           ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 1           2           5           11          71           2           6           12          5


整个过程执行完最后的结果为:a           b           c           d           m           ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 1           2           5           11          71           2           6           12          52           3           6           8           10


select * from (select n1.a,n1.b,n1.c,n1.d        ,(case when                         ((select             sum(s)             from @a             where     a=n1.a and b=n1.band a=n2.a and b=n2.b                 )-                      isnull((select             sum(m) from @b             where a=n1.a and b=n1.band a=n2.a and b=n2.b          and c<=n1.c            and d<=n1.d            ),0))>=0               then 0          else               case when n1.m +((select             sum(s)   from @a             where     a=n1.a and b=n1.band a=n2.a and b=n2.b                             ) -              isnull((select             sum(m) from @b             where a=n1.a and b=n1.band a=n2.a and b=n2.b          and c<=n1.c            and d<=n1.d            ),0))>=0              then  -((select             sum(s)   from @a             where     a=n1.a and b=n1.band a=n2.a and b=n2.b                             ) -              isnull((select             sum(m) from @b             where a=n1.a and b=n1.band a=n2.a and b=n2.b          and c<=n1.c            and d<=n1.d            ),0))               else n1.m             end               end  )mm         from @b n1 ,@a n2              where           n1.a=n2.aand n1.b=n2.b     )bbwhere bb.mm>0


select b.a,b.b,b.c,b.d,case when b.summ-b.m>a.s then b.m else b.summ-a.s end as mfrom @a a,(select x.*,(select sum(m) from @b where a=x.a and b=x.b and d<=x.d) as Summfrom @b x    ) bwhere a.a=b.aand a.b=b.band b.summ>a.s


declare @a table (a int,b int,s int)declare @b table (a int,b int,c int,d int,m int)insert @aselect 1,2,20union allselect 2,3,15

insert @bselect 1,2,3,9,5union allselect 1,2,4,10,12union allselect 1,2,5,11,10union allselect 1,2,6,12,5union allselect 2,3,4,6,10union allselect 2,3,5,7,5union allselect 2,3,6,8,10

@a表a           b           s           ----------- ----------- ----------- 1           2           202           3           15


a           b           c           d           m           ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 1           2           3           9           51           2           4           10          121           2           5           11          101           2           6           12          52           3           4           6           102           3           5           7           52           3           6           8           10

给大家解释下:         上面有两个表@a,@b,大家都能看出来共同的字段是 a,b       但是下面的@b表中字段还有c,d 操作过程为         以a,b为连接条件将两表连接,明显看出在@b表中的数据会有多条 

        然后以@b标为基准把两表中a,b字段相同的数据依次按照d字段降序从大到小,逐条进行比较         最后小于0的去掉。 

举例 @a表 中 a          b          s          ----------- ----------- ----------- 1          2          20 表@b中 与其相关的数据为 

a          b          c          d          m          ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 1          2          3          9          5 1          2          4          10          12 1          2          5          11          10 1          2          6          12          5 

按照d降序@b中数据为 a          b          c          d          m          ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 1          2          3          12          5 1          2          4          11          10 1          2          5          10          12 1          2          6          9          5 组条比较用@a中的s和@b中的m比较 则第一条        20>5第一条保留   比较第二条    15>10 第二条保留   比较第三条    5 <12  第三条仍然把保留  但是m数量标为5   第四条      就直接不用要了 


a          b          c          d          m          ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 1          2          3          12          5 1          2          4          11          10 1          2          5          10          5 

最终结果:a           b           c           d           m           ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 1           2           4           10          51           2           5           11          101           2           6           12          52           3           5           7           52           3           6           8           10


select b.a,b.b,b.c,b.d,case when b.summ>a.s then a.s-b.summ+b.m else b.m end as mfrom @a a,(select x.*,(select sum(m) from @b where a=x.a and b=x.b and d>=x.d) as Summfrom @b x    ) bwhere a.a=b.aand a.b=b.band b.summ-b.m<a.sorder by b.a,b.b,b.d desc


select * into # from (select b.a,b.b,c,d,m=case when (select sum(m) from @b where a=b.a and d<=b.d)>a.sthen (select sum(m) from @b where a=b.a and d<=b.d)-a.s else 0 end from @b b,@a awhere a.a=b.a)a where m!=0

select a,b,c,d,m=a.m-(select isnull(sum(m),0) from # where a=a.a and d<a.d) from # a


Select     M.a,M.b,M.c,M.d,    m=Case When ISNULL(N.s-(Select SUM(m) From @b Where a=M.a AND b=M.b AND d>M.d),M.m)>=M.m Then M.m Else ISNULL(N.s-(Select SUM(m) From @b Where a=M.a AND b=M.b AND d>M.d),M.m)EndFrom @a N Left Join @b MOn N.a =M.a And N.b=m.b Where ISNULL(N.s-(Select SUM(m) From @b Where a=M.a AND b=M.b AND d>M.d),M.m)>0Order By m.d Desc


declare @a table (a int,b int,d int,s int) declare @b table (a int,b int,c int,d int,m int) insert @a select 1,2,10,-20 union all select 2,3,7,-15 union all select 3,8,6,-50 

insert @b select 1,2,3,9,5 union all select 1,2,4,10,12 union all select 1,2,5,11,10 union all select 1,2,6,12,5 union all select 2,3,4,6,10 union all select 2,3,5,7,5 union all select 2,3,6,8,10  


a          b          d          s          ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 1          2          10          -20 2          3          7          -15 3          8          6          -50  


a          b          c          d          m          ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 1          2          3          9          5 1          2          4          10          12 1          2          5          11          10 1          2          6          12          5 2          3          4          6          10 2          3          5          7          5 2          3          6          8          10    

现做以下说明: 还是和上面的一样,开始参照@a表中的 a,b两个字段 在@b表中找到与其相关的列 不同的是@a表中加上了一列d 那么在@b表中找相关列时就要找在@b表中d字段>=@a表中的d字段的记录。 

然后逐条进行比较 举例: @a表 

a          b          d          s          ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 1          2          10          -20 


a          b          c          d          m          ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 1          2          3          9          5 1          2          4          10          12 1          2          5          11          10 1          2          6          12          5 

先找符合条件看的列  @a表中d=10a那么 @b表中符合条件的列为 @b表 

a          b          c          d          m          ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 1          2          3          9          5 1          2          4          10          12        

先用@a表中的s列=-20与@b表中的m列逐条进行比较。 结果为: 

a          b          c          d          m          ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 1          2          4          10          -3 1          2          5          11          10 1          2          6          12          5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 但是如果把 @a表中改为 a          b          d          s          ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 1          2          11          -20 结果将变为 a          b          c          d          m          ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 1          2          5          11          7 1          2          6          12          5 

特别注意一种情况: 像@a表中在@b表中没有相关项的情况 应该插入到b表中。 例 @a表 

a          b          d          s          ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 3          8          6          -50 

结果为 a          b          c          d          m          ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 3          8                      6          -50 

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 最终计算结果如下 @a表      

a          b          d          s                        ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 1          2          10          -20 2          3          7          -15 3          8          6          -50  


a          b          c          d          m          ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 1          2          3          9          5 1          2          4          10          12 1          2          5          11          10 1          2          6          12          5 2          3          4          6          10 2          3          5          7          5 2          3          6          8          10 || || 结果为 a          b          c          d          m          ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 1          2          4          10          -3 1          2          5          11          10 1          2          6          12          5 2          3          6          8          10 3          8                      6          -50 


select b.a,b.b,b.c,b.d,case when b.summ+a.s>b.m then b.m else b.summ+a.s end as minto #tempfrom @a a,(select x.*,(select sum(m) from @b where a=x.a and b=x.b and d<=x.d) as Summfrom @b x    ) bwhere a.a=b.aand a.b=b.b--and b.summ>a.sand b.d<=a.d

select * from #temp awhere not exists(select 1 from #temp where a=a.a and b=a.b and m>a.m)and a.m<>0union allselect n.* from @b n,@a mwhere         n.a=m.aand         n.b=m.band         n.d>m.dunion allselect         m.a        ,m.b        ,null        ,m.d        ,m.sfrom @a mwhere not exists(select 1 from #temp where a=m.a and b=m.b)order by a        ,dasc

drop table #temp



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