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2018 may be one of the greatest years yet for web design and web designers. There are web designers who are looking to stay relevant by keeping up with the latest trends. They certainly have their work cut out for them. After all, it takes some time to get acquainted and comfortable with new trends. It also takes more time to find ways to incorporate them into website designs.

对于网页设计和网页设计师来说,2018年可能是最伟大的一年之一。 有些网页设计师希望通过跟上最新趋势来保持相关性。 他们当然为他们完成了工作。 毕竟,要花一些时间来熟悉和适应新趋势。 寻找将其整合到网站设计中的方法还需要花费更多时间。

To make things worse, the latest trends have succeeded in raising the competitive bar. They have made the designer's work just that much more difficult.

更糟的是,最新趋势已成功提高了竞争标准。 他们使设计师的工作变得更加困难。

Fortunately, there is a WordPress theme that has kept up with the latest in design. Here are examples of the 8 most stunning trends. BeTheme has incorporated them into their more than 330 pre-built websites.

幸运的是,有一个WordPress主题紧跟最新的设计。 以下是8个最惊人趋势的示例。 BeTheme已将它们整合到其330多个预建网站中。

BeTheme已使用的8个创意设计趋势 (8 Creative Design Trends BeTheme has Already Put to Use)

设计趋势1:插图与图形艺术 (Design Trend #1: Illustration & Graphic Art)

Custom art is currently all the rage in web design – and it doesn't appear to be going away any time soon. Eye-catching vintage watercolor illustrations have caught on. They bring that sense of nostalgia that makes people feel relaxed and comfortable.

当前,自定义艺术在网页设计中风靡一时,而且似乎不会很快消失。 引人注目的老式水彩插图风行一时。 他们带给人一种怀旧的感觉,使人们感到轻松自在。





Notice the use of bold fonts (complete with serifs in the second example). It attracts attention without detracting from the illustrations.

注意使用粗体字体(第二个示例中带有衬线)。 在不影响插图的情况下引起了人们的注意。

设计趋势2:灯光,阴影和烟雾 (Design Trend #2: Light, Shadow & Smoke)

Playing with lights and shadows has always been a popular web design technique. When you add smoke to the mix the design trend takes on a whole new look with a different vibe, especially when it comes to music and dance.

玩光和阴影一直是一种流行的网页设计技术。 当您在混音中添加烟雾时,设计趋势将呈现出全新的外观,并带有不同的氛围,尤其是在音乐和舞蹈方面。

The right mix of light, shadow, and smoke lead to a soft, romantic look:




Or a something a bit more dramatic:




Or a perfect combination of sultry and classy…




设计趋势3:渐变又称颜色过渡 (Design Trend #3: Gradients aka Color Transitions)

Gradients are hot. Even hotter than last year's use of bold colors. Gradients, or color transitions, work especially well with pastel colors. When they are allowed to clash with other design trends, the results can be surprising.

渐变很热。 甚至比去年使用大胆的颜色更热。 渐变或颜色过渡特别适合柔和的颜色。 当允许它们与其他设计趋势冲突时,结果可能令人惊讶。





设计趋势4:3D“移动”剧照 (Design Trend #4: 3D “Moving” Stills)

Creating a 3D "moving" still can be tough, but when done right it can be a genuine eye-catcher. Maybe it's because the illusion of the movement often attracts us more than movement itself. Here's a pair of examples where you can see the results for yourself – a 3D image that appears to flow.

创建3D“运动”仍然很困难,但是如果做得正确,它确实是引人注目的。 也许是因为运动的错觉常常比运动本身吸引我们更多。 这是一对示例,您可以自己查看结果–似乎在流动的3D图像。





There's so much you can do with images like this. Give them any texture, play with light and shadow, make use of gradients or negative space. 3D moving stills combine nicely with many of the other trends to produce unique results.

像这样的图像您可以做很多事情。 给他们任何质感,玩光和影,利用渐变或负空间。 3D移动静止图像与许多其他趋势很好地结合在一起,以产生独特的效果。

设计趋势5:2018静物 (Design Trend #5: 2018 Still Life)

Still life has been popular for a long time. It's a trend that could likely go on forever, but that doesn't mean it can't be improved upon. The most popular form of modern still life is – you guessed it – 3D.

静物很流行很长时间了。 这个趋势可能会永远持续下去,但这并不意味着它无法得到改善。 您猜对了,现代静物最流行的形式是3D。



You can also use photography (or a 3D-photo combo). Here's a pair of examples that make extraordinary use of white space:

您也可以使用摄影(或3D照片组合)。 这是一对充分利用空白的示例:





设计趋势6:金属光泽 (Design Trend #6: Metallic Shine)

Metallic shine has become more than a glamorous trend. It has become a wildly popular craze. So popular, in fact, that it has crept its way into sites representing a variety of different industries.

金属光泽已不仅仅是一种迷人的趋势。 它已成为一种非常流行的热潮。 实际上,它是如此受欢迎,以至于它已经进入代表各种不同行业的站点。





Metallic shine can be used in typography, with 3D elements, and as attention-grabbing insertions in photos and illustrations.


设计趋势7:混乱的版式 (Design Trend #7: Chaotic Typography)

No – everything does not have to be perfectly lined up! There are times when pursuing originality, we must unlearn some of the things we've been taught.

否-不必将所有内容都完美对齐! 有时候,追求原创性时,我们必须学习一些我们已经教过的东西。

Chaos can in fact be clean and appealing and is certainly fun. Play around a little and see what can come of it!

混乱实际上可以干净而吸引人,而且肯定很有趣。 玩一会儿,看看会发生什么!



Make sure to keep UX in mind. It's OK to "tease" the user for a split second before he or she gets your message. Just don't require users to solve a puzzle in order to fathom a page's goal. That's not what they're there for.

确保牢记UX。 可以在用户收到您的消息之前先“逗弄”用户一秒钟。 只是不需要用户解决难题即可理解页面的目标。 那不是他们的目的。



设计趋势8:野兽派又回来了 (Design Trend #8: Brutalism is Back)

Brutalism is back indeed. There are situations where you might best avoid this trend. In some other instances, you should embrace it. Brutalism isn't artsy-cutesy. It's an in-your-face approach to getting a visitor's attention.

野蛮主义确实又回来了。 在某些情况下,您最好避免这种趋势。 在其他情况下,您应该接受它。 野蛮主义不是刻板的。 这是一种吸引访问者注意力的方法。

This trend encourages being direct, blunt, and to the point. Thus, you might use it with care; but it does make an impact and sends a crystal-clear message.

这种趋势鼓励直截了当,直截了当。 因此,您可能需要谨慎使用它。 但确实会产生影响,并发出清晰的信息。



总结最新趋势以及在何处使用它们 (Summarizing the Latest Trends and Where to Use Them)

  • Go totally creative with illustrations and custom graphic art通过插图和自定义图形艺术完全发挥创意
  • Play around with light and shadow — then add smoke for some surprising effects在光与影之间游玩-然后添加烟雾以获得一些令人惊讶的效果
  • Combine gradients, a.k.a. color transitions, with your favorite trends将渐变色(又称颜色过渡)与您喜欢的趋势结合起来
  • Looking for a hypnotic effect? 3D with "moving stills" will do it寻找催眠作用吗? 具有“移动静止图像”的3D可以做到
  • Create your own examples of modern still-life with 3D or a clever use of photography通过3D或巧妙地使用摄影来创建自己的现代静物示例
  • Go glam — add metallic elements wherever you can魅力四射-尽可能添加金属元素
  • Be straight-forward — use brutalism to convey your message直截了当-使用野蛮主义来传达您的信息
  • Use BeTheme's pre-built websites to follow ALL these trends (and more!) without risking a major burnout.




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