Error Description


CME ERROR's (GSM Equipment related codes)

CME ERROR: 0 Phone failure

CME ERROR: 1 No connection to phone

CME ERROR: 2 Phone adapter link reserved

CME ERROR: 3 Operation not allowed

CME ERROR: 4 Operation not supported

CME ERROR: 5 PH_SIM PIN required



CME ERROR: 10 SIM not inserted

CME ERROR: 11 SIM PIN required

CME ERROR: 12 SIM PUK required

CME ERROR: 13 SIM failure

CME ERROR: 14 SIM busy

CME ERROR: 15 SIM wrong

CME ERROR: 16 Incorrect password

CME ERROR: 17 SIM PIN2 required

CME ERROR: 18 SIM PUK2 required

CME ERROR: 20 Memory full

CME ERROR: 21 Invalid index

CME ERROR: 22 Not found

CME ERROR: 23 Memory failure

CME ERROR: 24 Text string too long

CME ERROR: 25 Invalid characters in text string

CME ERROR: 26 Dial string too long

CME ERROR: 27 Invalid characters in dial string

CME ERROR: 30 No network service

CME ERROR: 31 Network timeout

CME ERROR: 32 Network not allowed, emergency calls only

CME ERROR: 40 Network personalization PIN required

CME ERROR: 41 Network personalization PUK required

CME ERROR: 42 Network subset personalization PIN required

CME ERROR: 43 Network subset personalization PUK required

CME ERROR: 44 Service provider personalization PIN required

CME ERROR: 45 Service provider personalization PUK required

CME ERROR: 46 Corporate personalization PIN required

CME ERROR: 47 Corporate personalization PUK required

CME ERROR: 48 PH-SIM PUK required

CME ERROR: 100 Unknown error

CME ERROR: 103 Illegal MS

CME ERROR: 106 Illegal ME

CME ERROR: 107 GPRS services not allowed

CME ERROR: 111 PLMN not allowed

CME ERROR: 112 Location area not allowed
CME ERROR: 113 Roaming not allowed in this location area

CME ERROR: 126 Operation temporary not allowed

CME ERROR: 132 Service operation not supported

CME ERROR: 133 Requested service option not subscribed

CME ERROR: 134 Service option temporary out of order

CME ERROR: 148 Unspecified GPRS error

CME ERROR: 149 PDP authentication failure

CME ERROR: 150 Invalid mobile class

CME ERROR: 256 Operation temporarily not allowed

CME ERROR: 257 Call barred

CME ERROR: 258 Phone is busy

CME ERROR: 259 User abort

CME ERROR: 260 Invalid dial string

CME ERROR: 261 SS not executed

CME ERROR: 262 SIM Blocked

CME ERROR: 263 Invalid block

CME ERROR: 772 SIM powered down

CMS ERROR's (GSM Network related codes)

CMS ERROR: 1 Unassigned number

CMS ERROR: 8 Operator determined barring

CMS ERROR: 10 Call bared

CMS ERROR: 21 Short message transfer rejected

CMS ERROR: 27 Destination out of service

CMS ERROR: 28 Unindentified subscriber

CMS ERROR: 29 Facility rejected

CMS ERROR: 30 Unknown subscriber

CMS ERROR: 38 Network out of order

CMS ERROR: 41 Temporary failure

CMS ERROR: 42 Congestion

CMS ERROR: 47 Recources unavailable

CMS ERROR: 50 Requested facility not subscribed

CMS ERROR: 69 Requested facility not implemented

CMS ERROR: 81 Invalid short message transfer reference value

CMS ERROR: 95 Invalid message unspecified

CMS ERROR: 96 Invalid mandatory information

CMS ERROR: 97 Message type non existent or not implemented

CMS ERROR: 98 Message not compatible with short message protocol

CMS ERROR: 99 Information element non-existent or not implemente

CMS ERROR: 111 Protocol error, unspecified

CMS ERROR: 127 Internetworking , unspecified

CMS ERROR: 128 Telematic internetworking not supported

CMS ERROR: 129 Short message type 0 not supported

CMS ERROR: 130 Cannot replace short message

CMS ERROR: 143 Unspecified TP-PID error

CMS ERROR: 144 Data code scheme not supported

CMS ERROR: 145 Message class not supported

CMS ERROR: 159 Unspecified TP-DCS error

CMS ERROR: 160 Command cannot be actioned

CMS ERROR: 161 Command unsupported

CMS ERROR: 175 Unspecified TP-Command error

CMS ERROR: 176 TPDU not supported

CMS ERROR: 192 SC busy

CMS ERROR: 193 No SC subscription

CMS ERROR: 194 SC System failure

CMS ERROR: 195 Invalid SME address

CMS ERROR: 196 Destination SME barred

CMS ERROR: 197 SM Rejected-Duplicate SM

CMS ERROR: 198 TP-VPF not supported

CMS ERROR: 199 TP-VP not supported

CMS ERROR: 208 D0 SIM SMS Storage full

CMS ERROR: 209 No SMS Storage capability in SIM

CMS ERROR: 210 Error in MS

CMS ERROR: 211 Memory capacity exceeded

CMS ERROR: 212 Sim application toolkit busy

CMS ERROR: 213 SIM data download error

CMS ERROR: 255 Unspecified error cause

CMS ERROR: 300 ME Failure

CMS ERROR: 301 SMS service of ME reserved

CMS ERROR: 302 Operation not allowed

CMS ERROR: 303 Operation not supported

CMS ERROR: 304 Invalid PDU mode parameter

CMS ERROR: 305 Invalid Text mode parameter

CMS ERROR: 310 SIM not inserted

CMS ERROR: 311 SIM PIN required

CMS ERROR: 312 PH-SIM PIN required

CMS ERROR: 313 SIM failure

CMS ERROR: 314 SIM busy

CMS ERROR: 315 SIM wrong

CMS ERROR: 316 SIM PUK required

CMS ERROR: 317 SIM PIN2 required

CMS ERROR: 318 SIM PUK2 required

CMS ERROR: 320 Memory failure

CMS ERROR: 321 Invalid memory index

CMS ERROR: 322 Memory full

CMS ERROR: 330 SMSC address unknown

CMS ERROR: 331 No network service

CMS ERROR: 332 Network timeout

CMS ERROR: 340 No +CNMA expected

CMS ERROR: 500 Unknown error

CMS ERROR: 512 User abort

CMS ERROR: 513 Unable to store

CMS ERROR: 514 Invalid Status

CMS ERROR: 515 Device busy or Invalid Character in string

CMS ERROR: 516 Invalid length

CMS ERROR: 517 Invalid character in PDU

CMS ERROR: 518 Invalid parameter

CMS ERROR: 519 Invalid length or character

CMS ERROR: 520 Invalid character in text

CMS ERROR: 521 Timer expired

CMS ERROR: 522 Operation temporary not allowed

CMS ERROR: 532 SIM not ready

CMS ERROR: 534 Cell Broadcast error unknown

CMS ERROR: 535 Protocol stack busy


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