
#- job_name: nginx_test
#  static_configs:
#  - targets:
#      - localhost
#    labels:
#      app: nginx
#      env: prod
#      host: nginx1
#      __path__: /var/log/nginx/access.log
#  pipeline_stages:
#  - match:
#      selector: '{app="nginx"}'
#      stages:
#      - regex:
#          expression: '^(?P<host>[\w\.]+) - (?P<user>[^ ]*) \[(?P<timestamp>.*)\] "(?P<method>[^ ]*) (?P<request_url>[^ ]*) (?P<request_http_protocol>[^ ]*)" (?P<status>[\d]+) (?P<bytes_out>[\d]+) "(?P<http_referer>[^"]*)" "(?P<user_agent>[^"]*)" "(?P<upstream_addr>[^"]*)" "(?P<upstream_response_time>[^"]*)" "(?P<request_time>[^"]*)"?'
#      - labels:
#          status:
#          request_time:
#          host:
#          user:
#          method:
#          request_url:
#          upstream_addr:


Maximum active stream limit exceeded, reduce the number of active streams



#- job_name: nginx_test
#  static_configs:
#  - targets:
#      - localhost
#    labels:
#      app: nginx
#      env: prod
#      host: nginx1
#      __path__: /var/log/nginx/access.log
#  pipeline_stages:
#  - match:
#      selector: '{app="nginx"}'
#      stages:
#      - regex:
#          expression: '^(?P<host>[\w\.]+) - (?P<user>[^ ]*) \[(?P<timestamp>.*)\] "(?P<method>[^ ]*) (?P<request_url>[^ ]*) (?P<request_http_protocol>[^ ]*)" (?P<status>[\d]+) (?P<bytes_out>[\d]+) "(?P<http_referer>[^"]*)" "(?P<user_agent>[^"]*)" "(?P<upstream_addr>[^"]*)" "(?P<upstream_response_time>[^"]*)" "(?P<request_time>[^"]*)"?'
#      - timestamp:
#          format: RFC3339Nano
#          source: timestamp



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