PEP 526 – Syntax for Variable Annotations

PEP 526 – 变量注解语法

PEP: 526
Title: Syntax for Variable Annotations
Author: Ryan Gonzalez


  • Status,状态
  • Notice for Reviewers,审阅人的注意事项
  • Abstract,摘要
  • Rationale,缘由
    • Non-goals,非目标
  • Specification,规范
    • Global and local variable annotations,全局和局部变量注解
    • Class and instance variable annotations,类和实例变量的注解
    • Annotating expressions,注解表达式
    • Where annotations aren’t allowed,不能使用注解的地方
    • Variable annotations in stub files,存根文件中的变量注解
    • Preferred coding style for variable annotations,变量注解的推荐编码风格
  • Changes to Standard Library and Documentation,对标准库和文档的修改
  • Runtime Effects of Type Annotations,变量注解的运行时影响
    • Other uses of annotations,变量注解的其它用途
  • Rejected/Postponed Proposals,被拒绝/推迟的提案
  • Backwards Compatibility,向后兼容
  • Implementation,实现
  • Copyright,版权声明



This PEP has been provisionally accepted by the BDFL. See the acceptance message for more color:


Notice for Reviewers


This PEP was drafted in a separate repo:


There was preliminary discussion on python-ideas and at

在 python-ideas 和 上进行了初步讨论。

Before you bring up an objection in a public forum please at least read the summary of rejected ideas listed at the end of this PEP.




PEP 484 introduced type hints, a.k.a. type annotations. While its main focus was function annotations, it also introduced the notion of type comments to annotate variables:

PEP 484引入了类型提示,也就是类型注释。虽然它的主要焦点是函数注释,但它也引入了类型注释的概念来注释变量。

# 'primes' is a list of integers
primes = []  # type: List[int]# 'captain' is a string (Note: initial value is a problem)
captain = ...  # type: strclass Starship:# 'stats' is a class variablestats = {}  # type: Dict[str, int]

This PEP aims at adding syntax to Python for annotating the types of variables (including class variables and instance variables), instead of expressing them through comments:


primes: List[int] = []captain: str  # Note: no initial value!class Starship:stats: ClassVar[Dict[str, int]] = {}

PEP 484 explicitly states that type comments are intended to help with type inference in complex cases, and this PEP does not change this intention. However, since in practice type comments have also been adopted for class variables and instance variables, this PEP also discusses the use of type annotations for those variables.

PEP 484明确指出,类型注释的目的是帮助在复杂情况下进行类型推断,本PEP并没有改变这一意图。然而,由于在实践中类型注释也被用于类变量和实例变量,本PEP也讨论了对这些变量使用类型注解的问题。



Although type comments work well enough, the fact that they’re expressed through comments has some downsides:


  • Text editors often highlight comments differently from type annotations.


  • There’s no way to annotate the type of an undefined variable; one needs to initialize it to None (e.g. a = None # type: int).

    没有办法注释未定义变量的类型;需要将其初始化为None(例如,a = None # type: int)。

  • Variables annotated in a conditional branch are difficult to read:


    if some_value:my_var = function() # type: Logger
    else:my_var = another_function() # Why isn't there a type here?
  • Since type comments aren’t actually part of the language, if a Python script wants to parse them, it requires a custom parser instead of just using ast.

    由于类型注释实际上不是语言的一部分,如果一个 Python 脚本想解析它们,它需要一个自定义的解析器,而不是仅仅使用 ast

  • Type comments are used a lot in typeshed. Migrating typeshed to use the variable annotation syntax instead of type comments would improve readability of stubs.

    类型注释在 typeshed 中被大量使用。将typeshed迁移到使用变量注解语法而不是类型注释将提高存根的可读性。

    typeshed 是一个 Github 上用于收集 Python 标准库和第三方库存根文件的资源库,译者注。

  • In situations where normal comments and type comments are used together, it is difficult to distinguish them:


    path = None  # type: Optional[str]  # Path to module source
  • It’s impossible to retrieve the annotations at runtime outside of attempting to find the module’s source code and parse it at runtime, which is inelegant, to say the least.


The majority of these issues can be alleviated by making the syntax a core part of the language. Moreover, having a dedicated annotation syntax for class and instance variables (in addition to method annotations) will pave the way to static duck-typing as a complement to nominal typing defined by PEP 484.

这些问题中的大部分可以通过使语法成为语言的核心部分而得到缓解。此外,为类和实例变量提供专门的注解语法(除了方法注解之外)将为静态鸭子类型化铺平道路,作为PEP 484定义的名义类型化的补充。



While the proposal is accompanied by an extension of the typing.get_type_hints standard library function for runtime retrieval of annotations, variable annotations are not designed for runtime type checking. Third party packages will have to be developed to implement such functionality.


It should also be emphasized that Python will remain a dynamically typed language, and the authors have no desire to ever make type hints mandatory, even by convention. Type annotations should not be confused with variable declarations in statically typed languages. The goal of annotation syntax is to provide an easy way to specify structured type metadata for third party tools.


This PEP does not require type checkers to change their type checking rules. It merely provides a more readable syntax to replace type comments.




Type annotation can be added to an assignment statement or to a single expression indicating the desired type of the annotation target to a third party type checker:


my_var: int
my_var = 5  # Passes type check.
other_var: int  = 'a'  # Flagged as error by type checker,# but OK at runtime.

This syntax does not introduce any new semantics beyond PEP 484, so that the following three statements are equivalent:

这种语法在PEP 484之外没有引入任何新的语义,因此,以下三种声明是等价的。

var = value # type: annotation
var: annotation; var = value
var: annotation = value

Below we specify the syntax of type annotations in different contexts and their runtime effects.


We also suggest how type checkers might interpret annotations, but compliance to these suggestions is not mandatory. (This is in line with the attitude towards compliance in PEP 484.)

我们还建议类型检查器如何解释注解,但对这些建议的遵守不是强制性的。(这与PEP 484中对遵守的态度是一致的)。

Global and local variable annotations


The types of locals and globals can be annotated as follows:


some_number: int           # variable without initial value
some_list: List[int] = []  # variable with initial value

Being able to omit the initial value allows for easier typing of variables assigned in conditional branches:


sane_world: bool
if 2+2 == 4:sane_world = True
else:sane_world = False

Note that, although the syntax does allow tuple packing, it does not allow one to annotate the types of variables when tuple unpacking is used:


# Tuple packing with variable annotation syntax
t: Tuple[int, ...] = (1, 2, 3)
# or
t: Tuple[int, ...] = 1, 2, 3  # This only works in Python 3.8+# Tuple unpacking with variable annotation syntax
header: str
kind: int
body: Optional[List[str]]
header, kind, body = message

Omitting the initial value leaves the variable uninitialized:


a: int
print(a)  # raises NameError

However, annotating a local variable will cause the interpreter to always make it a local:


def f():a: intprint(a)  # raises UnboundLocalError# Commenting out the a: int makes it a NameError.

as if the code were:


def f():if False: a = 0print(a)  # raises UnboundLocalError

Duplicate type annotations will be ignored. However, static type checkers may issue a warning for annotations of the same variable by a different type:


a: int
a: str  # Static type checker may or may not warn about this.

Class and instance variable annotations


Type annotations can also be used to annotate class and instance variables in class bodies and methods. In particular, the value-less notation a: int allows one to annotate instance variables that should be initialized in __init__ or __new__. The proposed syntax is as follows:

类型注解也可以用来注解类主体和方法中的类和实例变量。特别是,无值符号a: int允许人们注解应该在__init____new__中初始化的实例变量。建议的语法如下:

class BasicStarship:captain: str = 'Picard'               # instance variable with defaultdamage: int                           # instance variable without defaultstats: ClassVar[Dict[str, int]] = {}  # class variable

Here ClassVar is a special class defined by the typing module that indicates to the static type checker that this variable should not be set on instances.


Note that a ClassVar parameter cannot include any type variables, regardless of the level of nesting: ClassVar[T] and ClassVar[List[Set[T]]] are both invalid if T is a type variable.


This could be illustrated with a more detailed example. In this class:


class Starship:captain = 'Picard'stats = {}def __init__(self, damage, captain=None):self.damage = damageif captain:self.captain = captain  # Else keep the defaultdef hit(self):Starship.stats['hits'] = Starship.stats.get('hits', 0) + 1

stats is intended to be a class variable (keeping track of many different per-game statistics), while captain is an instance variable with a default value set in the class. This difference might not be seen by a type checker: both get initialized in the class, but captain serves only as a convenient default value for the instance variable, while stats is truly a class variable – it is intended to be shared by all instances.


Since both variables happen to be initialized at the class level, it is useful to distinguish them by marking class variables as annotated with types wrapped in ClassVar[...]. In this way a type checker may flag accidental assignments to attributes with the same name on instances.


For example, annotating the discussed class:


class Starship:captain: str = 'Picard'damage: intstats: ClassVar[Dict[str, int]] = {}def __init__(self, damage: int, captain: str = None):self.damage = damageif captain:self.captain = captain  # Else keep the defaultdef hit(self):Starship.stats['hits'] = Starship.stats.get('hits', 0) + 1enterprise_d = Starship(3000)
enterprise_d.stats = {} # Flagged as error by a type checker
Starship.stats = {} # This is OK

As a matter of convenience (and convention), instance variables can be annotated in __init__ or other methods, rather than in the class:

为了方便起见(和惯例),实例变量可以在 __init__或其它方法中被注释,而不是在类中:

from typing import Generic, TypeVar
T = TypeVar('T')class Box(Generic[T]):def __init__(self, content):self.content: T = content

Annotating expressions


The target of the annotation can be any valid single assignment target, at least syntactically (it is up to the type checker what to do with this):


class Cls:passc = Cls()
c.x: int = 0  # Annotates c.x with int.
c.y: int      # Annotates c.y with int.d = {}
d['a']: int = 0  # Annotates d['a'] with int.
d['b']: int      # Annotates d['b'] with int.

Note that even a parenthesized name is considered an expression, not a simple name:


(x): int      # Annotates x with int, (x) treated as expression by compiler.
(y): int = 0  # Same situation here.

Where annotations aren’t allowed


It is illegal to attempt to annotate variables subject to global or nonlocal in the same function scope:


def f():global x: int  # SyntaxErrordef g():x: int  # Also a SyntaxErrorglobal x

The reason is that global and nonlocal don’t own variables; therefore, the type annotations belong in the scope owning the variable.


Only single assignment targets and single right hand side values are allowed. In addition, one cannot annotate variables used in a for or with statement; they can be annotated ahead of time, in a similar manner to tuple unpacking:


a: int
for a in my_iter:...f: MyFile
with myfunc() as f:...

Variable annotations in stub files


As variable annotations are more readable than type comments, they are preferred in stub files for all versions of Python, including Python 2.7. Note that stub files are not executed by Python interpreters, and therefore using variable annotations will not lead to errors. Type checkers should support variable annotations in stubs for all versions of Python. For example:

由于变量注解比类型注释更易读,所以在所有版本的 Python 的存根文件中,包括 Python 2.7,它们都是首选。注意,存根文件不会被 Python 解释器执行,因此使用变量注解不会导致错误。类型检查器应该支持所有版本的 Python 的存根中的变量注解。比如说。

# file lib.pyiADDRESS: unicode = ...class Error:cause: Union[str, unicode]

Preferred coding style for variable annotations


Annotations for module level variables, class and instance variables, and local variables should have a single space after corresponding colon. There should be no space before the colon. If an assignment has right hand side, then the equality sign should have exactly one space on both sides. Examples:


  • Yes:

    code: intclass Point:coords: Tuple[int, int]label: str = '<unknown>'
  • No:

    code:int  # No space after colon
    code : int  # Space before colonclass Test:result: int=0  # No spaces around equality sign

Changes to Standard Library and Documentation


  • A new covariant type ClassVar[T_co] is added to the typing module. It accepts only a single argument that should be a valid type, and is used to annotate class variables that should not be set on class instances. This restriction is ensured by static checkers, but not at runtime. See the classvar section for examples and explanations for the usage of ClassVar, and see the rejected section for more information on the reasoning behind ClassVar.


  • Function get_type_hints in the typing module will be extended, so that one can retrieve type annotations at runtime from modules and classes as well as functions. Annotations are returned as a dictionary mapping from variable or arguments to their type hints with forward references evaluated. For classes it returns a mapping (perhaps collections.ChainMap) constructed from annotations in method resolution order.

    typing 模块中的 get_type_hints 函数将被扩展,这样就可以在运行时从模块和类以及函数中获取类型注解。注解将以字典映射的形式返回,从变量或参数到它们的类型提示,并对前向引用进行评估。对于类,它返回一个由方法解析顺序中的注释构建的映射(也许是collections.ChainMap)。

  • Recommended guidelines for using annotations will be added to the documentation, containing a pedagogical recapitulation of specifications described in this PEP and in PEP 484. In addition, a helper script for translating type comments into type annotations will be published separately from the standard library.

    使用注解的推荐指南将被添加到文档中,其中包含本PEP和PEP 484中描述的规范的教学复述。此外,一个用于将类型注释翻译成类型注解的辅助脚本将从标准库中单独发布。

Runtime Effects of Type Annotations


Annotating a local variable will cause the interpreter to treat it as a local, even if it was never assigned to. Annotations for local variables will not be evaluated:


def f():x: NonexistentName  # No error.

However, if it is at a module or class level, then the type will be evaluated:


x: NonexistentName  # Error!
class X:var: NonexistentName  # Error!

In addition, at the module or class level, if the item being annotated is a simple name, then it and the annotation will be stored in the __annotations__ attribute of that module or class (mangled if private) as an ordered mapping from names to evaluated annotations. Here is an example:



from typing import Dict
class Player:...
players: Dict[str, Player]
__points: intprint(__annotations__)
# prints: {'players': typing.Dict[str, __main__.Player],
#          '_Player__points': <class 'int'>}

__annotations__ is writable, so this is permitted:


__annotations__['s'] = str

But attempting to update __annotations__ to something other than an ordered mapping may result in a TypeError:


class C:__annotations__ = 42x: int = 5  # raises TypeError

(Note that the assignment to __annotations__, which is the culprit, is accepted by the Python interpreter without questioning it – but the subsequent type annotation expects it to be a MutableMapping and will fail.)

(注意,对 __annotations__ 的赋值是罪魁祸首,Python 解释器接受了它而没有提出质疑 – 但随后的类型注解希望它是一个 MutableMapping 而会失败。)

The recommended way of getting annotations at runtime is by using typing.get_type_hints function; as with all dunder attributes, any undocummented use of __annotations__ is subject to breakage without warning:

在运行时获取注解的推荐方式是使用 typing.get_type_hints 函数;就像所有的 dunder 属性一样,任何对 __annotations__ 的非文档化使用都会被破坏,而且没有警告:

dunder 属性指那些使用前后双下划线的方式命名的特殊属性,译者注。

from typing import Dict, ClassVar, get_type_hints
class Starship:hitpoints: int = 50stats: ClassVar[Dict[str, int]] = {}shield: int = 100captain: strdef __init__(self, captain: str) -> None:...assert get_type_hints(Starship) == {'hitpoints': int,'stats': ClassVar[Dict[str, int]],'shield': int,'captain': str}assert get_type_hints(Starship.__init__) == {'captain': str,'return': None}

Note that if annotations are not found statically, then the __annotations__ dictionary is not created at all. Also the value of having annotations available locally does not offset the cost of having to create and populate the annotations dictionary on every function call. Therefore, annotations at function level are not evaluated and not stored.


Other uses of annotations


While Python with this PEP will not object to:


alice: 'well done' = 'A+'
bob: 'what a shame' = 'F-'

since it will not care about the type annotation beyond “it evaluates without raising”, a type checker that encounters it will flag it, unless disabled with # type: ignore or @no_type_check.

因为它不会关心除了 "它评估时没有提高 "之外的类型注解,一个遇到它的类型检查器将标记它,除非用 # type: ignore@no_type_check来禁用它。

However, since Python won’t care what the “type” is, if the above snippet is at the global level or in a class, __annotations__ will include {'alice': 'well done', 'bob': 'what a shame'}.

然而,由于 Python 并不关心 "类型 "是什么,如果上面的片段是在全局级别或在一个类中,__annotations__将包括 {'alice': 'well done', 'bob': 'what a shame'}

These stored annotations might be used for other purposes, but with this PEP we explicitly recommend type hinting as the preferred use of annotations.

这些存储的注释可能会被用于其他目的,但在这个 PEP 中,我们明确地推荐类型提示作为注释的首选用途。

Rejected/Postponed Proposals


  • Should we introduce variable annotations at all? Variable annotations have already been around for almost two years in the form of type comments, sanctioned by PEP 484. They are extensively used by third party type checkers (mypy, pytype, PyCharm, etc.) and by projects using the type checkers. However, the comment syntax has many downsides listed in Rationale. This PEP is not about the need for type annotations, it is about what should be the syntax for such annotations.

    **我们到底要不要引入变量注解?**变量注解已经以类型注释的形式存在了近两年,得到了PEP 484的认可。它们被第三方类型检查器(mypy、pytype、PyCharm等)和使用类型检查器的项目广泛使用。然而,注释语法有很多弊端,在Rationale中列出。本 PEP 不是在讨论是否需要类型注解,而是在讨论这种注解的语法应该是什么样的。

  • Introduce a new keyword: The choice of a good keyword is hard, e.g. it can’t be var because that is way too common a variable name, and it can’t be local if we want to use it for class variables or globals. Second, no matter what we choose, we’d still need a __future__ import.

    **引入一个新的关键字:**选择一个好的关键字是很难的,例如,它不能是var,因为那是一个太过普通的变量名,而且如果我们想把它用于类变量或全局变量,它就不能是local。其次,不管我们选择什么,我们仍然需要一个 __future__ 的导入。

  • Use def as a keyword: The proposal would be:


    def primes: List[int] = []
    def captain: str

    The problem with this is that def means “define a function” to generations of Python programmers (and tools!), and using it also to define variables does not increase clarity. (Though this is of course subjective.)

    这样做的问题是,对几代Python程序员来说,def意味着 “定义一个函数”(和工具!),用它来定义变量并不能提高清晰度。(当然这是很主观的。)

  • Use function based syntax: It was proposed to annotate types of variables using var = cast(annotation[, value]). Although this syntax alleviates some problems with type comments like absence of the annotation in AST, it does not solve other problems such as readability and it introduces possible runtime overhead.

    使用基于函数的语法。有人建议使用var = cast(annotation[, value])来注释变量的类型。虽然这种语法缓解了类型注释的一些问题,比如在AST中没有注释,但它并没有解决其他问题,比如可读性,而且还可能引入运行时开销。

  • Allow type annotations for tuple unpacking: This causes ambiguity: it’s not clear what this statement means:


    x, y: T

    Are x and y both of type T, or do we expect T to be a tuple type of two items that are distributed over x and y, or perhaps x has type Any and y has type T? (The latter is what this would mean if this occurred in a function signature.) Rather than leave the (human) reader guessing, we forbid this, at least for now.

    xy都是T类型,还是我们希望T是分布在xy上的两个项目的元组类型,或者x的类型是Anyy的类型是T? 后者是指如果这发生在一个函数签名中的话)。与其让(人类)读者猜测,我们禁止这样做,至少现在是这样。

  • Parenthesized form (var: type) for annotations: It was brought up on python-ideas as a remedy for the above-mentioned ambiguity, but it was rejected since such syntax would be hairy, the benefits are slight, and the readability would be poor.

    上层形式 (var: type) **用于注解:**在python-ideas上被提出来作为上述歧义的补救措施,但它被拒绝了,因为这样的语法会很毛糙,好处不大,可读性也很差。

  • Allow annotations in chained assignments: This has problems of ambiguity and readability similar to tuple unpacking, for example in:


    x: int = y = 1
    z = w: int = 1

    it is ambiguous, what should the types of y and z be? Also the second line is difficult to parse.


  • Allow annotations in with and for statement: This was rejected because in for it would make it hard to spot the actual iterable, and in with it would confuse the CPython’s LL(1) parser.


  • Evaluate local annotations at function definition time: This has been rejected by Guido because the placement of the annotation strongly suggests that it’s in the same scope as the surrounding code.


  • Store variable annotations also in function scope: The value of having the annotations available locally is just not enough to significantly offset the cost of creating and populating the dictionary on each function call.


  • Initialize variables annotated without assignment: It was proposed on python-ideas to initialize x in x: int to None or to an additional special constant like Javascript’s undefined. However, adding yet another singleton value to the language would needed to be checked for everywhere in the code. Therefore, Guido just said plain “No” to this.

    在没有赋值的情况下初始化被注解的变量:有人在 python-ideas 上提议将 x: int 中的 x 初始化为 None 或像 Javascript 的 undefined 一样的额外的特殊常数。然而,在语言中添加另一个单子值,需要在代码中到处检查。因此,Guido对这个问题直接说 “不”。

  • Add also InstanceVar to the typing module: This is redundant because instance variables are way more common than class variables. The more common usage deserves to be the default.

    InstanceVar也加入到 typing 模块中。这是多余的,因为实例变量比类变量更常见。更常见的用法应该是默认的。

  • Allow instance variable annotations only in methods: The problem is that many __init__ methods do a lot of things besides initializing instance variables, and it would be harder (for a human) to find all the instance variable annotations. And sometimes __init__ is factored into more helper methods so it’s even harder to chase them down. Putting the instance variable annotations together in the class makes it easier to find them, and helps a first-time reader of the code.

    只允许在方法中对实例变量进行注释:问题是许多 __init__ 方法除了初始化实例变量外还做了很多事情,而且(对人来说)要找到所有的实例变量注释会更难。而且有时 __init__ 被分解成更多的辅助方法,所以更难找到它们。将实例变量注解放在类中,可以更容易地找到它们,并帮助第一次阅读代码的人。

  • Use syntax x: class t = v for class variables: This would require a more complicated parser and the class keyword would confuse simple-minded syntax highlighters. Anyway we need to have ClassVar store class variables to __annotations__, so a simpler syntax was chosen.

    对类的变量使用语法x: class t = v:这需要一个更复杂的解析器,而且类的关键字会让头脑简单的语法高亮器感到困惑。总之我们需要让ClassVar将类变量存储到__annotations__中,所以选择了一种更简单的语法。

  • Forget about ClassVar altogether: This was proposed since mypy seems to be getting along fine without a way to distinguish between class and instance variables. But a type checker can do useful things with the extra information, for example flag accidental assignments to a class variable via the instance (which would create an instance variable shadowing the class variable). It could also flag instance variables with mutable defaults, a well-known hazard.


    在实例的同名属性可以覆盖类属性这个问题上,我同意《Fluent Python》中的观点,这是Python的一种特性,是灵活性的体现。所以这里的注解只是提供了一种额外方式,可以让我们将“纯类属性”,即那些永远不会用于实例赋值的属性声明为类属性,以进行严格约束,译者注。

  • Use ClassAttr instead of ClassVar: The main reason why ClassVar is better is following: many things are class attributes, e.g. methods, descriptors, etc. But only specific attributes are conceptually class variables (or maybe constants).

    使用 ClassAttr 而不是 ClassVarClassVar更好的主要原因如下:许多东西都是类的属性,例如方法、描述符等。但只有特定的属性在概念上是类的变量(也可能是常量)。

  • Do not evaluate annotations, treat them as strings: This would be inconsistent with the behavior of function annotations that are always evaluated. Although this might be reconsidered in future, it was decided in PEP 484 that this would have to be a separate PEP.

    **不要评估注解,把它们当作字符串:**这将与总是被评估的函数注释的行为不一致。尽管将来可能会重新考虑这个问题,但在PEP 484中,我们决定这必须是一个单独的PEP。

  • Annotate variable types in class docstring: Many projects already use various docstring conventions, often without much consistency and generally without conforming to the PEP 484 annotation syntax yet. Also this would require a special sophisticated parser. This, in turn, would defeat the purpose of the PEP – collaborating with the third party type checking tools.

    **在类的文档串中注解变量类型:**许多项目已经使用了不同的文档串约定,通常没有太多一致性,而且通常不符合PEP 484的注释语法。而且这需要一个特别复杂的解析器。这反过来又违背了PEP的目的–与第三方类型检查工具合作。

  • Implement __annotations__ as a descriptor: This was proposed to prohibit setting __annotations__ to something non-dictionary or non-None. Guido has rejected this idea as unnecessary; instead a TypeError will be raised if an attempt is made to update __annotations__ when it is anything other than a mapping.

    **将__annotations__作为一个描述符来实现:**这个建议是为了禁止将 __annotations__ 设置为非字典或非 None。Guido 拒绝了这个想法,认为没有必要;相反,如果试图更新 __annotations__ 时,如果它不是一个映射,将会引发一个 TypeError。

  • Treating bare annotations the same as global or nonlocal: The rejected proposal would prefer that the presence of an annotation without assignment in a function body should not involve any evaluation. In contrast, the PEP implies that if the target is more complex than a single name, its “left-hand part” should be evaluated at the point where it occurs in the function body, just to enforce that it is defined. For example, in this example:

    **将裸注解与全局或非全局相同:**被否决的提案倾向于在函数体中存在一个没有赋值的注解不应涉及任何评估。与此相反,PEP暗示,如果目标比单一的名字更复杂,它的 "左手部分 "应该在它出现在函数体中的地方被评估,只是为了强制它被定义。例如,在这个例子中:

    def foo(self) str

    the name slef should be evaluated, just so that if it is not defined (as is likely in this example

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