
The spread of coronavirus is delivering a massive blow to the global economy. The lockdown and work from home restrictions have forced thousands of startups to halt expansion plans, cancel services, and announce layoffs.

冠状病毒的传播正在给全球经济带来沉重打击。 由于住房限制而进行的封锁和工作已迫使成千上万的初创公司暂停扩张计划,取消服务并宣布裁员。

The virus is also having an impact on startup funding and deal activity, with seed-stage deals taking a serious blow this quarter. It’s clear that the startup community is now facing and will continue to confront an existential crisis in the months to come.

该病毒还影响了启动资金和交易活动,本季度种子期交易受到了严重打击 。 显然,初创企业社区现在正面临并将在未来几个月中继续面临生存危机。

To stay in business, founders are looking for ways to maintain liquidity, better understand their demand-supply situation, identify operational efficiencies with a remote workforce, and scout for opportunities to pivot.


If data is the lifeblood of every business, it’s all the more critical for startups looking to weather a downturn. Here’s how startups can use data and analytics to power through the current crisis.

如果数据是每个企业的命脉,那么对于希望度过低迷时期的初创公司而言,数据就显得尤为重要。 创业公司可以使用数据和分析方法来度过当前危机。

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash
Nick Fewings Unsplash 拍摄的 照片

1.数据显示客户的购买方式如何变化 (1. Data shows how your customer’s buying patterns are changing)

McKinsey found that American consumers are drastically changing their spending and behavior, despite expressing optimism about the economy. The survey found that 43% of the people are delaying purchases due to the uncertainty.

麦肯锡发现,尽管对经济表示乐观,但美国消费者仍在大幅改变其消费和行为。 调查发现,由于不确定性,有43%的人推迟购买。

Even as spending shifts to household essentials and remote channels in the short-term, consumer behavior is expected to be permanently reshaped toward online consumption. Startups must keep their finger on the pulse of changing consumer sentiment.

即使短期内支出已转移到家庭必需品和远程渠道上,但预计消费者的行为将永久性地转变为在线消费。 初创企业必须时刻注意不断变化的消费者情绪。

While market research reports and surveys share useful insights, they are lag indicators, at best. Look for alternate public data sources that can give you live or early signals. For example, Kinsa Health found that digital thermometer readings from their online-enabled devices provided insight into the progression of COVID-19 across cities.

尽管市场研究报告和调查共享有用的见解,但充其量只是滞后指标。 寻找可以为您提供实时或早期信号的备用公共数据源。 例如,金莎健康(Kinsa Health)发现,在线支持的设备中的数字体温计读数可以洞悉整个城市的COVID-19进程。

Source: Healthweather map by Kinsa Insights
资料来源: Kinsa Insights提供的 Healthweather 地图

OpenTable, an online restaurant aggregator, published data that gave early indications of the falling demand for dine-in bookings. Public search queries on Google reveal insights on what millions of consumers want in a geographical area, right now.

在线餐厅聚合服务商 OpenTable 发布了数据,这些数据早期表明了就餐预订的需求正在下降。 Google上的公开搜索查询可立即洞悉数百万人在某个地理区域内的需求。

For example, most people in the United States want to know when Disney will reopen and how soon the Nintendo Switch will be in stock. Apart from the availability of toilet paper, they are equally worried about Roblox permanently shutting down.

例如,美国大多数人都想知道迪士尼何时重新开放以及Nintendo Switch的库存将有多快。 除了卫生纸的供应之外,他们同样担心Roblox永久关闭。

Source: 资料来源: GoogleGoogle Search搜索

2. 数据可帮助您了解您的员工如何应对危机 (2. Data helps you understand how your workforce is coping with the crisis)

As employees are instructed to work from home, millions of people are thrown into a work environment they’re not used to, with pressures they didn’t have before. While interruptions and technology challenges are short-term irritants, the biggest mental health risks are due to isolation and burnout.

当指示员工在家中工作时,成千上万的人被迫承受以前从未有过的压力,陷入他们不习惯的工作环境中。 尽管中断和技术挑战是短期刺激物,但最大的精神健康风险是由于孤立和倦怠。

In times of uncertainty like these, data can help companies understand how their workforce is coping with the crisis. Rather than wait for employee surveys or traditional modes of feedback, natural language can provide vital clues to employee wellbeing.

在此类不确定性时期,数据可以帮助公司了解其员工如何应对危机。 自然语言无需等待员工调查或传统的反馈方式,而是可以为员工的健康提供重要线索 。

James W. Pennebaker, a social psychologist at the University of Texas at Austin found that the passive parts of our speech reflect our mental state. For example, people who are less happy tend to use personal pronouns more, that is, “I” or “me” instead of “he” or “she.”

德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的社会心理学家詹姆斯·潘纳贝克(James W. Pennebaker) 发现 ,演讲的被动部分反映了我们的心理状态。 例如,不快乐的人倾向于使用更多的人称代词,即“我”或“我”而不是“他”或“她”。


StatusToday has built an AI solution that connects to the email, chat and communication systems of companies to identify if employees are on the verge of burnout. Needless to say, there is a thin line between invasion of privacy and insights that can ensure workforce wellbeing. Organizations need to take their team into confidence and be transparent about how the insights will be used to avoid adding the additional stress of being monitored.

StatusToday建立了一个AI 解决方案 ,该解决方案可以连接到公司的电子邮件,聊天和通讯系统,以识别员工是否处于精疲力尽的边缘。 毋庸置疑,侵犯隐私和能够确保员工健康的见解之间只有一线之隔。 组织需要使他们的团队充满信心,并且对如何使用洞察力保持透明,以避免增加被监视的压力。

3. 数据可帮助您提高效率并调整您的业务产品 (3. Data helps you drive efficiencies and adapt your business offerings)

The COVID-19 crisis has hit every industry, without exception. However, there are certain sectors such as aerospace, travel, insurance, and oil and gas that may not rebound until 2021. Among the impacted sectors, there is considerable variation based on the offering, business model and channels of sale and consumption.

COVID-19危机无一例外地打击了每个行业。 但是,航空,旅行,保险,石油和天然气等某些行业可能要到2021年才会反弹 。在受影响的行业中,基于产品,业务模式以及销售和消费渠道的差异很大。

Source: Global surveys of consumer sentiment by McKinsey & Company
资料来源: 麦肯锡公司 ( McKinsey&Company) 对消费者情绪的全球调查

Data can help drive efficiencies in your business in the face of uncertainty. Ladley and Redman suggest the use of structured problem-solving by employing six data value modes.

面对不确定性,数据可以帮助您提高业务效率。 Ladley和Redman 建议通过采用六个数据值模式来使用结构化问题解决方案。

These value modes are scenarios that cover the most critical aspects of the business value chain — product enrichment, market intelligence, competitive position, human capabilities, process improvement and risk management.


This framework lets you identify the potential and limitations of data for your business by driving the right conversations with stakeholders. For example, when a regional bank lost many of its high-wealth clients, it turned to the data value modes.

通过该框架,您可以与利益相关者进行正确的对话,从而确定业务数据的潜力和局限性。 例如,当一家地区性银行失去许多高财富客户时,它转向了数据价值模式。

By systematically collecting data and analyzing them, the bank found that clients were unhappy with their transaction execution and reporting. By investigating two of the value modes, the bank rolled out process improvements that led to market share recovery.

通过系统地收集数据并进行分析,该银行发现客户对其交易执行和报告感到不满意。 通过调查两种价值模式,该银行推出了流程改进,从而实现了市场份额的恢复。

What if your business offerings need a fundamental change to tide over the current crisis? That’s another area where data can come to your aid. Amidst the current economic gloom, there are companies that have retained customers or acquired new ones by adapting their business model.

如果您的业务需要彻底改变以应对当前危机,该怎么办? 那是数据可以帮助您的另一个领域。 在当前的经济低迷中,有些公司通过调整业务模式来保留客户或获得新客户。

With a strong uptick in consumption-at-home, companies are experimenting with a rapid adoption of online channels.


Photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash
克里斯·蒙哥马利 ( Chris Montgomery) 摄于Unsplash

For example, fitness studios and gyms are battling to stay relevant by going digital. Businesses such as these are built with a traditional on-premise model, and they need new capabilities to engage and retain customers remotely. They must learn to embrace data and use analytics to gauge customer experience and improve online engagement levels.

例如,健身室和健身房正在努力通过数字化来保持相关性。 诸如此类的业务是使用传统的内部部署模型构建的,它们需要新的功能来远程吸引和保留客户。 他们必须学会拥抱数据,并使用分析来评估客户体验并提高在线参与度。

Startups can take lessons from digital native companies like Netflix, which built its business around user analytics. Netflix has been strengthening its leadership position with continuous digital innovation. Recently, it rolled out Netflix Party, a fun way to watch movies together, amidst social distancing, to make up for lost movie nights with friends.

初创企业可以从像Netflix这样的数字原生公司那里汲取教训,这些公司围绕用户分析开展业务。 Netflix通过不断的数字创新一直在巩固其领导地位。 最近,它推出了Netflix Party ,这是一种在社交场合中可以一起观看电影的有趣方式,以弥补与朋友失散的电影之夜。

Photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash
克里斯·蒙哥马利 ( Chris Montgomery) 摄于Unsplash

采用数据驱动的方法从危机中脱颖而出 (Adopt a data-driven approach to come out stronger from the crisis)

As you assess and respond to the changing business priorities, combine internal data insights with the intelligence from public data sources.


Tap into digital tools and inferred signals to support and empower your teams. Use the six data value modes framework to define how data can help adapt your business strategy. For the best outcome from data initiatives, ensure you have a balanced data science team and promote collaboration with the business stakeholders.

利用数字工具和推断的信号来支持和增强您的团队。 使用六个数据价值模式框架来定义数据如何帮助您调整业务策略。 为了从数据计划中获得最佳结果,请确保您拥有一支平衡的数据科学团队并促进与业务利益相关者的协作。

It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.

它不是生存最强的物种,也不是最聪明的物种。 它是最适应变化的一种。

Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution holds a critical lesson for companies looking to weather this crisis. It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is most adaptable to change. Founders who are quick enough to use the insights from data to respond, adapt and evolve their startups will come out stronger.

查尔斯·达尔文(Charles Darwin)的演化理论为希望度过这场危机的公司提供了重要的教训。 它不是生存最强的物种,也不是最聪明的物种。 它是最适应变化的一种。 足够快地利用数据洞察力来响应,适应和发展其初创公司的创始人将变得更加强大。

This article was first published in the Analytics Magazine by Informs. Illustrations have been added. Title Photo by David Clode on Unsplash

本文最初 由Informs 发表 在《 Analytics杂志》上。 插图已添加。 大卫·克洛德 ( David Clode) Unsplash 拍摄的 标题照片

翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/why-your-startup-needs-data-science-to-survive-this-crisis-d04500df6c2a




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