
Picture this: you just returned from a beautiful vacation and want to show all those gorgeous photos to your family. But your phone just died. And since you're at a family dinner your laptop is nowhere to be found.

想象一下:您刚刚从一个美丽的假期回来,想向您的家人展示所有这些漂亮的照片。 但是您的电话就死了。 而且,由于您正在参加家庭晚餐,因此找不到笔记本电脑。

What do you do?


iCloud Photos to the rescue!


If you need to get into your photos but don't have any of your trusty devices on hand, this guide will show you how.


入门 (Getting started)

You're probably familiar with the photos app on your iPhone. I know I visit it multiple times a day when I'm taking or looking for a photo of my adorable boxer.

您可能对iPhone上的photos应用很熟悉。 我知道我每天要拍或寻找我可爱的拳击手的照片时都要多次访问。

But what if you're in that unfortunate situation mentioned above and don't have access to your phone (or tablet or laptop)? There's a simple answer: iCloud Photos. And you can access those photos from any computer or device, as long as you have an internet connection and your Apple login info.

但是,如果您处于上述不幸的情况,并且无法使用手机(或平板电脑或笔记本电脑)怎么办? 有一个简单的答案:iCloud照片。 只要您具有Internet连接和Apple登录信息,就可以从任何计算机或设备访问这些照片。

So let's go find your photos.


转到iCloud.com并登录 (Go to iCloud.com and sign in)

Open any web browser and go to icloud.com. If you're not signed in you'll be prompted to do so:

打开任何Web浏览器,然后转到icloud.com 。 如果您尚未登录,系统将提示您这样做:

找到照片应用 (Locate the photos app)

Once you're signed in you'll be brought to a screen full of apps. And somewhere in there you'll see the photos app icon:

登录后,您将进入一个充满应用程序的屏幕。 在其中的某个地方,您会看到“照片”应用程序图标:

The first time you access your photos this way they might take a while to load. Especially if you have over 19,000 of them like I do. Just sit tight while iCloud prepares them (and feel free to go do something else while you wait).

第一次以这种方式访问​​照片时,它们可能需要一段时间才能加载。 特别是如果您像我一样拥有超过19,000个。 只要在iCloud为他们准备时坐好(并在等待时随意去做其他事情)。

浏览,分享并享受乐趣! (Browse, share, and have fun!)

Once they're all loaded, it'll look a little something like this (with your own photos, of course):


Now you can show your eager family that 45 minute slide show you prepared on the plane ride home...which probably killed your phone battery.


认识iCloud照片 (Getting to know iCloud Photos)

But what else can you do now that you have access to your photos again? You can organize them, create favorites, delete unflattering or duplicate captures, and more. Let's have a look.

但是,现在又可以访问照片了,您还能做什么? 您可以组织它们,创建收藏夹,删除不受欢迎的内容或重复的捕获内容等等。 我们来看一下。

管理收藏夹 (Managing favorites)

Ah, that last evening at the beach/mountain/your favorite bar. Remember that super sweet photo you are just dying to show everyone to make them jealous? You can make it a favorite so you never have to search through all your photos for it again.

啊,昨天晚上在海滩/山峦/您最喜欢的酒吧。 还记得那张超级可爱的照片,您只是想向所有人展示嫉妒吗? 您可以将其设为收藏夹,这样就不必再搜索所有照片。

Just select that photo by double-clicking it so it opens. A little menu of icons will become selectable in the upper right:

只需双击该照片即可将其打开。 右上角将显示一个小图标菜单:

Click the heart. Now that photo is in your favorites.

点击心脏。 现在,该照片已成为您的收藏夹。

If you want to further manage your favorite photos just click on the "Favorites" tab in the left sidebar menu.


When you click once on any of those photos (as you can see, the last photo is highlighted blue), that upper right menu will become available again.


Those menu icons allow you to upload photos, add your selected photo to an album, share that photo, download it, or delete it.


Tip: just be careful when deleting items. You're not just deleting that photo from your favorites - you're deleting it from all your devices.

提示:删除项目时请务必小心。 您不仅要从收藏夹中删除该照片,还要从所有设备中删除它。

Just in case you mistakenly delete a photo, however, you can recover it. Just visit the "Recently Deleted" tab in the left sidebar menu. There, you'll see your just-deleted photo and how many days it has left before it disappears. Forever.

万一您误删除了照片,则可以将其恢复。 只需访问左侧边栏菜单中的“最近删除”标签即可。 在这里,您会看到刚删除的照片以及它消失前还剩下多少天。 永远。

建立新专辑 (Creating a new album)

What if you want to share specific photos with your family but keep certain others private?


You can do that, too! Just look for the "My Albums" tab in the left sidebar menu:

你也能做到! 只需在左侧边栏菜单中查找“我的相册”标签:

If you want to create a new album, just click the "+" in the upper right corner:

如果要创建新相册,只需单击右上角的“ +”:

You'll be asked to give the album a name, and once you do, you can add photos by clicking the upload photos icon in the upper right:


You can also add photos to your new album while you're browsing your pics. Just select a photo (or drag to select multiple photos) and click on the "+" in the upper right corner.

您还可以在浏览照片时将照片添加到新相册中。 只需选择一张照片(或拖动以选择多张照片),然后单击右上角的“ +”即可。

Then just select the album where you want the photos to go, and presto! Your album is populated with adorable dog photos (or whatever photos you've selected. Are there any other kinds of photos?).

然后,只需选择要将照片移至的相册即可,然后保存! 您的相册中填充了可爱的狗照片(或您选择的任何照片。还有其他类型的照片吗?)。

管理相册 (Managing your albums)

Within your albums you can manage your photos the same ways as you can in your favorites. Just double-click on an album, select (click on) a photo, and edit away.

在相册中,您可以像在收藏夹中一样管理照片。 只需双击相册,选择(单击)照片,然后进行编辑即可。

And now all you need to do is put together that next stunning slideshow.


如果我没有看到照片怎么办? (What if I don't see any photos?)

If you login to iCloud and don't see any photos, it could be that you haven't opted for your photos to be saved to iCloud.


To fix that, just go to Settings in your phone, select Photos, and toggle iCloud Photos on:

要解决此问题,只需在手机中转到“设置”,选择“照片”,然后在以下位置打开“ iCloud照片”:

This will automatically upload and store your photos in iCloud so they're there when you need them.


Tip: if you can't toggle on that switch, it could be that your phone/device doesn't have enough space to store them. If that's the case you'll just need to upgrade your iCloud storage plan.

提示:如果您无法打开该开关,则可能是您的手机/设备没有足够的空间来存储它们。 在这种情况下,您只需要升级iCloud存储计划即可 。

Now you'll never be without your photos again.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-view-your-apple-icloud-photos-online-in-your-laptop-or-desktops-web-browser/


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