Do you hear the angel?Do you think that this really has the angel in the world?We knew from the story in the book, the angel contain the wing of the beauty, beautiful face , the mind of the docile, generous breadth of view, they would like to sacrifice the oneself to help to be placed in the person in the predicament.In fact the angel not only limits only in the book, we nearby and equally love our angel, I met two, although they have no beautiful face , the wing of the beauty, however they have equally an is filled with the loving heart.

When I suffer the frustrate, being placed in the low valley of the life, feeling the despairing time to this world, is they order bright guide I continue to go forward of lead the way the light, is they hold firmly the my hand, finding back the oneself for me.When I stand at high accept award the on the stage highly, is they at I after death pay more sweat, how much the dark night of daytime, they accompany I practice, helping me to progress!

My best friend, my angel, they use to love the church I am a lot of.At later of on the road, the angel that we are all each other!

The angels that I love most, we together hard, walk till the last!







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