1 首先停掉neutron-server

kill neutron-server in screen by ctr-c q-svc


cp /usr/local/bin/neutron-server opt/stack/neutron/bin/neutron-server.py

/opt/stack/neutron/bin$ chmod 644 neutron-server.py

F5 flash neutron project in eclipse


diff --git a/neutron/common/eventlet_utils.py b/neutron/common/eventlet_utils.py
index cf995d5..2056562 100644
--- a/neutron/common/eventlet_utils.py
+++ b/neutron/common/eventlet_utils.py
@@ -29,4 +29,4 @@ def monkey_patch():
         #       eventletmonkey_patch-breaks
         eventlet.monkey_patch(os=False, thread=False)
-        eventlet.monkey_patch()
+        eventlet.monkey_patch(os=False, thread=False)

4 配置eclipse debug

project = neutron

Main Modle = ${workspace_loc:neutron/bin/neutron-server.py}

Arguments = --config-file /etc/neutron/neutron.conf  --config-file /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini

4 在nova.conf中添加:


F5 step in

F6 next step

F7 step out




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