
Data scientists regularly use APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) to implement advanced functionalities without having to build things from the ground up, import data from external sources, expose data for users to consume, or achieve other objectives.

数据科学家经常使用API​​(应用程序编程接口)来实现高级功能,而无需从头开始构建事物,从外部源导入数据, 将数据公开给用户使用或实现其他目标。

For example, if you intend to create your own classifier that categorizes the genre of a piece of music, you can use the Spotify API to do that.

例如,如果您打算创建自己的分类器来对音乐的流派进行分类,则可以使用Spotify API来实现。

You’ll be able to tap into the massive data that Spotify has and build the classifier fast, without having to start from scratch. In such cases, APIs offer the right solution to your data science project.

您将能够利用Spotify拥有的海量数据并快速构建分类器,而无需从头开始。 在这种情况下,API为您的数据科学项目提供了正确的解决方案。

And, to make the most of APIs, there is a need to enforce API management. With an API management platform, such as the Rakuten RapidAPI Enterprise Hub, you can abstract most of the day-to-day administrative pain points of creating or consuming APIs and realize increased productivity.

并且,为了充分利用API,需要实施API管理。 借助Rakuten RapidAPI Enterprise Hub等API管理平台,您可以抽象出创建或使用API​​的大部分日常管理难题 ,并提高生产率。

These solutions assist you in designing, implementing, monitoring, securing, analyzing, managing, and growing your API program.


In this article, I’m going to talk about how an API management platform can help in enhancing your data science projects.


1.提供集中的可见性 (1. Provides centralized visibility)

An API management tool will provide you with centralized visibility into the performance of your internal APIs and external API subscriptions. As you use more APIs in your data science projects, it becomes difficult to keep track of them.

API管理工具将使您可以集中查看内部API和外部API订阅的性能。 当您在数据科学项目中使用更多API时,很难跟踪它们。

In fact, according to a 2017 study, an average company uses more than 300 different APIs. With these many APIs to take care of, simplifying their tracking process is required to optimize their value and deliverability.

实际上,根据2017年的一项研究 ,一个普通的公司使用300多种不同的API。 有了这些许多API,就需要简化其跟踪过程以优化其价值和可交付性。

Otherwise, it can be difficult to assess and improve their performance, enhance the developer experience, or make informed decisions.


An API management solution will give you the enhanced visibility and control you need to know what is happening with your APIs.


With a single central location to manage your data science APIs, you can get rid of redundant APIs, identify performance inconsistencies, and ease the orchestration of the different moving parts of your APIs.


2.改善API治理 (2. Improves API governance)

API governance refers to the practice of establishing various policies that control the use of an API product.


It involves a wide range of management, administration, visibility, monitoring, and other measures that streamline and govern the adoption of APIs.


As a data scientist, having an API management platform will let you outline the terms and conditions that make your APIs accessible by different personas within and outside your enterprise.


It’s what you need to implement access management and safeguard against unauthorized use, undertake audit trails to discover abnormal usage trends, and blacklist or whitelist APIs.


Furthermore, managing your APIs makes it easy to analyze and monitor their performance.


Most of these solutions come with intuitive dashboards that allow you to get quick insights across all APIs used by your team. This way, you can evaluate and maintain the health of your APIs.

这些解决方案中的大多数都带有直观的仪表板,可让您快速了解团队使用的所有API。 这样,您可以评估和维护API的运行状况。

You can also use such a platform to collate APIs according to their different functions. For example, if you have different APIs that pull data sets for data visualization, you can group them and monitor their performance easily.

您还可以使用这样的平台根据API的不同功能来整理它们。 例如,如果您有不同的API提取数据集以进行数据可视化 ,则可以将它们分组并轻松监视其性能。

Also, even if there are multiple versions of an API, such a platform will allow you to track and govern the various versions effortlessly.


3.增强API发现 (3. Enhances API discovery)

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Most API management platforms come with a built-in developer portal that allows users to find APIs, learn how to consume them, test them out interactively, and ultimately register to get API keys.


These portals act as a repository of everything pertaining to using the given APIs — from providing documentation, code snippets, tools, and other helper resources.

这些门户充当与使用给定API有关的所有内容的存储库-从提供文档 ,代码段,工具和其他帮助程序资源开始。

If you can use the portal to search for public and internal APIs, sign up to them, and incorporate them into your applications, you can greatly improve the capabilities of your data science projects.


Instead of having to create functionalities from scratch, you can use an API management solution to discover new APIs and save your development time, costs, and efforts. This will allow you to concentrate on improving the offerings of your core product.

无需从头开始创建功能,您可以使用API​​管理解决方案来发现新的API,并节省开发时间,成本和工作量。 这将使您可以专注于改进核心产品。

More so, leveraging APIs can lead to several improvements across most crucial elements of your data science projects. According to a recent study, users who adopted APIs realized a significant increase in productivity (at 59%), direct revenues (at 43%), and innovation (at 51%).

更重要的是,利用API可以在您的数据科学项目的最关键要素上带来多项改进。 根据最近的一项研究 ,采用API的用户实现了生产率(59%),直接收入(43%)和创新(51%)的显着提高。

Therefore, the ability to find and connect to APIs is an important feature you can take advantage of to increase the efficiency of your projects.


4.巩固API安全性 (4. Solidifies API security)

When using APIs in your data science applications, security should be an important consideration.


Currently, with the increased utilization of APIs, attackers are shifting their focus from the traditional targets to a new area that hasn’t been extensively exploited yet: application programming interfaces.


APIs are highly susceptible to attacks because they expose the underlying enactment of a computing technique.


Since they provide programmatic access to data and services, this also enlarges the attack surface area — unlike other user-facing applications.


According to a recent report, the number of API vulnerabilities has been rising tremendously year-over-year, increasing by about 154% from 2015 to 2018.

根据最近的一份报告 ,API漏洞的数量同比激增,从2015年到2018年增加了约154%。

By managing APIs, you can enforce their security and realize the value you initially envisioned with your data science projects.


A management platform can help you to maximize your API’s security from various types of attacks, such as man-in-the-middle, denial of service (DoS), injection, or social engineering attacks.

管理平台可以帮助您从各种类型的攻击(例如中间人攻击,拒绝服务(DoS),注入或社会工程攻击)中最大化API的安全性 。

Besides authenticating and authorizing access, an API management tool can assist in setting up various security measures for your APIs.


These include configuring the OAuth token authorizing system, instituting policies to block bad actors, revoking compromised APIs, implementing API key rotation, applying quotas and rate limiting, and setting permissions for accessing APIs.


Also, as earlier mentioned, such a platform will increase the visibility into your APIs. This heightened visibility lets you analyze the API activities against normal usage patterns, discover unauthorized intrusions based on strange behaviors, and identify threats as early as possible before the extent of damage is amplified.

另外,如前所述,这样的平台将增加对API的可见性。 这种增强的可见性使您可以对照正常使用模式分析API活动,基于奇怪的行为发现未经授权的入侵,并在损害程度扩大之前尽早识别威胁。

5.启用API货币化 (5. Enables API monetization)

API monetization, just as the name suggests, refers to the process of earning revenues from your APIs. Monetization allows API providers to grow their pursuits and discover new opportunities with developers, partners, and customers.

顾名思义,API货币化是指从您的API中获得收入的过程。 货币化使API提供者可以不断发展追求,并与开发人员,合作伙伴和客户一起发现新的机会。

Depending on your objectives, there are three main monetization options you can pursue with your API program: providing it for free, the consumer pays, or consumer gets paid.


For example, if you have created an algorithm that performs sentiment analysis, you can expose it as an API and allow other developers to use it to find the opinion expressed in documents or articles.


And to generate some money from the use of your sentiment analysis API, you can monetize it by charging other data scientists for using it.


Most API management solutions offer an easy way to monetize and unlock value from your API products.


These platforms will provide you with a centralized payment center for your APIs, the ability to implement subscription plans, billing capabilities, and more.


结论 (Conclusion)

APIs are widely used in data science projects. However, ad hoc API adoption often leads to performance discrepancies, security issues, and reduced productivity.

API已广泛用于数据科学项目中。 但是,临时采用API通常会导致性能差异,安全性问题和生产率下降。

An API management plan provides a single source of truth to bring unity, cohesion, and versatility to your APIs.


With a platform to manage and control your APIs, you can optimize their value and make the most of your data science projects.


So, are you using (or planning to use) a tool for the management of APIs?


Or, do you have any comments or questions?


Please post them below.


翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/api-management-platform-data-science-projects-43120558a000




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