
HTML注释 (HTML Comments)

To insert a comment in an HTML document, the comment tags are used. The comments are used to provide some information that could be useful for anyone who views the code of the webpage. The comments can be inserted by any number of times within the webpage. Also, a notable point is that the comments are not visible on the webpage. That means the text in the comments are ignored by the web browser and thus it is not visible on the webpage.

在HTML文档中插入注释 ,请使用comment标签 。 注释用于提供一些信息,这些信息对于查看网页代码的任何人都可能有用。 注释可以在网页中插入任意次。 另外,值得注意的一点是,注释在网页上不可见。 这意味着注释中的文本被网络浏览器忽略,因此在网页上不可见。

The HTML comments are placed between the symbols <!-- text -->


The syntax of the comment tag is as,


This is a comment in the HTML document.

The comments could be inserted in wherein the document. It increases the readability of the code in the document. Also, the comments in HTML are supported by almost all of the present-day browsers. These comments are multi-line comments.

注释可以插入文档所在的位置。 它提高了文档中代码的可读性。 而且,几乎所有当今的浏览器都支持HTML中的注释。 这些评论是多行评论。

Below is an example to illustrate the use of comments,


<!-- The sample HTML code -->
<p>Line before the comment.</p>
This is the comment line
any text can be written here
that will not display on the webpage.
<p>Line after the comment.</p>



HTML报价 (HTML Quotation)

<q> elements: The quotations in HTML document are added by using the <q> tag. The text which is to be displayed in quotes is written in between the <q> tag.

<q>元素: HTML文档中的引号是使用<q>标记添加的。 要在引号中显示的文本写在<q>标记之间。



    <p>Welcome at <q>IncludeHelp</q>.</p>



Welcome at "IncludeHelp".

The <q> tag is used for the small quotation in the text.


<blockqoute> element


The <blockquote> element is also used for creating quotations. But it is somewhat different from the <q> element. Unlike the <q> tag, the <blockqoute> do not put quotations(") in the text, but it changes the alignment of the text to make it different from other texts on the webpage. The browser generally intends the content in the BLOCKQUOTE tag.

<blockquote>元素也用于创建报价。 但这与<q>元素有些不同。 与<q>标记不同, <blockqoute>不会在文本中加上引号( “ ),但会更改文本的对齐方式,使其与网页上的其他文本有所不同。浏览器通常将内容放在BLOCKQUOTE中标签。

An example of <blockqoute> tag


<!-- The sample HTML code -->
the text is blockqoute is quoted differently then the other text
<blockquote> some text in the BLOCKQOUTE element </blockquote>



<address>元素 (<address> element)

The <address> element specifies an address within the webpage and the text that is inside the address tag would be emphasized. It also has both the tags: opening and closing tags.

<address>元素指定网页内的地址,并且地址标签内的文本将被强调。 它还具有两个标签:开始和结束标签。

An example of <address> tag


<!-- The sample HTML code -->
123-block, LN road<br>
Sector-110, Delhi



<abbr>元素 (<abbr> element)

The <abbr> element is used to define a text as an acronym or abbreviations. The title attribute can be used to show the full version of the abbreviation/acronym when you mouse over the <abbr> element. It has both opening and closing tags.

<abbr>元素用于将文本定义为首字母缩写词或缩写。 当您将鼠标放在<abbr>元素上时,title属性可用于显示缩写/缩写的完整版本。 它同时具有开始和结束标签。

An example of <abbr> tag


<!-- The sample HTML code -->
place your mouse over the following text :
<abbr title=" World Wide Web "> www </abbr>






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