
The execution time of a program is defined as the time spent by the system to execute the task. As we all know any program takes some execution time but we don't know how much. So, don't worry, in this tutorial we will learn it by using the datetime module and also we will see the execution time for finding the factorial of a large number. A large number will be provided by the user and we have to calculate the factorial of a number, also we have to find the execution time of the factorial program. Before going to write the Python program, we will try to understand the algorithm.

程序的执行时间定义为系统执行任务所花费的时间。 众所周知,任何程序都需要一些执行时间,但我们不知道需要多少时间。 因此,不用担心,在本教程中,我们将通过使用datetime模块来学习它,并且还将看到查找大量因数的执行时间。 用户将提供大量的数字,我们必须计算数字的阶乘,也必须找到阶乘程序的执行时间 。 在编写Python程序之前,我们将尝试了解该算法。

Algorithm to find the execution time of a factorial program:


  1. Initially, we will import the datetime module and also the math module(to find the factorial) in the Program. Take the value of a number N from the user.

    最初,我们将在程序中导入datetime模块和math模块(以找到阶乘)。 从用户处获取数字N的值。

  2. Take the value of a number N from the user.


  3. Find the initial time by using now() function and assign it to a variable which is t_start.


  4. Calculate the factorial of a given number(N) and print it.


  5. Here, we will also find the current time and assign it to a variable which is t_end.


  6. To know the execution time simply find the difference between the t_end and t_start i.e t_end - t_start.

    要知道执行时间只需找到t_end和t_start即t_end之间的区别- t_start。

Now, let's start writing the Python program by simply implementing the above algorithm.


# importing the modules
from datetime import datetime
import math
N=int(input("Enter the value of N: "))
print("factorial of the number:",s)
print("The execution time for factorial program: ",e)



Enter the value of N: 25
factorial of the number: 15511210043330985984000000
The execution time for factorial program: 0:00:00.000022

The output format of the execution time of factorial as "hours: minutes: seconds. microseconds".





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