
使用VS2013生成caffe解决方案时,报错NuGet Error:Unable to find version '' of package 'glog.overlay-x64_v120_Release_dynamic'.



链接:NuGet error while building caffe on Windows with visual studio 2013

I resolved this issue on my system by overwriting the copy of NuGet.exe that was in caffe-master/windows/.nuget with the nuget.exe version that came with glog. in NugetPackages\glog.\build\native\private\

翻译一下就是说:使用路径 NugetPackages\glog.\build\native\private\ 下的 NuGet.exe 覆盖 caffe-master/windows/.nuget 下的 NuGet.exe,我下的microsoft下的caffe https://codechina.csdn.net/mirrors/microsoft/caffe?utm_source=csdn_github_accelerator,没有.nuget文件夹,无法使用这个办法。




将上面所有的文件夹都复制到你自己的文件夹就可以,我的在D:\Program Files\NugetPackages



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