本来已经解决了Provisioning Profile的问题:

“MyApp has conflicting provisioning settings. MyApp is automatically signed, but code signing identity iPhone Distribution: Francesco Scala (2************O) has been manually specified. Set the code signing identity value to "iPhone Developer" in the build settings editor, or switch to manual signing in the project editor.”


“Provisioning profile "ForthePacketCapture" doesn't include signing certificate "iPhone Developer: Weiguang Hou(PVKPSEN75D)".”

的问题,但是developer.apple.com上的certificate identities&profiles 又打不开了,好气啊。

等网页打开的时间把Provisioning Profile问题的解决方法大致记录一下:

Xcode8 相较之前的版本Provisioning Profile管理有所改动,在Xcode-Preferences-Accounts Tab找不到了,而且在Target-Signing界面有Provisioning Profile(Deprecated)一栏,但是这些对于上述问题没有影响,Provisioning Profile 还是配置完了下载安装即可,教程有大神写了:http://blog.csdn.net/crazyzhang1990/article/details/46449503/

出现这个问题的原因,查一下Project-Target下面的 General 以及Build Settings下面的Signing设置问题,我出现的问题的解决步骤即为:

1、Project和Target的General下面的Automatically manage signing取消选中;

2、出现问题的Project Target下面的signing选定安装好的Provisioning Profile,在Provisioning Profile(Deprecated)中选定就可以。


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