
首先安装,很简单pip install retry



def retry(exceptions=Exception, tries=-1, delay=0, max_delay=None, backoff=1, jitter=0, logger=logging_logger):"""Return a retry decorator.:param exceptions:捕获异常或异常元组。 默认:Exception。:param tries:Exception最大尝试次数。 默认值:-1(无限)。:param delay:尝试之间的初始延迟。 默认值:0。:param max_delay:延迟的最大值。 默认值:无(无限制)。:param backoff:乘法器应用于尝试之间的延迟。 默认值:1(无退避)。:param jitter:额外的秒数添加到尝试之间的延迟。 默认值:0。如果数字固定,则随机如果范围元组(最小值,最大值):param logger:logger.warning(fmt,error,delay)将在失败尝试中调用。默认值:retry.logging_logger。 如果无,则记录被禁用。"""


from retry import retry@retry()
def make_trouble():'''Retry until succeed'''print ('retrying...')raiseif __name__ == '__main__':make_trouble()# 输出: 一直重试,直到运行成功

2.Exception参数, 默认 Exception, 只捕获重试指定的异常,可以是元组

@retry(ZeroDivisionError, tries=3, delay=2)
def make_trouble():'''Retry on ZeroDivisionError, raise error after 3 attempts, sleep 2 seconds between attempts.'''print 'aaa'a = 1/0if __name__ == '__main__':make_trouble()输出:
Traceback (most recent call last):File "E:/WORKSPACE/document/document/test/1.py", line 20, in <module>make_trouble()File "<decorator-gen-2>", line 2, in make_troubleFile "D:\python27\WinPython-64bit-\python-2.7.10.amd64\lib\site-packages\retry\api.py", line 74, in retry_decoratorlogger)File "D:\python27\WinPython-64bit-\python-2.7.10.amd64\lib\site-packages\retry\api.py", line 33, in __retry_internalreturn f()File "E:/WORKSPACE/document/document/test/1.py", line 16, in make_troublea = 1/0
ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero


import time
@retry((ValueError, TypeError), delay=1, backoff=2)
def make_trouble():'''Retry on ValueError or TypeError, sleep 1, 2, 4, 8, ... seconds between attempts.'''print (1,  int(time.time()))raise ValueError('a')if __name__ == '__main__':make_trouble()输出:
(1, 1504107288)
(1, 1504107289)
(1, 1504107291)
(1, 1504107295)
(1, 1504107303)
(1, 1504107319)
(1, 1504107351)

4.max_delay 指定最大间隔时间,backoff参数触发的休眠时间大于max_delay时,休眠时间以max_delay为准则

import time@retry((ValueError, TypeError), delay=1, backoff=2, max_delay=8)
def make_trouble():'''Retry on ValueError or TypeError, sleep 1, 2, 4, 4, ... seconds between attempts.'''print (1, int(time.time()))raise ValueError('aa')if __name__ == '__main__':make_trouble()输出:
(1, 1504107496)
(1, 1504107497)
(1, 1504107499)
(1, 1504107503)
(1, 1504107511)
(1, 1504107519)
(1, 1504107527)
(1, 1504107535)


import time@retry(ValueError, delay=1, jitter=1)
def make_trouble():'''Retry on ValueError, sleep 1, 2, 3, 4, ... seconds between attempts.'''print (1, int(time.time()))raise ValueError('e')if __name__ == '__main__':import logginglogging.basicConfig()make_trouble()输出:
WARNING:retry.api:e, retrying in 1 seconds...
(1, 1504107644)
WARNING:retry.api:e, retrying in 2 seconds...
(1, 1504107645)
WARNING:retry.api:e, retrying in 3 seconds...
(1, 1504107647)
WARNING:retry.api:e, retrying in 4 seconds...
(1, 1504107650)
WARNING:retry.api:e, retrying in 5 seconds...
(1, 1504107654)
WARNING:retry.api:e, retrying in 6 seconds...
(1, 1504107659)
(1, 1504107665)
WARNING:retry.api:e, retrying in 7 seconds...
(1, 1504107672)
WARNING:retry.api:e, retrying in 8 seconds...


def retry_call(f, fargs=None, fkwargs=None, exceptions=Exception, tries=-1, delay=0, max_delay=None, backoff=1, jitter=0, logger=logging_logger):
Calls a function and re-executes it if it failed.
:param f: the function to execute.
:param fargs: the positional arguments of the function to execute.
:param fkwargs: the named arguments of the function to execute.
:param exceptions: an exception or a tuple of exceptions to catch. default: Exception.
:param tries: the maximum number of attempts. default: -1 (infinite).
:param delay: initial delay between attempts. default: 0.
:param max_delay: the maximum value of delay. default: None (no limit).
:param backoff: multiplier applied to delay between attempts. default: 1 (no backoff).
:param jitter: extra seconds added to delay between attempts. default: 0.fixed if a number, random if a range tuple (min, max)
:param logger: logger.warning(fmt, error, delay) will be called on failed attempts.default: retry.logging_logger. if None, logging is disabled.
:returns: the result of the f function.


import requests
from retry.api import retry_calldef make_trouble(service, info=None):if not info:info = ''print ('retry..., service: {},  info: {}'.format(service, info))r = requests.get(service + info)print r.textraise Exception('info')def what_is_my_ip(approach=None):if approach == "optimistic":tries = 1elif approach == "conservative":tries = 3else:# skepticaltries = -1result = retry_call(make_trouble, fargs=["http://ipinfo.io/"], fkwargs={"info": "ip"}, tries=tries)print(result)if __name__ == '__main__':import logginglogging.basicConfig()what_is_my_ip("conservative")输出:
retry..., service: http://ipinfo.io/,  info: ip, service: http://ipinfo.io/,  info: ip
WARNING:retry.api:info, retrying in 0 seconds...
WARNING:retry.api:info, retrying in 0 seconds..., service: http://ipinfo.io/,  info: ip
Traceback (most recent call last):File "E:/WORKSPACE/document/document/test/1.py", line 74, in <module>what_is_my_ip("conservative")File "E:/WORKSPACE/document/document/test/1.py", line 66, in what_is_my_ipresult = retry_call(make_trouble, fargs=["http://ipinfo.io/"], fkwargs={"info": "ip"}, tries=tries)File "D:\python27\WinPython-64bit-\python-2.7.10.amd64\lib\site-packages\retry\api.py", line 101, in retry_callreturn __retry_internal(partial(f, *args, **kwargs), exceptions, tries, delay, max_delay, backoff, jitter, logger)File "D:\python27\WinPython-64bit-\python-2.7.10.amd64\lib\site-packages\retry\api.py", line 33, in __retry_internalreturn f()File "E:/WORKSPACE/document/document/test/1.py", line 54, in make_troubleraise Exception('info')
Exception: info



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