
As I wrote in my previous post; Apple upset me pretty bad with it’s iPhone update. Also, iTunes’ horrible performance on Vista leaves nothing to be desired. The iPhone update was the final straw for me. I have decided to ditch iTunes for a new music player. To read about the nightmare of completely uninstalling iTunes from your computer check out “iTunes Uninstall Hassle“. I have been an iTunes user for many years. So choosing a new player is not going to be easy. Many trials and tribulations are ahead in this quest. I have decided to document my findings as I go along.

如我在以前的帖子中所写; 苹果的iPhone更新让我很不高兴。 此外,iTunes在Vista上的糟糕表现也无可厚非。 iPhone更新是我的最后一根稻草。 我决定放弃iTunes购买新的音乐播放器。 要了解从计算机上完全卸载iTunes的噩梦,请查看“ iTunes卸载麻烦 ”。 我已经成为iTunes用户很多年了。 因此,选择一个新玩家并不容易。 在这一追求中,许多考验和磨难正排在前面。 我已决定将我的发现记录在案。

After digging around I have narrowed it down to four different players. The four in the running are Winamp, Quintessential player (which is an OSS player), jetAudio, and even (cough.. cough) Windows Media Player. It is important to keep in mind that I have been very lazy in my media player research over the years because of the iTunes crutch. In coming posts I will outline the good, the bad, and the ugly of each application and share my experiences with you.

深入挖掘之后,我将范围缩小到了四个不同的玩家。 运行中的四个是WinampQuintessential播放器(这是OSS播放器), jetAudio甚至Windows Media Player (咳嗽)。 重要的是要记住,由于iTunes的存在,多年来我对媒体播放器的研究非常懒惰。 在接下来的文章中,我将概述每个应用程序的好,坏和丑陋,并与您分享我的经验。

VLC视频局域网媒体播放器 (VLC Video LAN Media Player)

VLC is my video player of choice and I hope it always will be. I use VLC a lot! Especially when I want to quickly open a music file or watch video. VLC is great because it is going to play basically every media file type you can think of without having to search for and install a bunch of codecs and plug-ins. The customization options are endless, you can really tweak every aspect of the video your playing. I cannot say enough good things about VLC as a video player. However as a primary music player I need more. VLC just does not offer all the functions I want out of a primary music jukebox.

VLC是我选择的视频播放器,我希望一直如此。 我经常使用VLC! 特别是当我想快速打开音乐文件或观看视频时。 VLC之所以出色,是因为它基本上可以播放您可以想到的每种媒体文件类型,而无需搜索和安装大量编解码器和插件。 自定义选项无穷无尽,您可以真正调整播放视频的各个方面。 关于VLC作为视频播放器,我不能说太多好话。 但是,作为主要的音乐播放器,我需要更多。 VLC并未提供我想要的所有音乐自动点唱机中的所有功能。




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