
  • 2.注释
    • 2.1motion_model.py
    • 2.2model_predictive_trajectory_generator.py
    • 2.3 lookuptable_generator.py
    • 2.4 state_lattice_planner.py

接上篇 读PythonRobotics StateLatticePlanner源码-原理篇




  • 定义state类型 [ x , y , y a w , v ] [x,y,yaw,v] [x,y,yaw,v],位置,航向,和速度。涉及到state lattice速度模型的部分,使用的是匀速模型
  • update(state, v, delta, dt, L):在dt时间内,根据运动模型更新状态数据 s k + 1 = s k + s ˙ Δ t s_{k+1} = s_k + \dot{s}\Delta t sk+1​=sk​+s˙Δt
  • generate_trajectory(s,km,kp,k0):s是运动的弧长,由于是匀速模型,可以计算 Δ t \Delta t Δt;另外涉及到state lattice中的角速度模型部分,使用二次曲线,参数为二次曲线上的三个点 [ k 0 , k m , k f ] [k0,km,kf] [k0,km,kf],将这三个点和时间拟合得到曲线后;向前积分得到整个轨迹上的状态点。
  • generate_last_state(s,km,kp,k0):同generate_trajectory,但只返回整个轨迹上的最后一个状态点
import math
import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate# motion parameter
L = 1.0  # wheel base
ds = 0.1  # course distanse
v = 10.0 / 3.6  # velocity [m/s]class State:def __init__(self, x=0.0, y=0.0, yaw=0.0, v=0.0):self.x = xself.y = yself.yaw = yawself.v = vdef pi_2_pi(angle):return (angle + math.pi) % (2 * math.pi) - math.pidef update(state, v, delta, dt, L):state.v = vstate.x = state.x + state.v * math.cos(state.yaw) * dtstate.y = state.y + state.v * math.sin(state.yaw) * dtstate.yaw = state.yaw + state.v / L * math.tan(delta) * dtstate.yaw = pi_2_pi(state.yaw)return statedef generate_trajectory(s, km, kf, k0):"""根据参数p[s,km,kf]向前积分得到轨迹Parameters----------s 弧长km 经过t/2时的曲率kf  末尾曲率k0 初始曲率Returns-------轨迹上所有状态点"""#每ds生成一个状态数据n = s / ds#匀速模型,经弧长s需要的时间time = s / v  # [s]if isinstance(time, type(np.array([]))): time = time[0]if isinstance(km, type(np.array([]))): km = km[0]if isinstance(kf, type(np.array([]))): kf = kf[0]#曲率函数中作为自变量的三个时间样本tk = np.array([0.0, time / 2.0, time])#曲率函数中作为因变量的三个曲率样本kk = np.array([k0, km, kf])#轨迹中所有的时间点t = np.arange(0.0, time, time / n)#根据三个样本点拟合得到二次项曲线,即 曲率= fkp(时间),fkp是关于t的二次项函数,返回值是个函数,可以通过传入有关时间的参数得到曲率值fkp = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(tk, kk, kind="quadratic")#得到所有时间点处的曲率kp = [fkp(ti) for ti in t]dt = float(time / n)#  plt.plot(t, kp)#  plt.show()#轨迹中添加初始点state = State()x, y, yaw = [state.x], [state.y], [state.yaw]# 根据速度,曲率向前积分得到轨迹上的所有点for ikp in kp:state = update(state, v, ikp, dt, L)x.append(state.x)y.append(state.y)yaw.append(state.yaw)return x, y, yawdef generate_last_state(s, km, kf, k0):"""与generate_trajectory大致相同,区别在于generate_trajectory得到所有轨迹点,这里只要最后一个轨迹点"""n = s / dstime = s / v  # [s]if isinstance(time,  type(np.array([]))): time = time[0]if isinstance(km, type(np.array([]))): km = km[0]if isinstance(kf, type(np.array([]))): kf = kf[0]tk = np.array([0.0, time / 2.0, time])kk = np.array([k0, km, kf])t = np.arange(0.0, time, time / n)fkp = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(tk, kk, kind="quadratic")kp = [fkp(ti) for ti in t]dt = time / n#  plt.plot(t, kp)#  plt.show()state = State()_ = [update(state, v, ikp, dt, L) for ikp in kp]return state.x, state.y, state.yaw


这里主要使用《Optimal rough terrain trajectory generation for wheeled mobile robots》论文中Constrained Trajectory Generation的方法,迭代优化控制参数 p p p,以逐步减小残差 Δ X f \Delta X_f ΔXf​。

  • calc_diff(target, x, y, yaw) 计算残差
  • calc_j(target, p, h, k0):计算残差 Δ X f \Delta X_f ΔXf​对于参数 p p p的Jacobian,计算方式如下
    ∂ Δ i , j X f ( p ) ∂ p k = Δ X i , j ( p k + e , p ) − Δ X i , j ( p k − e , p ) 2 e \frac{\partial \Delta_{i,j} X_f(p)}{\partial p_k} = \frac{\Delta X_{i,j}(p_k +e,p) - \Delta X_{i,j}(p_k -e,p)}{2e} ∂pk​∂Δi,j​Xf​(p)​=2eΔXi,j​(pk​+e,p)−ΔXi,j​(pk​−e,p)​
  • selection_learning_param(dp, p, k0, target):在给定的牛顿迭代步长中,选择较优的步长。较优的含义是:使用此步长更新控制参数 p k + 1 = p k + a ⋅ Δ p p_{k+1} =p_{k} +a\cdot \Delta p pk+1​=pk​+a⋅Δp,生成的路径cost最少。其中 Δ p = − J − 1 Δ X f ( p ) \Delta p = -J^{-1}\Delta X_f(p) Δp=−J−1ΔXf​(p)
  • optimize_trajectory(target, k0, p):给定初始曲率k0,初始化参数p,使用牛顿迭代得到最优的参数,及参数最优时得到的路径
"""Model trajectory generatorauthor: Atsushi Sakai(@Atsushi_twi)"""import mathimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as npimport motion_model# optimization parameter
max_iter = 100
h = np.array([0.5, 0.02, 0.02]).T  # parameter sampling distance
cost_th = 0.1show_animation = Truedef plot_arrow(x, y, yaw, length=1.0, width=0.5, fc="r", ec="k"):  # pragma: no cover"""Plot arrow"""plt.arrow(x, y, length * math.cos(yaw), length * math.sin(yaw),fc=fc, ec=ec, head_width=width, head_length=width)plt.plot(x, y)plt.plot(0, 0)def calc_diff(target, x, y, yaw):"""计算残差Parameters----------target 目标状态,主要使用 x,y,yaw信息x 当前x坐标y 当前y坐标yaw 当前航向角yawReturns-------残差"""d = np.array([target.x - x[-1],target.y - y[-1],motion_model.pi_2_pi(target.yaw - yaw[-1])])return ddef calc_j(target, p, h, k0):"""计算jacobianParameters----------target 目标状态p 当前参数h 对当前参数的微小扰动k0 初始速度Returns-------残差对当前参数p的雅克比"""#第一个参数s进行扰动,s+e,得到扰动后的轨迹终态xp, yp, yawp = motion_model.generate_last_state(p[0, 0] + h[0], p[1, 0], p[2, 0], k0)#计算s+e扰动后的残差dp = calc_diff(target, [xp], [yp], [yawp])#第一个参数s进行扰动,s-e,得到扰动后的轨迹终态xn, yn, yawn = motion_model.generate_last_state(p[0, 0] - h[0], p[1, 0], p[2, 0], k0)# 计算s-e扰动后的残差dn = calc_diff(target, [xn], [yn], [yawn])# 得到参数s的偏导d1 = np.array((dp - dn) / (2.0 * h[0])).reshape(3, 1)# 得到第二个参数的偏导xp, yp, yawp = motion_model.generate_last_state(p[0, 0], p[1, 0] + h[1], p[2, 0], k0)dp = calc_diff(target, [xp], [yp], [yawp])xn, yn, yawn = motion_model.generate_last_state(p[0, 0], p[1, 0] - h[1], p[2, 0], k0)dn = calc_diff(target, [xn], [yn], [yawn])d2 = np.array((dp - dn) / (2.0 * h[1])).reshape(3, 1)#得到第三个参数的偏导xp, yp, yawp = motion_model.generate_last_state(p[0, 0], p[1, 0], p[2, 0] + h[2], k0)dp = calc_diff(target, [xp], [yp], [yawp])xn, yn, yawn = motion_model.generate_last_state(p[0, 0], p[1, 0], p[2, 0] - h[2], k0)dn = calc_diff(target, [xn], [yn], [yawn])d3 = np.array((dp - dn) / (2.0 * h[2])).reshape(3, 1)# 组成对所有参数的偏导,即jacobianJ = np.hstack((d1, d2, d3))return Jdef selection_learning_param(dp, p, k0, target):"""选择牛顿迭代的步长Parameters----------dp 牛顿迭代得到的delta_pp 当前的参数pk0 初始曲率target 目标状态Returns-------选择后较优的学习步长"""mincost = float("inf")#牛顿迭代步长的取值范围mina = 1.0maxa = 2.0da = 0.5for a in np.arange(mina, maxa, da):# 按照步长a迭代参数,计算新的参数 tptp = p + a * dp# 根据新的参数tp 生成轨迹xc, yc, yawc = motion_model.generate_last_state(tp[0], tp[1], tp[2], k0)#计算新轨迹终态的残差dc = calc_diff(target, [xc], [yc], [yawc])#把残差的标量作为这条轨迹的costcost = np.linalg.norm(dc)# 找使轨迹cost最小的 牛顿迭代步长if cost <= mincost and a != 0.0:mina = amincost = cost#  print(mincost, mina)#  input()return minadef show_trajectory(target, xc, yc):  # pragma: no coverplt.clf()plot_arrow(target.x, target.y, target.yaw)plt.plot(xc, yc, "-r")plt.axis("equal")plt.grid(True)plt.pause(0.1)def optimize_trajectory(target, k0, p):"""给定目标状态target,在初始曲率k0,初始参数p[s,km,kf]的条件下,牛顿迭代得到最优参数,和最优参数下的轨迹Parameters----------target 目标状态k0 初始曲率p 初始参数Returns-------轨迹,最优参数"""for i in range(max_iter):# 按照初始的参数p生成一条轨迹xc, yc, yawc = motion_model.generate_trajectory(p[0], p[1], p[2], k0)# 计算轨迹终态的残差dc = np.array(calc_diff(target, xc, yc, yawc)).reshape(3, 1)# 计算轨迹的costcost = np.linalg.norm(dc)# cost在范围内终止迭代if cost <= cost_th:print("path is ok cost is:" + str(cost))break# 计算残差对于当前参数p的jacobianJ = calc_j(target, p, h, k0)try:# -jacobian取逆* 残差 得到参数p的更新量delta_pdp = - np.linalg.inv(J) @ dcexcept np.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError:print("cannot calc path LinAlgError")xc, yc, yawc, p = None, None, None, Nonebreak# 选择较优的迭代步长alpha = selection_learning_param(dp, p, k0, target)# 根据参数p的更新量和选择后的步长更新参数pp += alpha * np.array(dp)#  print(p.T)if show_animation:  # pragma: no covershow_trajectory(target, xc, yc)else:xc, yc, yawc, p = None, None, None, Noneprint("cannot calc path")return xc, yc, yawc, pdef test_optimize_trajectory():  # pragma: no cover#  target = motion_model.State(x=5.0, y=2.0, yaw=np.deg2rad(00.0))target = motion_model.State(x=5.0, y=2.0, yaw=np.deg2rad(90.0))k0 = 0.0# 初始化参数init_p = np.array([6.0, 0.0, 0.0]).reshape(3, 1)x, y, yaw, p = optimize_trajectory(target, k0, init_p)if show_animation:show_trajectory(target, x, y)plot_arrow(target.x, target.y, target.yaw)plt.axis("equal")plt.grid(True)plt.show()def main():  # pragma: no coverprint(__file__ + " start!!")test_optimize_trajectory()if __name__ == '__main__':main()

2.3 lookuptable_generator.py

这里主要是采样一些状态空间,利用牛顿迭代求最优参数的方式,提前计算一些最优参数,并保存在文件中。以后有求解任务时,可以通过初始曲率 k 0 k_0 k0​,目标位置 x , y , y a w x,y,yaw x,y,yaw,从lookup table中得到一个条件近似的参数值当做初始参数,节省牛顿迭代的计算量。

  • calc_states_list():采样一些状态点
  • search_nearest_one_from_lookuptable(tx, ty, tyaw, lookuptable):从lookuptable中找 终止状态和tx,ty,tyaw最近似的一条数据
  • generate_lookup_table()
"""Lookup Table generation for model predictive trajectory generatorauthor: Atsushi Sakai"""
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import math
import model_predictive_trajectory_generator as planner
import motion_model
import pandas as pddef calc_states_list():"""均匀采样状态空间,生成一些终止点Returns-------状态点"""maxyaw = np.deg2rad(-30.0)x = np.arange(10.0, 30.0, 5.0)y = np.arange(0.0, 20.0, 2.0)yaw = np.arange(-maxyaw, maxyaw, maxyaw)states = []for iyaw in yaw:for iy in y:for ix in x:states.append([ix, iy, iyaw])print("nstate:", len(states))return statesdef search_nearest_one_from_lookuptable(tx, ty, tyaw, lookuptable):"""从lookuptable中找 终止状态和tx,ty,tyaw最近似的一条数据"""mind = float("inf")minid = -1for (i, table) in enumerate(lookuptable):dx = tx - table[0]dy = ty - table[1]dyaw = tyaw - table[2]d = math.sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2 + dyaw ** 2)if d <= mind:minid = imind = d# print(minid)return lookuptable[minid]def save_lookup_table(fname, table):mt = np.array(table)print(mt)# save csvdf = pd.DataFrame()df["x"] = mt[:, 0]df["y"] = mt[:, 1]df["yaw"] = mt[:, 2]df["s"] = mt[:, 3]df["km"] = mt[:, 4]df["kf"] = mt[:, 5]df.to_csv(fname, index=None)print("lookup table file is saved as " + fname)def generate_lookup_table():# 采样状态点states = calc_states_list()k0 = 0.0# x, y, yaw, s, km, kflookuptable = [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]]for state in states:# 从lookuptable中找到条件最近的参数bestp = search_nearest_one_from_lookuptable(state[0], state[1], state[2], lookuptable)# 把采样的状态点当做目标点target = motion_model.State(x=state[0], y=state[1], yaw=state[2])# 把从lookup table中查到的参数作为初始参数init_p = np.array([math.sqrt(state[0] ** 2 + state[1] ** 2), bestp[4], bestp[5]]).reshape(3, 1)# 优化参数,生成轨迹x, y, yaw, p = planner.optimize_trajectory(target, k0, init_p)# 将优化结果放入lookup tableif x is not None:print("find good path")lookuptable.append([x[-1], y[-1], yaw[-1], float(p[0]), float(p[1]), float(p[2])])print("finish lookup table generation")save_lookup_table("lookuptable.csv", lookuptable)for table in lookuptable:xc, yc, yawc = motion_model.generate_trajectory(table[3], table[4], table[5], k0)plt.plot(xc, yc, "-r")xc, yc, yawc = motion_model.generate_trajectory(table[3], -table[4], -table[5], k0)plt.plot(xc, yc, "-r")plt.grid(True)plt.axis("equal")plt.show()print("Done")def main():generate_lookup_table()if __name__ == '__main__':main()


2.4 state_lattice_planner.py

这部分主要实现论文《State Space Sampling of Feasible Motions for High-Performance Mobile Robot Navigation in Complex Environments》中状态空间采样算法

  • search_nearest_one_from_lookuptable(tx, ty, tyaw, lookup_table):同lookuptable_generator中方法

  • generate_path(target_states, k0):为target_states中采样得到的边界状态生成路径

  • calc_uniform_polar_states(nxy, nh, d, a_min, a_max, p_min, p_max):根据状态空间采样参数进行均匀采样,返回采样得到的边界状态

  • calc_biased_polar_states(goal_angle, ns, nxy, nh, d, a_min, a_max, p_min, p_max):参考global guidance进行偏置采样,即cost高稀疏采样,cost低稠密采样。用采样位置点的角度和终点位置的角度之差代表cost。

    • 在navigation function上均匀采样,离目标近时cost低,离目标远时cost高
    • normalize,生成新的分布,离目标近时cnav结果也小;相反离目标远时cnav结果大
    • 对分布进行积分,离目标近时,积分函数的变化缓慢;离目标远时,积分函数变化快
    • 对积分结果csumnav 按照nxy个数均匀采样,在离目标近的区域由于积分函数变化缓慢,采样结果更为密集
  • calc_lane_states(l_center, l_heading, l_width, v_width, d, nxy);车道线的采样

  • uniform_terminal_state_sampling_test1() 使用不同参数进行均匀采样

"""State lattice planner with model predictive trajectory generatorauthor: Atsushi Sakai (@Atsushi_twi)- lookuptable.csv is generated with this script: https://github.com/AtsushiSakai/PythonRobotics/blob/master/PathPlanning/ModelPredictiveTrajectoryGenerator/lookuptable_generator.pyRef:- State Space Sampling of Feasible Motions for High-Performance Mobile Robot Navigation in Complex Environments http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi="""
import sys
import os
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import math
import pandas as pdsys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))+ "/../ModelPredictiveTrajectoryGenerator/")try:import model_predictive_trajectory_generator as plannerimport motion_model
except ImportError:raisetable_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/lookuptable.csv"show_animation = Truedef search_nearest_one_from_lookuptable(tx, ty, tyaw, lookup_table):mind = float("inf")minid = -1for (i, table) in enumerate(lookup_table):dx = tx - table[0]dy = ty - table[1]dyaw = tyaw - table[2]d = math.sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2 + dyaw ** 2)if d <= mind:minid = imind = dreturn lookup_table[minid]def get_lookup_table():data = pd.read_csv(table_path)return np.array(data)def generate_path(target_states, k0):"""k0是初始曲率,为target_states中的边界状态生成路径返回所有的路径和最优参数"""# x, y, yaw, s, km, kflookup_table = get_lookup_table()result = []for state in target_states:#从lookup table中找到最佳的参考参数bestp = search_nearest_one_from_lookuptable(state[0], state[1], state[2], lookup_table)target = motion_model.State(x=state[0], y=state[1], yaw=state[2])# 把最佳参考作为初始化参数init_p = np.array([math.sqrt(state[0] ** 2 + state[1] ** 2), bestp[4], bestp[5]]).reshape(3, 1)# 优化路径,生成路径上点,及优化后参数px, y, yaw, p = planner.optimize_trajectory(target, k0, init_p)# 把结果加入resultif x is not None:print("find good path")result.append([x[-1], y[-1], yaw[-1], float(p[0]), float(p[1]), float(p[2])])print("finish path generation")return resultdef calc_uniform_polar_states(nxy, nh, d, a_min, a_max, p_min, p_max):"""calc uniform state:param nxy: number of position sampling:param nh: number of heading sampleing:param d: distance of terminal state:param a_min: position sampling min angle:param a_max: position sampling max angle:param p_min: heading sampling min angle:param p_max: heading sampling max angle:return: states list"""# 均匀的采样角度,计算位置angle_samples = [i / (nxy - 1) for i in range(nxy)]states = sample_states(angle_samples, a_min, a_max, d, p_max, p_min, nh)return statesdef calc_biased_polar_states(goal_angle, ns, nxy, nh, d, a_min, a_max, p_min, p_max):"""calc biased state,cost越小,采样越密集,cost越大,采样越稀疏:param goal_angle: goal orientation for biased sampling:param ns: number of biased sampling:param nxy: number of position sampling:param nxy: number of position sampling:param nh: number of heading sampleing:param d: distance of terminal state:param a_min: position sampling min angle:param a_max: position sampling max angle:param p_min: heading sampling min angle:param p_max: heading sampling max angle:return: states list"""#位置角度按照ns个数均匀采样asi = [a_min + (a_max - a_min) * i / (ns - 1) for i in range(ns - 1)]# 计算cost,相当于对导航函数采样cnav = [math.pi - abs(i - goal_angle) for i in asi]# cost的总和cnav_sum = sum(cnav)cnav_max = max(cnav)# normalize,生成新的分布,位置角度与终点角度相差小时cnav结果也小;相反角度相差大时cnav结果也大cnav = [(cnav_max - cnav[i]) / (cnav_max * ns - cnav_sum)for i in range(ns - 1)]# 对分布进行积分,这里角度相差小时,积分函数的变化缓慢;角度相差大时,积分函数变化快csumnav = np.cumsum(cnav)di = []li = 0# 对积分结果csumnav 按照nxy个数均匀采样,这样在角度相差小的区域,由于积分函数变化缓慢,采样的结果会更为密集for i in range(nxy):for ii in range(li, ns - 1):if ii / ns >= i / (nxy - 1):di.append(csumnav[ii])li = ii - 1breakstates = sample_states(di, a_min, a_max, d, p_max, p_min, nh)return statesdef calc_lane_states(l_center, l_heading, l_width, v_width, d, nxy):"""calc lane states:param l_center: lane lateral position:param l_heading:  lane heading:param l_width:  lane width:param v_width: vehicle width:param d: longitudinal position:param nxy: sampling number:return: state list"""xc = dyc = l_centerstates = []for i in range(nxy):delta = -0.5 * (l_width - v_width) + \(l_width - v_width) * i / (nxy - 1)xf = xc - delta * math.sin(l_heading)yf = yc + delta * math.cos(l_heading)yawf = l_headingstates.append([xf, yf, yawf])return statesdef sample_states(angle_samples, a_min, a_max, d, p_max, p_min, nh):states = []for i in angle_samples:#角度采样a = a_min + (a_max - a_min) * i#生成位置坐标for j in range(nh):xf = d * math.cos(a)yf = d * math.sin(a)#航向角if nh == 1:yawf = (p_max - p_min) / 2 + aelse:yawf = p_min + (p_max - p_min) * j / (nh - 1) + astates.append([xf, yf, yawf])return statesdef uniform_terminal_state_sampling_test1():#初始角速度k0 = 0.0#位置的采样数目nxy = 5#航向角采样数目nh = 3# 距离,采样位置d = 20# 位置分布的角度范围a_min = - np.deg2rad(45.0)a_max = np.deg2rad(45.0)# 航向角的范围p_min = - np.deg2rad(45.0)p_max = np.deg2rad(45.0)#均匀采样states = calc_uniform_polar_states(nxy, nh, d, a_min, a_max, p_min, p_max)result = generate_path(states, k0)for table in result:xc, yc, yawc = motion_model.generate_trajectory(table[3], table[4], table[5], k0)if show_animation:plt.plot(xc, yc, "-r")if show_animation:plt.grid(True)plt.axis("equal")plt.show()print("Done")def uniform_terminal_state_sampling_test2():k0 = 0.1nxy = 6nh = 3d = 20a_min = - np.deg2rad(-10.0)a_max = np.deg2rad(45.0)p_min = - np.deg2rad(20.0)p_max = np.deg2rad(20.0)states = calc_uniform_polar_states(nxy, nh, d, a_min, a_max, p_min, p_max)result = generate_path(states, k0)for table in result:xc, yc, yawc = motion_model.generate_trajectory(table[3], table[4], table[5], k0)if show_animation:plt.plot(xc, yc, "-r")if show_animation:plt.grid(True)plt.axis("equal")plt.show()print("Done")def biased_terminal_state_sampling_test1():k0 = 0.0nxy = 30nh = 2d = 20a_min = np.deg2rad(-45.0)a_max = np.deg2rad(45.0)p_min = - np.deg2rad(20.0)p_max = np.deg2rad(20.0)ns = 100goal_angle = np.deg2rad(0.0)states = calc_biased_polar_states(goal_angle, ns, nxy, nh, d, a_min, a_max, p_min, p_max)result = generate_path(states, k0)for table in result:xc, yc, yawc = motion_model.generate_trajectory(table[3], table[4], table[5], k0)if show_animation:plt.plot(xc, yc, "-r")if show_animation:plt.grid(True)plt.axis("equal")plt.show()def biased_terminal_state_sampling_test2():k0 = 0.0nxy = 30nh = 1d = 20a_min = np.deg2rad(0.0)a_max = np.deg2rad(45.0)p_min = - np.deg2rad(20.0)p_max = np.deg2rad(20.0)ns = 100goal_angle = np.deg2rad(30.0)states = calc_biased_polar_states(goal_angle, ns, nxy, nh, d, a_min, a_max, p_min, p_max)result = generate_path(states, k0)for table in result:xc, yc, yawc = motion_model.generate_trajectory(table[3], table[4], table[5], k0)if show_animation:plt.plot(xc, yc, "-r")if show_animation:plt.grid(True)plt.axis("equal")plt.show()def lane_state_sampling_test1():k0 = 0.0l_center = 10.0l_heading = np.deg2rad(0.0)l_width = 3.0v_width = 1.0d = 10nxy = 5states = calc_lane_states(l_center, l_heading, l_width, v_width, d, nxy)result = generate_path(states, k0)if show_animation:plt.close("all")for table in result:xc, yc, yawc = motion_model.generate_trajectory(table[3], table[4], table[5], k0)if show_animation:plt.plot(xc, yc, "-r")if show_animation:plt.grid(True)plt.axis("equal")plt.show()def main():planner.show_animation = show_animationuniform_terminal_state_sampling_test1()uniform_terminal_state_sampling_test2()biased_terminal_state_sampling_test1()biased_terminal_state_sampling_test2()lane_state_sampling_test1()if __name__ == '__main__':main()


有global guidance 的稠密稀疏采样


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