
1 图像去噪
1.1 图像噪声定义

1.2 图像噪声来源

1.3 噪声分类
g = f + n;
g = f + f*n

1.4 图像去噪算法的分类

2 基于邻域的小波阈值
(1) Bayes Shrink阈值

其中aj是独立同分布(iid independence identical distribution) 的均值为零的正态分布, 并且独立于fy。去噪的目标是得到fy的估计值f^, 使均方误差(MSE Mean Square Error) 最小。

令g={9mhj, f={f hj, e={a jhj, 又令Y=Wg, X=Wf, V=We, 其中W表示二进正交小波算子。于是可得:Y=X+V(3)
文献[1] 中, 在贝叶斯估计理论框架下, 假设小波系数服从广义高斯分布(GGD) , 即:



clear;close all;%---------Load the original image and show it------------------------------
im_original=imread('images\lena.png','png');% load the original image
im_original=double(im_original);            % convert it to double
figure(1);imshow(im_original,[]);title('The original image');% show it%--------Generate a noisy image, the noise is assumed to be additive,------
%--------white,Gaussian and independent of the original image--------------
sigma=25; % Standard deviation of the noise
im_noisy=im_original+sigma*randn(size(im_original));% Generate noisy image%--------Show the noisy image----------------------------------------------
figure(2);imshow(im_noisy,[]);title('The noisy image');%--------Set the parameters of the denoising algorithm---------------------
% Attention: the parameters is set for reproducing the result of our IEEE
%            Signal Processing Letters paper, do not change them unless you
%            are an advanced user with a deep understanding of the theory.
wav_base1='db4'; % the wavelet base used in the first LWFDW
wav_base2='sym8';% the wavelet base used in the second LWFDW
level=5;         % the wavelet decomposition level
pad_mode=0;% 0:stands for the period extention mode% 1:stands for the symmetric extention modesymbol=0; % 0: stands for denoising using Decimated wavelet transform% 1: stands for denoising using Undecimated wavelet transform% If symbol=0, uncomment the following 4 code lines for reproducing the
% results of denoising image using maximal decimated wavelet transform
r1=[5,4,4,3,3];a1=2;  % the parameters of the directional window used in
%                       the first LWFDW under Decimated wavelet transform
r2=[3,2,2,1,1];a2=1.5;% the parameters of the directional window used in
%                       the second LWFDW% If symbol=1, uncomment the following 4 code lines for reproducing the
% results of denoising image using Undecimated wavelet transform
% r1=[7,8,8,9,9];a1=2;  % the parameters of the directional window used in
%                       % first LWFDW under Undecimated wavelet transform
% r2=[3,4,4,5,5];a2=2;% the parameters of the directional window used in
%                       % the second LWFDW%--------Call the denoising function to denoise the noisy image------------
toc;%--------Compute the PSNR and show the result------------------------------
figure(3);imshow(im_denoised,[]);title('The denoised image using DLWFDW');function im_denoised=DLWFDW_DWT(im_noisy,wav_base1,wav_base2,level,...r1,a1,r2,a2);
% DLWFDW using the maximal decimated wavelet transform
% written by Peng-lang Shui and Zuo-feng Zhou
% last revision:16/8/2007%-------maximal decimated wavelet decomposition using the DWT2-------------
% estimate the standard deviation of the noise using the MAD estimator
sigma=median(median(abs(dt)))/.6745;% wavelet decomposition and the first local Wiener filtering
% with directional windows
for i=1:level[t,h,v,d]=dwt2(t,wav_base1,'mode','per');% for horizontal subbandW=elliptic_window(r1(i),1/a1,1);% generate the directional windowM=sum(sum(W));                  % the size of the windowvar=max(0,filter2(W,h.^2-sigma^2)/M);% the signal varianceh=(var./(var+sigma^2)).*h;      % local Wiener filtering% for vertical subbandW=elliptic_window(r1(i),a1,1);% generate the directional windowM=sum(sum(W));                  % the size of the windowvar=max(0,filter2(W,v.^2-sigma^2)/M);% the signal variancev=(var./(var+sigma^2)).*v;      % local Wiener filtering% for diagonal subbandW=elliptic_window(r1(i),a1,2);% generate the directional windowM=sum(sum(W));                  % the size of the windowvar=max(0,filter2(W,d.^2-sigma^2)/M);% the signal varianced=(var./(var+sigma^2)).*d;      % local Wiener filteringcoeff{index}=h;coeff{index+1}=v;coeff{index+2}=d;index=index+3;
end% wavelet reconstruction to get the pilot image
for i=1:levelt=idwt2(t,coeff{(level-i+1)*3-2},coeff{(level-i+1)*3-1},...coeff{(level-i+1)*3},wav_base1,'mode','per');
im_pilot=t;% get the pilot image% The second local Wiener filtering with directional windows
for i=1:level[t_p,h_p,v_p,d_p]=dwt2(t_p,wav_base2,'mode','per');[t_n,h_n,v_n,d_n]=dwt2(t_n,wav_base2,'mode','per');% for horizontal subbandW=elliptic_window(r2(i),1/a2,1);% generate the directional windowM=sum(sum(W));                  % the size of the windowvar=max(0,filter2(W,h_p.^2)/M); % the signal varianceh_n=(var./(var+sigma^2)).*h_n;  % local Wiener filtering% for vertical subbandW=elliptic_window(r2(i),a2,1);  % generate the directional windowM=sum(sum(W));                  % the size of the windowvar=max(0,filter2(W,v_p.^2)/M); % the signal variancev_n=(var./(var+sigma^2)).*v_n;  % local Wiener filtering% for diagonal subbandW=elliptic_window(r2(i),a2,2);  % generate the directional windowM=sum(sum(W));                  % the size of the windowvar=max(0,filter2(W,d_p.^2)/M); % the signal varianced_n=(var./(var+sigma^2)).*d_n;      % local Wiener filteringcoeff{index}=h_n;coeff{index+1}=v_n;coeff{index+2}=d_n;index=index+3;



1 matlab版本

2 参考文献
[1] 蔡利梅.MATLAB图像处理——理论、算法与实例分析[M].清华大学出版社,2020.

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