
www-linuxidc-com@www-linuxidc-com:~/桌面$ sudo mv AlkanoMB /usr/share/icons/

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然后打开Tweak Tool,主题——光标主题选择AlkanoMB

This is a cursor theme multi-sized and multi-colored with colored background. It's a derivation of my cursor theme called Alkano, but this one has a transparent circular colored background, and this makes it easier to see. This type of topics liked the users of this site. I have two more of this type and are called: Fish multisized, and bFish.

The concept for the cursor theme in various colors, is accomplished by defining the colors that we use in our cursor theme and set the initial size of the cursor, increasing one pixel between each of the colors.This is my original idea. In the future I will use it to make the issue of multi-colored cursor of the famous cursor theme called Oxygen, of course, I will make it some changes.

In this case, I defined 7 different colors and cursor initial size is 52 pixels. Therefore we have cursors of green 52, yellow 53, fuchsia 54, white 55, red 56, dark blue 57 and clear blue 58 pixels. There is a 6-pixel difference between the initial size and the final size of the cursor . Simply imperceptible difference, and will be less if we choose 5 colors, or a larger initial size of the cursor.

Given the above, we have a cursor theme with 7 colors, called AlkanoMB. Alkano means i used my cursor theme called Alkano as cursor theme, and MB MultiBackgrounds.

I have tested it on KDE with Kwin also Gnome 2.x and it works great. I added it symlinks for some cursors required for Steam, and all required for KDE and Gnome.

On Gnome 3.x or Unity I think doesn't works as I would want, because when the cursor size is changed, there are inconsistency only on the main cursor. The changed size will appear in few applications like firefox, but the default size (52 pixels, green cursor) will stay in desktop and some other apps. I believe this may be a part of a bug of Compiz.Therefore, if you want to see it work well, you should choose the size of the cursor 52 pixels.

I would like change a few things so you can expect updates. If you find any bugs, please let me know in comments section.


Now we choice a theme, by example fBiga.

Write the next command line in terminal:

sudo ln -fs /usr/share/icons/fBiga/cursor.theme /etc/alternatives/x-cursor-theme

Finally, select pointer with gnome-tweak-tool or ubuntu-tweak.

Restart, and you will see the pointer working for you.

I hope you like them!

具体下载目录在 /2013年资料/6月/18日/Ubuntu Linux鼠标主题:AlkanoMB

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