谷歌地图 街景 api


Since launching in May of 2007, Google Street View has since expanded coverage to enough cities across the world that Google now feels comfortable integrating it more deeply with their Maps product. This week, they announced a number of enhancements to the Street View feature that bring it to the forefront of the map experience and make it more tightly integrated with the other features of Maps.

自2007年5月推出以来,Google街景服务已将覆盖范围扩展到世界各地的许多城市,使Google现在感到更愿意将其与自己的Maps产品更深入地集成。 本周,他们宣布对街景功能进行了许多增强,将其带到了地图体验的最前沿,并使其与地图的其他功能更加紧密地集成在一起。

The biggest change is in the way you now access Street View. Gone is the toggle button in the upper right hand corner of the map. Instead, Street View can be initiated by dragging the “Pegman” icon from the zoom tool in the upper left corner of a map — which has also been redesigned — onto any map that has Street View data (the streets still get a blue outline when that happens). As you hover Pegman over a street, Google pops up a thumbnail image of the street in question, which I guess is helpful in determining if this is the view you want to launch.

最大的变化是您现在访问街景的方式。 地图右上角的切换按钮已消失。 相反,可以通过将地图(也经过重新设计)的左上角的缩放工具中的“街景小人”图标拖动到具有街景数据的任何地图上来启动街景视图(街道在那个会发生)。 当您将街景小人悬停在街道上时,Google会弹出相关街道的缩略图,我认为这有助于确定这是否是您要启动的视图。


The real important changes come once you’re in Street View mode, which is now full screen. In addition to the larger default view, a two-pane view can also be loaded up with the street photos in the top pane and the map in the bottom. That allows you to drag Pegman around the map and instantly load up the view in the top display area. A new three hundred sixty degree toggle control lets you spin around the view. You can still click and drag the photo to do that, but the toggle is a bit more fluid.

真正的重要更改是在您进入全屏显示的街景模式后出现的。 除了较大的默认视图外,还可以加载两窗格视图,顶部窗格中的街道照片和底部地图。 这样,您就可以在地图上拖动“衣夹人”并立即在顶部显示区域加载视图。 新的三百六十度切换控件可让您旋转视图。 您仍然可以单击并拖动照片来执行此操作,但是切换更加流畅。

Reporting objectionable content is easier with the new design, as well, thanks to a new report link embedded on each photo.


Our guess is that Google made these changes based on two things, the availability of enough coverage in Street View to start pushing it harder as a core feature of the Maps product, and likely usability testing and user feedback. In our tests today, we found that accessing and utilizing Street View is now much easier. The full screen view is a lot easier to take in, and navigating from street to street is much easier in the two-pane view than it was when Street View popped up in its own little window and obscured the map itself.

我们的猜测是,谷歌基于以下两点做出了这些更改:街景视图中具有足够的覆盖范围,以开始将其作为地图产品的核心功能而变得更加困难,以及可能的可用性测试和用户反馈。 在今天的测试中,我们发现访问和利用街景视图现在变得更加容易。 全屏视图更容易录入,并且在两窗格视图中从街道到街道的导航要比街景视图在其自己的小窗口中弹出并遮盖地图本身时要容易得多。

Street View has been a great innovation in our opinion, and has been super useful more times than we can count in helping us find places we’d never been to before.


Google created this goofy video to introduce the new changes:



谷歌地图 街景 api

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