孙广东 2015.7.21


10、Network Proximity Checker

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NetworkProximityChecker 是一个组件,它能够用来控制 网络client,基于网络玩家 接近的对照度的对象。若要使用它。请将该组件放在一定范围内可见的对象上。此类依赖于物理计算的可见性。


Property: Function:
visRange The range that the object should be visible in.
visUpdateInterval how often in seconds the object should check for players entering it’s visible range.
checkMethod Which type of physics to use for proximity checking.
Network Manager HUD


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NetworkReader 是一个用于从字节流中读取对象的 UNET 高级别 API 类。

此类在与 NetworkWriter 一起工作。NetworkReader 具有很多Unity类型特定的序列化功能。


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NetworkServer 是一个 UNET 高级别 API 类,管理来自多个client的连接。


Property: Function:
connections The set of active connections to remote clients.
localConnections The set of active connections to local clients.
handlers The set of registered message handler function.
objects The set of spawned objects with NetworkIdentities.
active True if the server is listening and running (static).
localActiveClient True if there is a local client in the same process; this server is a “Host”.
numChannels The number of configured NetworkTransport QoS channels.


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NetworkStartPosition 被NetworkManager 使用,当创建player对象时。NetworkStartPosition的位置 和 旋转 用来放新创建的Player 对象。


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NetworkTransform 组件通过网络同步movemen运动的游戏对象。此组件考虑权威,所以 LocalPlayer 对象 (当中有地方当局) 同步他们的 position 从client到server。然后出去给其它客户机。

其它对象 (与server授权机构) 同步他们从server到client的位置。

若要使用此组件,请将其加入到您想要同步运动的预制或游戏的对象。该组件要求游戏对象具有 NetworkIdentity。请注意。必须催生网络的对象来同步。


Property: Function:
transformSyncMode Which synchronization method to use for position.
sendInterval How often in seconds the object sends updates.
syncRotationAxis Which axis to use for rotation.
rotationSyncCompression What kind of compession to use for rotation.
syncSpin Flag to sync angular velocity.
movementTheshold The threshold to not send position updates.
snapThreshold The threshold to “pop” instead of interpolate.
interpolateRotation Factor to control rotation interpolation.
interpolateMovement Factor to control movement interpolation.


• NetworkTransform的inspector有一个 NetworkSendRate 滑块   。对于被创建后不须要更新 - 如子弹的对象,将此滑块设置为零。


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NetworkTransformVisualizer 是一个有用程序utility 组件。同意可视化的内嵌使用 NetworkTransform 组件的对象。


Property: Function:
VisualizerPrefab The prefab of an object to create to visualize the target position.


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NetworkTransport 是 UNET 低级别 API 接口。它是一个静态的类。


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NetworkWriter 是一个 UNET 高级别 API 类,用于将对象写入字节流。

此类在与 NetworkReader 一起工作。NetworkWriter 具有很多统一类型特定的序列化功能。

NetworWriter 与 MessageBase 类用于使包括序列化的网络消息的字节数组。

void SendMessage(short msgType, MessageBase msg, int channelId)
{// write the message to a local bufferNetworkWriter writer = new NetworkWriter();writer.StartMessage(msgType);msg.Serialize(writer);writer.FinishMessage();myClient.SendWriter(writer, channelId);


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