2019-03-08  11:37:04 







 1 //排序
 2                     function chineseLetter(lists, dataLeven) {
 3                         var letter = 'abcdefghjklmnopqrstwxyz'.split('')
 4                         var zh = "阿八嚓哒妸发旮哈讥咔垃痳拏噢妑七呥扨它穵夕丫帀".split('')
 5                             /* 获取数组元素比较的值 */
 6                         function getValue(option) {
 7                             if (!dataLeven) return option
 8                             var data = option
 9                             dataLeven.split('.').filter(function(item) {
10                                 data = data[item]
11                             })
12                             return data + ''
13                         }
14                         /* 进行排序 */
15                         lists.sort(function(item1, item2) {
16                                 return getValue(item1).localeCompare(getValue(item2), 'zh-Hans-CN')
17                             })
18                             /* 判断需要排序的字符串是否含有中文字符 */
19                         if (/[\u4e00-\u9fff]/.test(getValue(lists[0])) && typeof lists[0] === 'object') pySegSort(0, 0)
20                             /* 给省列表中添加首字符 */
21                         function pySegSort(letterIndex, zhIndex) {
22                             var first = true // 首次是否加 字母标识
23                             for (var i = zhIndex; i < lists.length; i++) {
24                                 var item = lists[i]
25                                     //      是否有值 && 当前值大于等于本次字母的最小值 && (最后一位 || 当前值小于下次字母的最小值)
26                                 var state = zh[letterIndex] && getValue(item).localeCompare(zh[letterIndex], 'zh') >= 0 && (letterIndex === letter.length - 1 || getValue(item).localeCompare(zh[letterIndex + 1], 'zh') < 0)
27                                 if (state) { // 满足条件,同一个首字母下的:例如 A 下的所有省份
28                                     if (first) { //是否是第一次出现
29                                         item.letter = letter[letterIndex].toUpperCase()
30                                         first = false
31                                     } else {
32                                         item.letter = ''
33                                     }
34                                 } else { // 递归调用 函数,进行下次字母下的排列
35                                     letterIndex++
36                                     if (letterIndex < letter.length) {
37                                         pySegSort(letterIndex, i)
38                                         break
39                                     }
40                                 }
41                             }
42                         }
43                     }
44                     chineseLetter(lists, 'name')





 1         mui.init();//把此段代码放在加载数据函数的后面执行
 2         mui.ready(function() {
 3             var header = document.querySelector('header.mui-bar');
 4             var list = document.getElementById('list');
 6             list.style.height = (document.body.offsetHeight - header.offsetHeight) + 'px';
 7             //此处再加一个延时
 8             setTimeout(function(){
 9               window.indexedList = new mui.IndexedList(list);
10             },1000)
12         });


1 list_html += '<li data-group="' + lists[i].letter + '" class="mui-table-view-divider mui-indexed-list-group " name="' + lists[i].letter + '">' + lists[i].letter + '</li>' +
2              '<li data-tags="' + new_list + '"   class="mui-table-view-cell mui-indexed-list-item nam" id="' + lists[i].id + '" οnclick="getpara(\'' + lists[i].id + '\',\'' + listname + '\')">' + listname + '</li>'

 1      function getpara(ids, names) {
 2             api.sendEvent({//执行点击事件,并把id和name广播出去
 3                 name: 'getpara',
 4                 extra: {
 5                     key1: ids,
 6                     key2: names
 7                 }
 8             });
10             api.closeWin();
13         }


  1 <!DOCTYPE html>
  2 <html>
  4 <head>
  5     <meta charset="utf-8">
  6     <meta name="viewport" content="maximum-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=0,width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0" />
  7     <title>APICloud APP</title>
  8     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/api.css" />
  9     <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/style.css" /> -->
 10     <link href="../css/mui.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
 11     <link href="../css/mui.indexedlist.css" rel="stylesheet" />
 12     <style>
 13         html,
 14         body {
 15             height: 100%;
 16             overflow: hidden;
 17         }
 19         .mui-bar {
 20             -webkit-box-shadow: none;
 21             box-shadow: none;
 22             height: 80px;
 23             background-color: #F3544E;
 24         }
 26         .mui-bar-nav~.mui-content {
 27             padding-top: 80px;
 28         }
 30         .buy_car_arrowl {
 31             width: 13px;
 32             height: 20px;
 33             background-size: cover;
 34             color: #fff;
 35             background-image: url('../image/service/back.png');
 36         }
 38         .mui-search .mui-placeholder {
 39             line-height: 40px;
 40         }
 41     </style>
 42 </head>
 44 <body>
 46     <header class="mui-bar mui-bar-nav">
 47         <div style="width:100%;height:60px;display:flex;justify-content:space-around;align-items:flex-end;">
 48             <div class="buy_car_arrowl" οnclick="closeWin()"></div>
 49             <div style="height:100%;width:65%;display:flex;align-items:flex-end;justify-content:center;color:white;">城市列表</div>
 50             <div></div>
 51         </div>
 52     </header>
 53     <div class="mui-content">
 54         <div id='list' class="mui-indexed-list">
 55             <div class="mui-indexed-list-search mui-input-row mui-search" style="background-color:#f2f2f2;padding:3px 8px 3px 8px;">
 56                 <input style="background-color:white;border-radius:5px;" type="search" class="mui-input-clear mui-indexed-list-search-input" placeholder="输入城市名查询">
 57             </div>
 58             <div class="mui-indexed-list-bar">
 59                 <a>A</a>
 60                 <a>B</a>
 61                 <a>C</a>
 62                 <a>D</a>
 63                 <a>E</a>
 64                 <a>F</a>
 65                 <a>G</a>
 66                 <a>H</a>
 67                 <a>I</a>
 68                 <a>J</a>
 69                 <a>K</a>
 70                 <a>L</a>
 71                 <a>M</a>
 72                 <a>N</a>
 73                 <a>O</a>
 74                 <a>P</a>
 75                 <a>Q</a>
 76                 <a>R</a>
 77                 <a>S</a>
 78                 <a>T</a>
 79                 <a>U</a>
 80                 <a>V</a>
 81                 <a>W</a>
 82                 <a>X</a>
 83                 <a>Y</a>
 84                 <a>Z</a>
 85             </div>
 86             <div class="mui-indexed-list-alert"></div>
 87             <div class="mui-indexed-list-inner">
 88                 <div class="mui-indexed-list-empty-alert">没有数据</div>
 89                 <ul class="mui-table-view" id="listul">
 91                 </ul>
 92             </div>
 93         </div>
 94     </div>
 95     <script src="../script/jquery.min.js"></script>
 96     <script src="../script/mui.min.js"></script>
 97     <script src="../script/mui.indexedlist.js"></script>
 98     <script type="text/javascript" src="../script/tiqu.js"></script>
 99     <script type="text/javascript" src="../script/zhuanpinyin.js"></script>
100     <script type="text/javascript" src="../script/api.js"></script>
101     <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
102         apiready = function() {
103             getcity();
104         }
106         //获取城市
107         function getcity() {
109             //ajax
110             api.ajax({
111                 url: url,
112                 method: 'post',
113                 data: {
115                 }
116             }, function(ret, err) {
117                 if (ret) {
118                     //加载动画
119                     api.showProgress({
120                         title: '加载中...',
121                         text: ''
122                     });
124                     var list_html = '';
125                     var lists = ret.data.city;
126                     // console.log(JSON.stringify(lists));
128                     //排序
129                     function chineseLetter(lists, dataLeven) {
130                         var letter = 'abcdefghjklmnopqrstwxyz'.split('')
131                         var zh = "阿八嚓哒妸发旮哈讥咔垃痳拏噢妑七呥扨它穵夕丫帀".split('')
132                             /* 获取数组元素比较的值 */
133                         function getValue(option) {
134                             if (!dataLeven) return option
135                             var data = option
136                             dataLeven.split('.').filter(function(item) {
137                                 data = data[item]
138                             })
139                             return data + ''
140                         }
141                         /* 进行排序 */
142                         lists.sort(function(item1, item2) {
143                                 return getValue(item1).localeCompare(getValue(item2), 'zh-Hans-CN')
144                             })
145                             /* 判断需要排序的字符串是否含有中文字符 */
146                         if (/[\u4e00-\u9fff]/.test(getValue(lists[0])) && typeof lists[0] === 'object') pySegSort(0, 0)
147                             /* 给省列表中添加首字符 */
148                         function pySegSort(letterIndex, zhIndex) {
149                             var first = true // 首次是否加 字母标识
150                             for (var i = zhIndex; i < lists.length; i++) {
151                                 var item = lists[i]
152                                     //      是否有值 && 当前值大于等于本次字母的最小值 && (最后一位 || 当前值小于下次字母的最小值)
153                                 var state = zh[letterIndex] && getValue(item).localeCompare(zh[letterIndex], 'zh') >= 0 && (letterIndex === letter.length - 1 || getValue(item).localeCompare(zh[letterIndex + 1], 'zh') < 0)
154                                 if (state) { // 满足条件,同一个首字母下的:例如 A 下的所有省份
155                                     if (first) { //是否是第一次出现
156                                         item.letter = letter[letterIndex].toUpperCase()
157                                         first = false
158                                     } else {
159                                         item.letter = ''
160                                     }
161                                 } else { // 递归调用 函数,进行下次字母下的排列
162                                     letterIndex++
163                                     if (letterIndex < letter.length) {
164                                         pySegSort(letterIndex, i)
165                                         break
166                                     }
167                                 }
168                             }
169                         }
170                     }
171                     chineseLetter(lists, 'name')
172                         // console.log(JSON.stringify(lists));
174                     for (var i = 0; i < lists.length; i++) {
175                         var listname = lists[i].name;
176                         //转拼音
177                         var new_list = ConvertPinyin(listname);
179                         list_html += '<li data-group="' + lists[i].letter + '" class="mui-table-view-divider mui-indexed-list-group " name="' + lists[i].letter + '">' + lists[i].letter + '</li>' +
180                             '<li data-tags="' + new_list + '"   class="mui-table-view-cell mui-indexed-list-item nam" id="' + lists[i].id + '" οnclick="getpara(\'' + lists[i].id + '\',\'' + listname + '\')">' + listname + '</li>'
182                     }
183                     $('#listul').append(list_html);
184                     $('li[name=""]').css('display', 'none')
185                     // console.log(list_html);
186                     //加载结束
187                     api.hideProgress();
188                 } else {
189                     alert(JSON.stringify(err));
190                 }
191             });
193         }
195         mui.init();
196         mui.ready(function() {
197             var header = document.querySelector('header.mui-bar');
198             var list = document.getElementById('list');
199             //calc hieght
200             list.style.height = (document.body.offsetHeight - header.offsetHeight) + 'px';
201             //create
202             setTimeout(function() {
203                 window.indexedList = new mui.IndexedList(list);
204             }, 1000)
206         });
208         //添加点击事件
209         // mui('body').on('tap','.nam',function(){210         //   alert($(this).val())
211         // })
212         function getpara(ids, names) {
213             api.sendEvent({
214                 name: 'getpara',
215                 extra: {
216                     key1: ids,
217                     key2: names
218                 }
219             });
221             api.closeWin();
224         }
226         //关闭
227         function closeWin() {
228             api.closeWin({});
229         }
230     </script>
231 </body>
233 </html>

View Code



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