
(PHP 4 >= 4.2.0, PHP 5)

token_get_all — Split given source into PHP toke


array token_get_all ( string $source )

token_get_all() parses the given source string into PHP language tokens using the Zend engine's lexical scanner.

For a list of parser tokens, see 解析器代号列表, or use token_name() to translate a token value into its string representation.


sourceThe PHP source to parse.


An array of token identifiers. Each individual token identifier is either a single character (i.e.: ;, ., >, !, etc…), or a three element array containing the token index in element 0, the string content of the original token in element 1 and the line number in element 2.


Example #1 token_get_all() examples

=token_get_all('<?php  echo; ?>');/* => array(

array(T_OPEN_TAG, '<?php '),

array(T_ECHO, 'echo'),


array(T_CLOSE_TAG, '?>') ); */

/* Note in the following example that the string is parsed as T_INLINE_HTML

rather than the otherwise expected T_COMMENT (T_ML_COMMENT in PHP <5).

This is because no open/close tags were used in the "code" provided.

This would be equivalent to putting a comment outside of <?php  ?> tags in a normal file. */

$tokens=token_get_all('/* comment */');// => array(array(T_INLINE_HTML, '/* comment */'));?>





Line numbers are returned in element 2




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