






Over time GTK+ has been built up to be based on four libraries, also developed by the GTK+ team:

  • GLib, a low-level core library that forms the basis of GTK+. It provides data structure handling for C, portability wrappers and interfaces for such run-time functionality as an event loop, threads, dynamic loading and an object system.
  • Pango, a library for layout and rendering of text with an emphasis on internationalization. It forms the core of text and font handling for GTK+.
  • Cairo, a library for 2D graphics with support for multiple output devices (including the X Window System, Win32) while producing a consistent output on all media while taking advantage of display hardware acceleration when available.
  • ATK, a library for a set of interfaces providing accessibility. By supporting the ATK interfaces, an application or toolkit can be used with tools such as screen readers, magnifiers, and alternative input devices.


GTK+ was initially developed for and used by the GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is called the "The GIMP ToolKit" so that the origins of the project are remembered. Today it is more commonly known as GTK+ for short and is used by a large number of applications including the GNU project's GNOME desktop.

Peter Mattis started it all, with help from Spencer Kimball and Josh Macdonald. Marius Vollmer taught us how to make GTK+ work for language bindings. Lars Hamann and Stefan Jeske added all sorts of features to the core widgets. Carsten Haitzler designed and did the first implementation of theme support. Shawn Amundson did release management for GTK+ 1.0 and GTK+ 1.2.


GTK+ is free software and part of the GNU Project. However, the licensing terms for GTK+, the GNU LGPL 2.1, allow it to be used by all developers, including those developing proprietary software, without any license fees or royalties.


GTK+ has been designed from the ground up to support a range of languages, not only C/C++. Using GTK+ from languages such as Perl and Python (especially in combination with the Glade GUI builder) provides an effective method of rapid application development.


GTK+ has a large development community, as can be seen by the lists of contributors in GTK+ release announcements. While there are people that can be identified as responsible for one piece of code or the other, there are also core developers who are always working on the toolkit.




GLib库提供了一系列函数(functions)和定义(definitions),在设计GDK和GTK程序时很有用.它提供了一些标准c函数库(standard libc)的替代函数,比如malloc,但在其他的系统上使用时有很多问题.


GTK+是一个小型而高效的控件库,具有Motif的外观和风格.实际上,它比Motif看起来好多了,它包含有基本的控件和一些很复杂的的控件:例如文件选择、控件和颜色选择控件. GTK+提供了一些独特的特性,(至少,我知道其他的控件库不提供他们),例如,按钮不提供标签,它包含了一个子控件,在很多的时候是一个标签,但是,这个子控件也可以是一个映射,图像或者任何其他的程序员想要的集合.在整个的库中,你随处可见这种伸缩性.

Gnome的开发基础结构是围绕一组函数库的,所有的内容都是用可移植的ANSI C语言写成的,可以用于所有类UNIX系统,与图形相关的函数库依赖于X Window系统。 Gnome函数库是最高层的。GTK+由两部分组成,GTK和GDK。 GTK层为C语言提供了一个对象模型,并为UI工具包提供了最基本的widget,它是上层GUI派生的基础。 GTK是依赖于GDK的,GDK是Xlib的一个底层包装,Xlib库直接与X服务器对话。 除了Xlib以外的任何部分都是基于GLib的,它是一个有用的C函数库,提供了很多实用程序和可移植的功能以及一组容易被C语言使用的容器。



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