在从bitbucket上更新代码的时候,提示失败,错误提示为remote error:CAPTCHA required。









git pull提示remote error:CAPTCHA required相关推荐

  1. remote error:CAPTCHA required

    拉取代码报错 idea报错 remote error:CAPTCHA required 提示就是要你输入验证码啊,网页没问题,但是git客户端没法输入,所以才报错 解决办法: 我公司的仓库登录的时候需 ...

  2. git pull 报错 error: cannot pull with rebase: Your index contains uncommitted changes.

    git pull 报错 error: cannot pull with rebase: Your index contains uncommitted changes. error: please c ...

  3. git 上传大文件失败,提示remote: error: GH001: Large files detected. You may want to try Git Large File Storage

    commit 时提示错误信息 Writing objects: 100% (231/231), 112.31 MiB | 18.65 MiB/s, done. Total 231 (delta 84) ...

  4. git pull提示当前branch没有跟踪信息

    在执行git pull的时候,提示当前branch没有跟踪信息: git pull There is no tracking information for the current branch. P ...

  5. git pull 提示错误,Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge

    error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge: Please commit your c ...

  6. git pull报错error: You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists).

    输入git pull 显示以下信息 错误:您尚未结束合并(merge_HEAD存在). 提示:请在合并之前提交更改. 致命:由于未完成合并而退出. 原因是因为我没有拉取仓库代码的最新版,然后又上传更改 ...

  7. git pull命令操作 git pull <remote> <branch>

    git pull命令操作 git pull <remote> <branch> git pull <remote> <branch> 解决1: git ...

  8. git pull 提示错误 fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories

    从远程拉项目到本地的时候提示错误 造成 fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories错误的原因有以下几点: 有一个包含一些提交的新 Git 存储库.然后,您 ...

  9. 2021-07-12Git - git pull时遇到error: cannot lock ref ‘refs/remotes/origin/master‘: unable to resolve...

    git pull时遇到问题及解决方法 问题描述: 解决方法及原因分析: 1.git log 错误: 解决方法:修复 .git/refs/heads/分支名 原因分析:IDE的错误关闭 2.git pu ...


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