I am newer for php. I want make php page cache, query data from mysql and store data into json format.

I have many questions:

which type of file should I store? .json or .txt or .cache? for I also need use json decode return datas into page.

I want use cron tab, make many mysql queries and write into one json file. what write code should I choose? fopen, fwrite or file_get_contents or other command? (do not cover the data, but continue write. I will deleted the file and renewer it at the next cron time)

If a multi write into a json data (10 or more mysql query at the same time and write into a same json file, each json child format like {name: ".$row['name']."}), how to completed a top { and bottom } to make a standad json data format?

{ //how to add this one

{name: ".$row['name']."}

{name: ".$row['name']."}

// many name from 10 more mysql queries

} //and this one


解决方案which type of file should I store

It doesn't matter. There is no fixed extension, but I would pick .json just to make it clear what the file is supposed to contain.

what write code should I choose?

Just use file_put_contents to put the JSON string (see next section) into a file.

each json child format like

You really do not want to use that method. It might work for a while, but becomes very complex when you need to handle things like quoting and special-character escapes. Instead of re-inventing the wheel, use PHP's built-in JSON functions for this.

Create the data-structure you want using PHP's strings, numbers, and arrays, and then rely on json_encode to turn it into a string.

The main thing to be careful of is that depending on how your php array() looks, you might get JSON [] versus {}.

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