vSphere 6.5 High Availability New Features – Proactive HA

vSphere 6.5高可用性新功能–主动HA


由MOHAMMED RAFFIC发表于最后更新时间:2017年2月23日,上午6:18 | 公布于2017年2月23日在高可用性中,VSPHERE 6.5 | 26139浏览

vSphere 6.5已发布,其中包含许多新功能,其中大多数正在等待。vSphere 6.5,其业界领先的虚拟化平台的最新版本。此新版本的vSphere具有大大简化的体验,全面的内置安全性以及可运行任何应用程序的通用应用程序平台。与每个vSphere版本一样,它继续为关键业务应用程序工作负载提供最佳可用性和资源管理功能。vSphere 6.5还添加了新功能和改进功能。我们将讨论vSphere 6.5 High Availability&DRS可用的新功能。

  • 主动医管局
  • vSphere HA Orchstrated重新启动
  • 简化的vSphere HA准入控制

will talk about new features available with vSphere 6.5 High Availability & DRS.

  • Proactive HA
  • vSphere HA Orchestrated Restart
  • Simplified vSphere HA Admission Control

通过vSphere 6.5 High Availability 提供的多项新功能,我们将在本文中详细讨论Proactive HA。

 vSphere 6.5高可用性–主动式高可用性

现在,vSphere 6.5 High Availability(HA)还可以检测ESXi主机的硬件状况,并允许您在Proactive HA的帮助下在硬件问题导致虚拟机中断之前撤离虚拟机。主动式HA与监视解决方案的硬件供应商一起工作,以接收硬件组件(例如内存,风扇和电源)的运行状况。您可以将vSphere HA配置为根据硬件组件的故障进行响应。此功能通过检测硬件故障并根据配置选项将esxi主机置于隔离模式或维护模式,从而主动避免虚拟机停机。您需要在群集上启用DRS才能使用主动HA。



  • 电源
  • 记忆
  • 风扇
  • 存储
  • 网络

如何配置vSphere 6.5 Proactive HA?

从vSphere Web Client->群集属性->单击编辑,右键单击ESXi群集。您可能会注意到默认情况下禁用了vSphere Proactive HA。


有两个vSphere Proactive HA自动化级别:

手册:  vCenter Server将仅建议虚拟机的迁移建议。您需要从降级的主机中手动迁移虚拟机。



  • 隔离模式:主机上没有新的VM添加
  • 混合模式:保持VM在主机上运行,​​以免出现中度故障。但是它将迁移虚拟机以防止严重故障
  • 维护模式:从主机迁移所有虚拟机,并将ESXi主机置于维护模式。


  • 所有故障的隔离模式: 此选项通过避免使用部分降级的主机(只要虚拟机性能不受影响)来平衡性能和可用性。简而言之,在部分降级的主机上没有添加新的VM
  • 混合模式(中等故障的隔离模式和严重故障的维护模式):使    VM在主机上运行时发生中等故障。但是它将迁移VM导致严重故障。 只要不影响虚拟机性能,此选项就可以避免使用性能下降的主机,从而平衡性能和可用性。这样可以确保虚拟机不会在严重故障的主机上运行。
  • 所有故障的维护模式: 从主机迁移所有虚拟机,并将ESXi主机置于维护模式。确保虚拟机不在部分故障的主机上运行

选中复选框以为此群集启用主动HA提供程序。当已安装相应的vSphere Web Client插件并且提供程序监视群集中的每个主机时,主动HA提供程序将显示在下方。单击编辑链接以查看/编辑提供者支持的故障条件。由于我尚未安装任何主动型HA提供程序vSphere Web客户端,因此在我的演示环境中未提供任何信息。而已。我们已经完成了配置vSphere 6.5 Proactive HA的工作。我希望这对您有帮助。谢谢阅读!!社交,并在社交媒体上分享,如果您觉得值得分享。

vSphere 6.5 High Availability New Features – Proactive HA


vSphere 6.5 released with lot of new features that most of them were waiting for. vSphere 6.5, the latest version of its industry-leading virtualization platform.  This new release of vSphere features a dramatically simplified experience, comprehensive built-in security, and a universal app platform for running any app. As usual with the release of each vSphere version,It continues to provide the best availability and resource management features for business critical application workloads. vSphere 6.5 also added new and improved features. We will talk about new features available with vSphere 6.5 High Availability & DRS.

  • Proactive HA
  • vSphere HA Orchestrated Restart
  • Simplified vSphere HA Admission Control

From the multiple new features available from vSphere 6.5 High Availability, We will talk in detail about Proactive HA in this article.

 vSphere 6.5 High Availability – Proactive HA

vSphere 6.5 High Availability (HA) now also detect the hardware conditions of the ESXi host and allow you to evacuate the Virtual machines before the hardware issues cause an outage to Virtual machines with the help of Proactive HA. Proactive HA works in conjunction with hardware vendors monitoring solutions to receive the health status of the hardware components such as memory, fans and power supplies. You can configure vSphere HA to respond according to the failure of hardware components. This feature proactively avoids the virtual machine downtime by detecting the hardware failures and place that esxi host in Quarantine Mode or Maintenance mode based on configuration option. You need to have DRS enabled on the cluster to make use of Proactive HA.

If any hardware components is failed and it is marked as unhealthy by hardware monitoring, vSphere will classify the affected ESXi host as either moderately degraded or severely degraded based on the component failure. vSphere will place that affected ESXi host into new state called “Quarantine Mode”.

In the Quarantine Mode, DRS will not use the ESXi host for new Virtual machine placements and also DRS will attempt to evacuate the host as long as it would not cause performance issue. You can also configure proactive HA to place the degraded ESXi hosts into Maintenance mode, which perform the vMotion of Virtual machine to other healthy ESXi hosts in the cluster. Proactive HA can respond to different types of failures. Currently, there are five failure events that are supported:

  • Power Supply
  • Memory
  • Fan
  • Storage
  • Network

How to Configure vSphere 6.5 Proactive HA?

Right-Click your ESXi cluster from vSphere Web Client -> Cluster Properties -> Click on Edit. You can notice vSphere Proactive HA is disabled by default.

Select the checkbox “Turn on Proactive HA”. You can configure configuration options under “Proactive HA Failures and Responses”

There are two vSphere Proactive HA Automation Levels:

Manual: vCenter Server will suggest only the migration recommendations for virtual machines. You need to manually migrate the virtual machines out from the degraded hosts.

Automated: Virtual Machines will be migrated to healthy hosts and degraded hosts will be entered into remediation action either quarantine or maintenance mode depending on the configured Proactive HA automation level

There are three remediation actions for partial failed hosts:

  • Quarantine Mode : No New VM additions on the host
  • Mixed Mode :  Keeps VMs running on the host  for moderate failure. But it will migrate VMs for severe failures
  • Maintenance Mode : Migrates all the Virtual Machines from the host and place ESXi host in maintenance mode.

Here are the detailed information of three Remediation actions which determine what happens to partially degraded hosts:

  • Quarantine mode for all failures : This option balances performance and availability, by avoiding the usage of partially degraded hosts as long as virtual machine performance is unaffected. In Simple terms, No New VM additions on the partially degraded host
  • Mixed Mode (Quarantine mode for moderate and Maintenance Mode for Severe Failure)  :   Keeps VMs running on the host  for moderate failure. But it will migrate VMs for severe failures. This option balances performance and availability, by avoiding the usage of moderately degraded hosts as long as virtual machine performance is unaffected. This ensures virtual machines do not run on severely failed hosts.
  • Maintenance mode for all failures: Migrates all the Virtual Machines from the host and place ESXi host in maintenance mode.Ensures virtual machines do not run on partially failed hosts

Select the check boxes to enable Proactive HA providers for this cluster.  Proactive HA Providers appear below when their corresponding vSphere Web Client plugin has been installed and the providers monitor every host in the cluster. Click on the edit link to view/edit the failure conditions supported by the provider. Since I don’t have installed any of the Proactive HA providers vSphere Web client, It is not providing any information in my demo environment. That’s it. We are done with configuring vSphere 6.5 Proactive HA. I hope this is informative for you. Thanks for Reading!! Be social and share it in social media, if you feel worth sharing it.

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