
The increasing number of construction of houses in Indonesia would lead to an increase in the number of national electricity consumption. Electricity usage should be done more efficiently so that electricity is not wasted in vain. The development of today's information technology should be used as a solution to these problems. In this research tries to create a system that can be used to simplify the user to monitor and control equipment in the house such as room temperature, lighting and fan through Android. This tool working system utilizes ATmega16 microcontroller with the help of Visual Basic.Net interface as a medium of communication to the database server. Android phone will send a command given by the user to the database server through the Internet, then the order will be forwarded to the microcontroller to be done executed. From the test showed that Android phones through the Internet can be used as a tool to control electrical equipment such as lights and fans, and can also be used to monitor the temperature of the room.


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