public class BeanMap extends AbstractMap implements Cloneable 
private transient Object bean;//javaBean对象
private transient HashMap readMethods = new HashMap();//getXXX方法集
private transient HashMap writeMethods = new HashMap();//setXXX方法集
private transient HashMap types = new HashMap();//成员变量类型集
public static final Object[] NULL_ARGUMENTS = {};//空参数集,用于通过reflection调用getXXX方法
public static HashMap defaultTransformers = new HashMap();//把基本类型映射为transformer类型,后者用于将字符串转换为合适的基本型的包装类
defaultTransformers.put( Boolean.TYPE, new Transformer() 
public Object transform( Object input ) 
return Boolean.valueOf( input.toString() );
defaultTransformers.put( Character.TYPE, new Transformer() 
public Object transform( Object input ) 
return new Character( input.toString().charAt( 0 ) );
defaultTransformers.put( Byte.TYPE, new Transformer() 
public Object transform( Object input ) 
return Byte.valueOf( input.toString() );
defaultTransformers.put( Short.TYPE, new Transformer() 
public Object transform( Object input ) 
return Short.valueOf( input.toString() );
new Transformer() {
public Object transform( Object input ) {
return Integer.valueOf( input.toString() );
defaultTransformers.put( Long.TYPE, new Transformer() 
public Object transform( Object input ) {
return Long.valueOf( input.toString() );
defaultTransformers.put( Float.TYPE, new Transformer() 
public Object transform( Object input ) {
return Float.valueOf( input.toString() );
defaultTransformers.put( Double.TYPE, new Transformer() 
public Object transform( Object input ) {
return Double.valueOf( input.toString() );
public BeanMap(Object bean) {
this.bean = bean;
public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
BeanMap newMap = (BeanMap)super.clone();
if(bean == null) {//若底层bean不存在,则返回一个复制的空BeanMap,
return newMap;
Object newBean = null;            
Class beanClass = null;
try {
beanClass = bean.getClass();//底层bean的Class
newBean = beanClass.newInstance();//实例化一个新的bean
} catch (Exception e) {
// unable to instantiate
throw new CloneNotSupportedException
("Unable to instantiate the underlying bean \"" +
beanClass.getName() + "\": " + e);
try {
} catch (Exception exception) {
throw new CloneNotSupportedException
("Unable to set bean in the cloned bean map: " + 
try {
Iterator readableKeys = readMethods.keySet().iterator();
while(readableKeys.hasNext()) {
Object key =;//属性名称
if(getWriteMethod(key) != null) {
newMap.put(key, get(key));//放入到新BeanMap中
} catch (Exception exception) {
throw new CloneNotSupportedException
("Unable to copy bean values to cloned bean map: " +
return newMap;
public void clear() {
if(bean == null) return;
Class beanClass = null;
try {
beanClass = bean.getClass();
bean = beanClass.newInstance();//重新实例化,一切都回到默认状态
catch (Exception e) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Could not create new instance of class: " + beanClass );
public Object get(Object name) {//获取指定名称属性的值
if ( bean != null ) {
Method method = getReadMethod( name );
if ( method != null ) {
try {
return method.invoke( bean, NULL_ARGUMENTS );
catch (  IllegalAccessException e ) {
logWarn( e );
catch ( IllegalArgumentException e ) {
logWarn(  e );
catch ( InvocationTargetException e ) {
logWarn(  e );
catch ( NullPointerException e ) {
logWarn(  e );
return null;
public Object put(Object name, Object value) throws IllegalArgumentException, ClassCastException
if ( bean != null ) {
Object oldValue = get( name );//原来的值
Method method = getWriteMethod( name );
if ( method == null ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The bean of type: "+ bean.getClass().getName() + " has no property called: " + name );
try {
Object[] arguments = createWriteMethodArguments( method, value );//转换参数
method.invoke( bean, arguments );//设置新值
Object newValue = get( name );//获取新设置的值 
firePropertyChange( name, oldValue, newValue );//fire属性值改变事件
catch ( InvocationTargetException e ) {
logInfo( e );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( e.getMessage() );
catch ( IllegalAccessException e ) {
logInfo( e );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( e.getMessage() );
return oldValue;
return null;
public Method getReadMethod(String name) {//获取指定名称属性的getXXX方法
return (Method) readMethods.get(name);
public Method getWriteMethod(String name) {//获取指定名称属性的setXXX方法
return (Method) writeMethods.get(name);
private void initialise() 
if(getBean() == null) return;
Class  beanClass = getBean().getClass();//bean的Class
//BeanInfo beanInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo( bean, null );
BeanInfo beanInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo( beanClass );//bean的信息
PropertyDescriptor[] propertyDescriptors = beanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors();
if ( propertyDescriptors != null ) 
for ( int i = 0; i < propertyDescriptors.length; i++ ) 
PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor = propertyDescriptors[i];
if ( propertyDescriptor != null ) 
String name = propertyDescriptor.getName();//属性名称
Method readMethod = propertyDescriptor.getReadMethod();//getXXX方法
Method writeMethod = propertyDescriptor.getWriteMethod();//setXXX方法
Class aType = propertyDescriptor.getPropertyType();//属性类型
if ( readMethod != null ) {
readMethods.put( name, readMethod );//保存到getXXX集合
if ( writeMethod != null ) {
writeMethods.put( name, writeMethod );//保存到setXXX集合
types.put( name, aType );//保存属性类型
catch ( IntrospectionException e ) {
logWarn(  e );
protected static class MyMapEntry extends AbstractMapEntry 
{//BeanMap使用的Map entry        
private BeanMap owner;//所属的Map
protected MyMapEntry( BeanMap owner, Object key, Object value ) {
super( key, value );
this.owner = owner;
public Object setValue(Object value) {
Object key = getKey();
Object oldValue = owner.get( key );
owner.put( key, value );
Object newValue = owner.get( key );
super.setValue( newValue );
return oldValue;
protected Object[] createWriteMethodArguments( Method method, Object value ) throws IllegalAccessException, ClassCastException 
if ( value != null ) 
Class[] types = method.getParameterTypes();//setXXX方法的参数类型
if ( types != null && types.length > 0 ) 
Class paramType = types[0];
if ( ! paramType.isAssignableFrom( value.getClass() ) ) 
value = convertType( paramType, value );//把新参数转换为setXXX方法的参数类型
Object[] answer = { value };
return answer;
catch ( InvocationTargetException e ) {
logInfo( e );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( e.getMessage() );
catch ( InstantiationException e ) {
logInfo( e );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( e.getMessage() );
protected Object convertType( Class newType, Object value ) 
throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException {
// try call constructor
Class[] types = { value.getClass() };
try {//尝试用带一个参数的构造函数进行转换
Constructor constructor = newType.getConstructor( types );        
Object[] arguments = { value };
return constructor.newInstance( arguments );
catch ( NoSuchMethodException e ) {
// try using the transformers
Transformer transformer = getTypeTransformer( newType );//获取可用的transformer
if ( transformer != null ) {
return transformer.transform( value );//转换类型
return value;
protected Transformer getTypeTransformer( Class aType ) {
return (Transformer) defaultTransformers.get( aType );

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