注:两个 _config.yml,一个是 站点配置文件,一个是 主题配置文件。


0. 更换主题风格


如果出现,本地的风格改变了,github 上的风格没改变

1. hexo clean # 清除

2. hexo g # 重新生成

3. hexo d # 上传

1. 语言


language: zh-Hans

2. 基本信息修改


# Site
title: 柠泽の博客
description: 专属小可爱
author: 柠泽
language: zh-Hans



1. 在source 下创建 images 文件夹

2. 主题文件,修改头像路径

4. 菜单栏


menu:home: / || homecategories: /categories/ || tharchives: /archives/ || archivetags: /tags/ || tagsabout: /about/ || user#schedule: /schedule/ || calendar#sitemap: /sitemap.xml || sitemap#commonweal: /404/ || heartbeat

但是点击进去,却报错:Cannot GET /categories/,404 不要慌,不能获取categories,创建一个就OK!

在根目录下运行 :

hexo new page 'categories' #创建categories子目录
hexo new page 'tags' #创建tags子目录
hexo new page 'about' #创建about子目录

5、搜索 Local Search


1. 在根目录下运行:

添加百度/谷歌/本地 自定义站点内容搜索,安装 hexo-generator-searchdb

npm install hexo-generator-searchdb --save

2. 站点文件,新增以下内容到任意位置:

search:path: search.xmlfield: postformat: htmllimit: 10000

3. 主题文件,启用本地搜索功能:

# Local search
local_search:enable: true


1. 设置侧栏的位置

  • left - 靠左放置
  • right - 靠右放置

2. 设置侧栏显示的时机

  • post - 默认行为,在文章页面(拥有目录列表)时显示
  • always - 在所有页面中都显示
  • hide - 在所有页面中都隐藏(可以手动展开)
  • remove - 完全移除



1. 动态背景


设置为 true 即可,推荐使用 canvas_nest

2. 添加顶部加载条

编辑 themes/hexo-theme-next/layout/_partials/head.swig

<script src="//cdn.bootcss.com/pace/1.0.2/pace.min.js"></script>
<link href="//cdn.bootcss.com/pace/1.0.2/themes/pink/pace-theme-flash.css" rel="stylesheet">
<style>.pace .pace-progress {background: #1E92FB; /*进度条颜色*/height: 1px;}.pace .pace-progress-inner {box-shadow: 0 0 10px #1E92FB, 0 0 5px     #1E92FB; /*阴影颜色*/}.pace .pace-activity {border-top-color: #1E92FB;    /*上边框颜色*/border-left-color: #1E92FB;    /*左边框颜色*/}

3. 点击出现心形效果

编辑 themes/hexo-theme-next/layout/_layout.swig ,在末尾添加以下代码 ,小编未使用

js 文件如下:

!function (e, t, a) {function n() {c(".heart{width: 10px;height: 10px;position: fixed;background: #f00;transform: rotate(45deg);-webkit-transform: rotate(45deg);-moz-transform: rotate(45deg);}.heart:after,.heart:before{content: '';width: inherit;height: inherit;background: inherit;border-radius: 50%;-webkit-border-radius: 50%;-moz-border-radius: 50%;position: fixed;}.heart:after{top: -5px;}.heart:before{left: -5px;}"), o(), r()}function r() {for (var e = 0; e < d.length; e++) d[e].alpha <= 0 ? (t.body.removeChild(d[e].el), d.splice(e, 1)) : (d[e].y--, d[e].scale += .004, d[e].alpha -= .013, d[e].el.style.cssText = "left:" + d[e].x + "px;top:" + d[e].y + "px;opacity:" + d[e].alpha + ";transform:scale(" + d[e].scale + "," + d[e].scale + ") rotate(45deg);background:" + d[e].color + ";z-index:99999");requestAnimationFrame(r)}function o() {var t = "function" == typeof e.onclick && e.onclick;e.onclick = function (e) {t && t(), i(e)}}function i(e) {var a = t.createElement("div");a.className = "heart", d.push({el: a,x: e.clientX - 5,y: e.clientY - 5,scale: 1,alpha: 1,color: s()}), t.body.appendChild(a)}function c(e) {var a = t.createElement("style");a.type = "text/css";try {a.appendChild(t.createTextNode(e))} catch (t) {a.styleSheet.cssText = e}t.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(a)}function s() {return "rgb(" + ~~(255 * Math.random()) + "," + ~~(255 * Math.random()) + "," + ~~(255 * Math.random()) + ")"}var d = [];e.requestAnimationFrame = function () {return e.requestAnimationFrame || e.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || e.mozRequestAnimationFrame || e.oRequestAnimationFrame || e.msRequestAnimationFrame || function (e) {setTimeout(e, 1e3 / 60)}}(), n()
}(window, document);
<!-- 页面点击小红心 -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/love.js"></script>


0. 在右上角或者左上角实现 fork me on github

两个地址提供选择:Ribbons 、Corners

<a href="https://github.com/you"><img style="position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; border: 0;" src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/github/ribbons/forkme_right_gray_6d6d6d.png" alt="Fork me on GitHub"></a>

1. 编辑 themes/hexo-theme-next/layout/_layout.swig

2. 放入到 <div class="headband"></div> 后面

3. 并把 href 改为自己的 Github 地址

1. 侧边栏社交小图标



GitHub(显示的名称):http://github.com/LOVELINESSLYT (跳转的链接)|| github(图标名字)

2. 修改网页底部的桃心


Icon 图标库,将下载好的图片放入 source/images 下,推荐下载 16x16 或 18x18 的

编辑 themes/hexo-theme-next/layout/_partials/footer.swig

3. 添加可爱的 Live 2D 模型


1. 安装 live2d

npm install --save hexo-helper-live2d

2. 模型列表 - 模型预览

  • live2d-widget-model-chitose
  • live2d-widget-model-epsilon2_1
  • live2d-widget-model-gf
  • live2d-widget-model-haru/01 (use npm install --save live2d-widget-model-haru)
  • live2d-widget-model-haru/02 (use npm install --save live2d-widget-model-haru)
  • live2d-widget-model-haruto
  • live2d-widget-model-hibiki
  • live2d-widget-model-hijiki
  • live2d-widget-model-izumi
  • live2d-widget-model-koharu
  • live2d-widget-model-miku
  • live2d-widget-model-ni-j
  • live2d-widget-model-nico
  • live2d-widget-model-nietzsche
  • live2d-widget-model-nipsilon
  • live2d-widget-model-nito
  • live2d-widget-model-shizuku
  • live2d-widget-model-tororo
  • live2d-widget-model-tsumiki
  • live2d-widget-model-unitychan
  • live2d-widget-model-wanko
  • live2d-widget-model-z16

3. 安装模型

npm install live2d-widget-model-koharu

4. 修改文件,在最后面加入:

# Live2D
## https://github.com/EYHN/hexo-helper-live2d
live2d:enable: truescriptFrom: local # 默认pluginRootPath: live2dw/pluginJsPath: lib/pluginModelPath: assets/ # 模型文件相对与插件根目录路径tagMode: falsedebug: falsemodel:use: live2d-widget-model-koharu# use: live2d-widget-model-hibiki# use: live2d-widget-model-z16scale: 1hHeadPos: 0.5vHeadPos: 0.618display:superSample: 2width: 100height: 175# position: leftposition: righthOffset: 0vOffset: 0mobile:show: truescale: 0.5react:opacityDefault: 0.7opacityOnHover: 0.2

4. 配置访问统计


找到enable: false 改成enable: true

# Show PV/UV of the website/page with busuanzi.
# Get more information on http://ibruce.info/2015/04/04/busuanzi/
busuanzi_count:# count values only if the other configs are falseenable: true# custom uv span for the whole sitesite_uv: truesite_uv_header: <i class="fa fa-user"></i> 访问人数site_uv_footer:# custom pv span for the whole sitesite_pv: truesite_pv_header: <i class="fa fa-eye"></i> 总访问量site_pv_footer:# custom pv span for one page onlypage_pv: truepage_pv_header: <i class="fa fa-file-o"></i> 阅读数page_pv_footer:

5. 主页文章添加阴影效果

打开 themes/hexo-theme-next/source/css/_custom/custom.styl 向里面加入:

// 主页文章添加阴影效果.post {margin-top: 60px;margin-bottom: 60px;padding: 25px;-webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(202, 203, 203, .5);-moz-box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(202, 203, 204, .5);}

6. 文章字数统计与阅读时间


1. 安装

npm install hexo-wordcount --save

2. 修改

# Post wordcount display settings
# Dependencies: https://github.com/willin/hexo-wordcount
post_wordcount:item_text: truewordcount: truemin2read: true

7. 让页脚的心脏图标跳动起来

1.  编辑 themes/hexo-theme-next/layout/_partials/footer.swig ,改为:

  <span class="with-love" id="heart"><i class="fa fa-heartbeat" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>

2. 编辑 themes/hexo-theme-next/source/css/_custom/custom.styl ,在后面添加以下:

RGB颜色查询对照表 ,可以自己选择颜色

// 自定义页脚跳动的心样式
@keyframes heartAnimate {0%,100%{transform:scale(1);}10%,30%{transform:scale(0.9);}20%,40%,60%,80%{transform:scale(1.1);}50%,70%{transform:scale(1.1);}
#heart {animation: heartAnimate 1.33s ease-in-out infinite;
.with-love {color: #FF00FF;

效果如下,其实是动态的,嫌麻烦就截图了 :

8. 设置首页不显示全文


9. 修改首页文章间距

编辑 themes/hexo-theme-next/source/css/_schemes/Mist/_posts-expanded.styl ,在最后一行添加:

.posts-expand .post {margin-top: 30px;margin-bottom: 30px;


10. 修改字体


font:enable: true# Uri of fonts host. E.g. //fonts.googleapis.com (Default)host: //fonts.css.network# Global font settings used on <body> element.global:# external: true will load this font family from host.external: truefamily: Lato# Font settings for Headlines (h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6)# Fallback to `global` font settings.headings:external: truefamily:# Font settings for posts# Fallback to `global` font settings.posts:external: truefamily:# Font settings for Logo# Fallback to `global` font settings.# The `size` option use `px` as unitlogo:external: truefamily:size:# Font settings for <code> and code blocks.codes:external: truefamily: Iosevkasize: 12


1. 回复功能 Valine


2. 统计功能 LeanCloud


3. 后台管理 Hexo-Admin

npm i hexo-admin --save

登录 http://localhost:4000/admin 即可看到我们所有的文章内容,并且在可视化界面中操作文章内容

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