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Would you like to correct errors in your ePub formatted eBooks, or even split them into chapters and create a Table of Contents?  Here’s how you can with the free program Sigil.

您是否要更正ePub格式的电子书中的错误,甚至将其分成几章并创建目录? 使用免费程序Sigil的方法如下。

eBooks are increasingly popular with the rise of eBook readers and reading apps on mobile devices.  We recently showed you how to convert a PDF eBook to ePub format, but as you may have noticed, sometimes the converted file had some glitches or odd formatting.  Additionally, many of the many free ePub books available online from sources like the Project Guttenberg do not include a table of contents.  Sigil is a free application for Windows, OS X, and Linux that lets you edit ePub files, so let’s look at how you can use it to improve your eBooks.

随着电子书阅读器和在移动设备上阅读应用程序的兴起,电子书越来越受欢迎。 最近,我们向您展示了如何将PDF电子书转换为ePub格式 ,但是您可能已经注意到,有时转换后的文件存在一些故障或奇数格式。 此外,可从Guttenberg 项目等来源在线获得的许多免费ePub书籍中很多都没有目录。 Sigil是适用于Windows,OS X和Linux的免费应用程序,可让您编辑ePub文件,因此让我们看一下如何使用它来改善电子书。

Note: Sigil took several moments to open files in our tests, and froze momentarily when we maximized the window.  Sigil is currently pre-release software in active development, so we would expect the bugs to be worked out in future versions.  As usual, only install if you’re comfortable testing pre-release software.

注意:Sigil花了一些时间在测试中打开文件,并在最大化窗口时暂时冻结。 Sigil当前是正在积极开发中的预发布软件,因此我们希望这些错误会在将来的版本中得到解决。 与往常一样,仅在您愿意测试预发行软件时才安装。

Getting Started


Download Sigil (link below), making sure to select the correct version for your computer.  Run the installer, and select your preferred setup language when prompted.

下载Sigil( 下面的链接 ),确保为您的计算机选择正确的版本。 运行安装程序,并在出现提示时选择首选的安装语言。

After a moment the installer will appear; setup as normal.

片刻之后,安装程序将出现。 正常设置。

Launch Sigil when it’s finished installing.  It opens with a default blank ePub file, so you could actually start writing an eBook from scratch right here.

完成安装后,启动Sigil。 它会以默认的空白ePub文件打开,因此您实际上可以从此处开始从头开始编写电子书。

Edit Your ePub eBooks


Now you’re ready to edit your ePub books.  Click Open and browse to the file you want to edit.

现在,您可以编辑ePub图书了。 单击“打开”,然后浏览到要编辑的文件。

Now you can double-click any of the HTML or XHTML files on the left sidebar and edit them just like you would in Word.


Or you can choose to view it in Code View and edit the actual HTML directly.


The sidebar also gives you access to the other parts of the ePub file, such as Images and CSS styles.


If your ePub file has a Table of Contents, you can edit it with Sigil as well.  Click Tools in the menu bar, and then select TOC Editor.  Strangely there is no way to create a new table of contents, but you can remove entries from existing one.

如果您的ePub文件具有目录,则也可以使用Sigil对其进行编辑。 单击菜单栏中的工具,然后选择目录编辑器 。 奇怪的是,无法创建新的目录,但是您可以从现有目录中删除条目。

Convert TXT Files to ePub


Many free eBooks online, especially older, out of copyright titles, are available in plain text format.  One problem with these files is that they usually use hard returns at the end of lines, so they don’t reflow to fill your screen efficiently.

许多免费的在线电子书,特别是较旧的,没有版权的电子书,都以纯文本格式提供。 这些文件的一个问题是它们通常在行尾使用硬返回,因此它们不会重排以有效填充屏幕。

Sigil can easily convert these files to the more useful ePub format.  Open the text file in Sigil, and it will automatically reflow the text and convert it ePub.  As you can see in the screenshot below, the text in the eBook does not have hard line-breaks at the end of each line, and will be much more readable on mobile devices.

Sigil可以轻松地将这些文件转换为更有用的ePub格式。 在Sigil中打开文本文件,它将自动重排文本并将其转换为ePub。 正如您在下面的屏幕快照中所看到的那样,电子书中的文本在每行的末尾没有硬换行符,并且在移动设备上更具可读性。

Note that Sigil may take several moments opening the book, and may even become unresponsive while analyzing it.


Now you can edit your eBook, split it into chapters, or just save it as is.  Either way, make sure to select Save as to save your book as ePub format.

现在,您可以编辑您的电子书,将其拆分为各章,或直接保存它。 无论哪种方式,请确保选择“ 另存为”,以将图书另存为ePub格式。



As mentioned before, Sigil seems to run slow at times, especially when editing large eBooks.  But it’s still a nice solution to edit and extend your ePub eBooks, and even convert plain text eBooks to the nicer ePub format.  Now you can make your eBooks work just like you want, and read them on your favorite device!

如前所述,Sigil有时运行缓慢,尤其是在编辑大型电子书时。 但这仍然是编辑和扩展ePub电子书,甚至将纯文本电子书转换为更好的ePub格式的不错的解决方案。 现在,您可以按照自己的喜好使电子书正常工作,并在您喜欢的设备上阅读它们!

If you feel comfortable editing HTML files, check out our article on how to edit ePub eBooks with your favorite HTML editor.

如果您对编辑HTML文件感到满意,请查看我们的文章如何使用您喜欢HTML编辑器编辑ePub电子书 。



Download Sigil from GitHub


Download free ePub eBooks from Project Guttenberg

Project Guttenberg下载免费的ePub电子书


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