create index  ename_emp_sal on emp(sal);
drop index  ename_emp_sal ;
第一范式:a.要有主键, b.列不可分
set serveroutput on ;/*系统环境默认变量关闭*/
/*输出 HelloWorld!*/declare  /*声明变量*/v_name varchar(20);
begin v_name:= 'myname';dbms_output.put_line(v_name);end;
/declare v_num number := 0;
begin v_num :=2/v_num;dbms_output.put_line(v_num);
exceptionwhen others then dbms_output.put_line('error');
/--声明变量类型变量名不能够使用保留字,如from、select等第一个字符必须是字母变量名最多包含30个字符不要与数据库的表或者列同名每一行只能声明一个变量--常见数据类型binary_integer:整型number:数字类型char:定长字符串varchar2:边长字符串date:日期long:长字符串boolean:布尔类型,可以取值为true、false和null值--变量声明declarev_temp number(1);v_count binary_integer :=0;v_sal number(7,2) := 4000.00;v_date date := sysdate;v_pi constant number(3,2) := 3.14;v_valid boolean := false;v_name varchar2(20) not null :='myname';
begindbms_output.put_line('v_pi value :' || v_pi);
end ;
/* || 变量输出*/--变量声明,使用%type属性
declarev_empno number(4);v_empno2 emp.empno%type;v_empno3 v_empno2%type;
end;--table组合变量declaretype type_table_emp_empno is table of emp.empno%type index by binary_integer;v_empnos type_table_emp_empno;
beginv_empnos(0) :=7369;v_empnos(2) :=7839;v_empnos(-1) :=9999;dbms_output.put_line(v_empnos(-1));
--Record 变量类型declare
--声明变量,定义变量type type_record_dept is record(deptno dept.deptno%type,dname dept.dname%type,loc dept.loc%type);v_temp type_record_dept;beginv_temp.deptno :=50;v_temp.dname := 'aaaa';v_temp.loc := 'bj';dbms_output.put_line(v_temp.deptno|| '' || v_temp_name);
/--sql 语句的运用
declare v_ename emp.ename%type;v_sal emp.sal%type;
beginselect ename,sal into v_ename,v_sal from emp where empno =7369;dbms_output.put_line(v_ename||''||v_sal);
beginexecute immediate  'create table  T( nnn varchar2(20) default ''aaa'')';
/*两个单引号代表一个单引号*/declare v_sal emp.sal%type; /*声明v_sal为emp.sal列*/
beginselect sal into v_sal from empwhere empno = 7369;if(v_sal <1200)thendbms_output.put_line('low');elsif(v_sal<2000)thendbms_output.put_line('middle');elsedbms_output.put_line('high');end if ;
/declare i binary_integer :=1;
beginloopdbms_output.put_line(i);i := i+1;exit when(i >= 11);end loop;
/*打印1.2.3...10相当于do while循环*/beginfor k  in 1..10 loopdbms_output.put_line(k);end loop;for k in reverse 1..10 loopdbms_output.put_line(k);end loop;
/*for循环*/declarev_temp number(4);
beginend;create table errorlog
id number primary key,
error number,
errmsg varchar2(1024),
errdate date
);create sequence seq_errlog_id start with 1 increment by 1;declare v_deptno dept.deptno%type :=10;v_errcode number;v_errmsg varchar2(1024);
begindelete from dept where deptno = v_deptno;commit;
exceptionwhen others thenrollback;v_errcode := SQLCODE;v_errmsg := SQLERRM;insert into errorlog values(seq_errlog_id.nextval,v_errcode,v_errmsg,sysdate);commit;
select * from errorlog;--重中之重游标declarecursor c is  /*指定游标c */select * from emp;v_emp c%rowtype; /**/
beginopen c;fetch c into v_emp;  /*游标自动移到下一格*/dbms_output.put_line(v_emp.ename);close c ;
/declarecursor c is  /*指定游标c */select * from emp;v_emp c%rowtype; /**/
beginopen c;loopfetch c into v_emp;  /*游标自动移到下一格*/dbms_output.put_line(v_emp.ename);exit when (c%notfound);end loop;close c ;
/*游标遍历*/declarecursor c is  /*指定游标c */select * from emp;v_emp c%rowtype; /**/
beginfor v_emp in c loopdbms_output.put_line(v_emp.ename);end loop;
/*赋值的时候用 :=,判断时用=*/create or replace procedure p
iscursor c is select * from emp2 for update;
beginfor v_emp in c loopif (v_emp.deptno = 10) then update emp2 set sal  = sal + 10 where current of c ;elsif(v_emp.deptno =  20) thenupdate emp2 set sal  = sal + 20 where current of c ;elseupdate emp2 set sal  = sal+50 where current of c ;end if ;end loop;commit;
end ;
create or replace function sal_tax(v_sal number)return number
beginif(v_sal < 2000)then return 0.10;elsif(v_sal < 2750)thenreturn 0.15;elsereturn 0.20;end if;
select lower(ename),sal_tax(sal)from emp;--触发器,当你做一件事的时候当你一做某件事产生的动作叫触发。触发器必须依附在某张表上。
create table emp2_log
uname varchar2(20),
action varchar2(10),
atime date
)create or replace trigger trigafter insert or delete or update on emp
begin if inserting theninsert into emp2_log values(USER,'insert',sysdate);elsif updating then insert into emp2_log values(USER,'update',sysdate);else deleting theninsert into emp2_log values(USER,'delete',sysdate);end if ;
end;--递归 recursion,树状结构create table article
id number primary key,
cont varchar2(4000),
pid number,
isleaf number(1),
alevel number
) ;
insert  into article values(1,'蚂蚁战胜大象',0,0,0);
insert  into article values(2,'大象被打趴下了',1,0,1);
insert  into article values(3,'蚂蚁也不好过',2,1,2);
insert  into article values(4,'瞎说',2,0,2);
insert  into article values(5,'没有瞎说',4,1,3);
insert  into article values(6,'怎么可能',1,0,1);
insert  into article values(7,'蚂蚁战胜大象',6,1,2);
insert  into article values(8,'蚂蚁战胜大象',6,1,2);
insert  into article values(9,'蚂蚁战胜大象',2,0,2);
insert  into article values(10,'蚂蚁战胜大象',9,1,3);create or replace   procedure p (v_pid, v_level binary_integer)
iscursor c is select * from article where pid = v_pid;v_preStr varchar2(1024) := '';
beginfor i in 0..v_level loopv_preStr := v_preStr || '****';end loop;for v_article in c loopdbms_output.put_line(v_preStr ||v_article.cont);if(v_article.isleaf = 0 )then p(,v_level+1);end if;end loop;
/exec p(0,0)


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