
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
int main(void){char another_game = 'Y';        //Records if another game is to be playedconst unsigned int DELAY = 1;  //Display period in secondsbool correct = true;           unsigned int tries = 0;unsigned int digits = 0;time_t seed = 0;unsigned int number = 0;time_t wait_start = 0;clock_t start_time = 0;unsigned int score = 0;unsigned int total_digits = 0;unsigned int game_time = 0;//how to play the gameprintf("To play Simple Simon,""watch the screen for a sequence of digits.");printf("\nWatch carefully,as the digits are only displayed""for %u second%s ",DELAY,DELAY>1?"s!":"!");printf("\nThe computer will remove them,and then prompt you""to enter the same sequence.");printf("\nWhen you do,you must put spaces between the digits.\n");printf("\nGood Luck!\nPress Enter to play\n");scanf("%c",&another_game);do{//Initialize gamecorrect = true; tries = 0;digits = 2;start_time = clock();//Inner loop continues as long as sequences are entered correctlywhile(correct){++tries;wait_start = clock();//Generate a sequence of digits and display themsrand(time(&seed));for(unsigned int i=1;i<=digits;++i){printf("%u ",rand() % 10);}/*Code to wait one second*/for(;clock() - wait_start < DELAY*CLOCKS_PER_SEC;);/*Code to overwrite the digit sequence*/printf("\r");       //Go to beginning of the linefor(unsigned int i=1;i<=digits;++i)printf("  ");   //Output spaces to cover the number that already printfif(tries == 1)printf("\nNow you enter the sequence - don't forget""the spaces\n");elseprintf("\r");/*Code to prompt for the input sequence*/srand(seed);for(unsigned int i=1;i<=digits;++i){//Read the input sequence & check against the originalscanf("%u",&number);//read a digitif(number != rand()%10){//compare with generater digitcorrect = false;break;}} /*on every third successful try,increase the sequence length*/if(correct && ((tries%3)==0))++digits;printf("%s\n",correct?"Correct!" : "Wrong!");}/*output the score when the game is finished*/score = 10*(digits-((tries%3)==1));//total_digits = digits*(((tries%3)==0)?3:tries%3);if(digits>2)total_digits+=3*((digits-1)*(digits-2)/2 - 1);game_time = (clock()- start_time)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC - tries*DELAY;if(total_digits>game_time)score += 10*(game_time - total_digits);printf("\n\nGame time was %u seconds.your score is %u",game_time,score);fflush(stdin);printf("\nDo you want play again ?");scanf("%c",&another_game); }while(toupper(another_game)=='Y');return 0;


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