

package main //author:xcl
//2014-1-20 记录import ("fmt""strings"
)func main(){patterns := []string{  "y","25","中","国","中工","家伙",}  /*patterns := make([]string,270 * 2)for i :=0;i< 270 *2;i++{  patterns[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%d",i)}*/replacer := strings.NewReplacer(patterns...)format := "中(国)--中工(家伙)"strfmt := replacer.Replace(format)    NewReplacer(patterns...);fmt.Println("\nmain() replacer.Replace old=",format)fmt.Println("main() replacer.Replace new=",strfmt)
}func NewReplacer(oldnew ...string){r :=  makeGenericReplacer(oldnew)val,keylen,found := r.lookup("中",true)fmt.Println("\nNewReplacer() 中   val:",val," keylen:",keylen," found:",found)val,keylen,found = r.lookup("中工",true)fmt.Println("NewReplacer() 中工 val:",val," keylen:",keylen," found:",found)val,keylen,found = r.lookup("y",false)fmt.Println("NewReplacer() y    val:",val," keylen:",keylen," found:",found)/*val,keylen,found := r.lookup("2",true)fmt.Println("\nNewReplacer() 2   val:",val," keylen:",keylen," found:",found)val,keylen,found = r.lookup("3",true)fmt.Println("\nNewReplacer() 3   val:",val," keylen:",keylen," found:",found)
}type genericReplacer struct {root trieNode  //一个字典树// tableSize is the size of a trie node's lookup table. It is the number// of unique key bytes.tableSize int// mapping maps from key bytes to a dense index for trieNode.table.mapping [256]byte
}func makeGenericReplacer(oldnew []string) *genericReplacer {r := new(genericReplacer)// Find each byte used, then assign them each an index.for i := 0; i < len(oldnew); i += 2 { //步长2. 第一个为pattern key := oldnew[i]fmt.Println("\nmakeGenericReplacer() for key=",key)//key[j]=utf8存储汉字的三个编码位置中的一个如228,则将其对应位置设置为1//即 r.mapping[228] = 1for j := 0; j < len(key); j++ {r.mapping[key[j]] = 1   fmt.Println("makeGenericReplacer() key[",j,"]=",key[j])}}for _, b := range r.mapping { r.tableSize += int(b)  }fmt.Println("makeGenericReplacer()  r.tableSize=",r.tableSize)var index bytefor i, b := range r.mapping {if b == 0 {r.mapping[i] = byte(r.tableSize)} else {//依数组字符编码位置,建立索引r.mapping[i] = indexfmt.Println("makeGenericReplacer()  r.mapping[",i,"] =",r.mapping[i] ) index++}}// Ensure root node uses a lookup table (for performance).r.root.table = make([]*trieNode, r.tableSize) //将key,val放入字典树,注意priority=len(oldnew)-i,即越数组前面的,值越大.级别越高for i := 0; i < len(oldnew); i += 2 {r.root.add(oldnew[i], oldnew[i+1], len(oldnew)-i, r) }return r
}type trieNode struct {value stringpriority intprefix stringnext   *trieNodetable []*trieNode
}func (t *trieNode) add(key, val string, priority int, r *genericReplacer) {fmt.Println("trieNode->add() val=",val," key=",key)if key == "" {if t.priority == 0 {t.value = valt.priority = priorityfmt.Println("trieNode->add() t.priority==",priority)}return}if t.prefix != "" { //处理已有前缀的node   // Need to split the prefix among multiple nodes.var n int // length of the longest common prefixfor ; n < len(t.prefix) && n < len(key); n++ { //prefix与key的比较if t.prefix[n] != key[n] {break}}if n == len(t.prefix) {  //相同,继续放下面t.next.add(key[n:], val, priority, r)} else if n == 0 { //没一个相同// First byte differs, start a new lookup table here. Looking up// what is currently t.prefix[0] will lead to prefixNode, and// looking up key[0] will lead to keyNode.var prefixNode *trieNodeif len(t.prefix) == 1 {  //如果prefix只是一个字节的字符编码,则挂在节点下面prefixNode = t.next} else {                    //如果不是,将余下的新建一个trie树prefixNode = &trieNode{prefix: t.prefix[1:],next:   t.next,}}keyNode := new(trieNode)t.table = make([]*trieNode, r.tableSize) //lookup()中的if node.table != nil t.table[r.mapping[t.prefix[0]]] = prefixNode t.table[r.mapping[key[0]]] = keyNode    t.prefix = ""t.next = nilkeyNode.add(key[1:], val, priority, r) } else {// Insert new node after the common section of the prefix.next := &trieNode{prefix: t.prefix[n:],next:   t.next,}t.prefix = t.prefix[:n]t.next = nextnext.add(key[n:], val, priority, r)}} else if t.table != nil {// Insert into existing table.m := r.mapping[key[0]]if t.table[m] == nil {t.table[m] = new(trieNode)}t.table[m].add(key[1:], val, priority, r) //构建树      } else {  t.prefix = keyt.next = new(trieNode)t.next.add("", val, priority, r)}}func (r *genericReplacer) lookup(s string, ignoreRoot bool) (val string, keylen int,found bool) {// Iterate down the trie to the end, and grab the value and keylen with// the highest priority.bestPriority := 0node := &r.rootn := 0for node != nil {if node.priority > bestPriority && !(ignoreRoot && node == &r.root) {bestPriority = node.priorityval = node.valuekeylen = nfound = true}if s == "" {break}if node.table != nil {index := r.mapping[s[0]]if int(index) == r.tableSize { //字符编码第一个字节就没在table中,中断查找break}node = node.table[index] s = s[1:]n++} else if node.prefix != "" && HasPrefix(s, node.prefix) { //字符编码非第一个字节的节点会保留key在prefix中,所以通过分析prefix来继续找其它字节n += len(node.prefix)s = s[len(node.prefix):]node = node.next //继续找相同prefix以外其它字符} else {break}}return
}// HasPrefix tests whether the string s begins with prefix.
func HasPrefix(s, prefix string) bool {return len(s) >= len(prefix) && s[0:len(prefix)] == prefix



先进  } else if t.table != nil {
然后再进 else,这中间会把 t.prefix = key,把key值存放在prefix,将""传给下一个node
最后执行 if key == "" && t.priority == 0 { ,将 t.value = val

 } else if t.table != nil {
如果已有前缀的,进行比较 if t.prefix != "" {
   1, 如目前prefix与key完全一致,则继续构建树子节点
   2. 如prefix与key完全不同,则另起炉灶,构建一条新的tree
      prefixNode 承上,keyNode 启下
      至于为什么t.table = make([]*trieNode, r.tableSize),是为了预留映射空间.
        t.table[r.mapping[t.prefix[0]]] = prefixNode
        t.table[r.mapping[key[0]]] = keyNode 
   3.有部份相同, 直接跳到t.prefix[n:],然后从key[n:]开始继续构建树子节点


if key == "" { //字符编码中间的字节
    if t.priority == 0 { //如果有定义过priority的就略过,新加的,把现有的级别加上

if node.priority > bestPriority { bestPriority = node.priority}

lookup() bestPriority: 0  node.priority: 0  value:   prefix:
lookup() bestPriority: 0  node.priority: 0  value:   prefix: ��
lookup() bestPriority: 0  node.priority: 2  value: 国  prefix: 工
NewReplacer() 中 val: 国  keylen: 3  found: true
lookup() bestPriority: 0  node.priority: 0  value:   prefix:
lookup() bestPriority: 0  node.priority: 0  value:   prefix: ��
lookup() bestPriority: 0  node.priority: 2  value: 国  prefix: 工
lookup() bestPriority: 2  node.priority: 4  value: 家伙  prefix:
NewReplacer() 中工 val: 家伙  keylen: 6  found: true
main() replacer.Replace old= 中(国)--中工(家伙)
main() replacer.Replace new= 国(国)--家伙(家伙)

lookup() bestPriority: 0  node.priority: 0  value:   prefix:
lookup() bestPriority: 0  node.priority: 0  value:   prefix: ��
lookup() bestPriority: 0  node.priority: 4  value: 国  prefix: 工
NewReplacer() 中 val: 国  keylen: 3  found: true
lookup() bestPriority: 0  node.priority: 0  value:   prefix:
lookup() bestPriority: 0  node.priority: 0  value:   prefix: ��
lookup() bestPriority: 0  node.priority: 4  value: 国  prefix: 工
lookup() bestPriority: 4  node.priority: 2  value: 家伙  prefix:
NewReplacer() 中工 val: 国  keylen: 3  found: true
main() replacer.Replace old= 中(国)--中工(家伙)
main() replacer.Replace new= 国(国)--国工(家伙)

还有,刚发现 lookup(s string, ignoreRoot bool) (val string, keylen int,found bool) {}中


MAIL: xcl_168@aliyun.com



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