Ensure you've latest SPTD layer version installed (currently v1.42):

If your system has some problems with SPTD installation you can do as follows:


If your OS is already running then go to step 2 directly.
If you cannot boot your PC at all then start from step 1.


1. Boot in safe mode and press ESC key when you see on bottom line of display:
"Press ESC to cancel loading SPTD.sys". This will abort loading of SPTD layer.

1.以安全模式引导Windows,当出现"Press ESC to cancel loading SPTD.sys"提示时,按ESC键跳过,该操作将取消SPTD的加载.

2. Open registry editor (run regedit) and browse to the following registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\sptd
Change the value "Start" (DWORD) to 4 (i.e. disabled).
[To re-enable SPTD service change the "Start" value back to 0.]

2.打开注册表编辑器(在命令行输入regedit),在HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\sptd键下,将Start的值改为4(禁用),

3. Reboot again in normal mode and check if your issue is solved.


In case you had BSOD/crash you can check for minidump (in Windows\Minidump folder) related to that crash, send newest file to support@daemon-tools.cc with exact problem description.
Do NOT send minidump, if your problem is solved after removal of Starforce drivers! (Check this thread.)

Note that you have to change the Start value in registry back to 0 in order to get SPTD layer working again and Daemon Tools, too (see #2).

You can also download sptdinst.exe (in our download section) for your Windows version (i.e. sptdinst_x86 for 32bit Windows, spdtinst_x64 for 64bit Windows) and execute "sptdinst remove", reboot to complete de-installation.

If you are unable to boot into safe mode even if you pressed ESC when prompted, boot with your Windows cd into recovery console, log on to your Windows installation (requires Administrator password), and enter disable sptd (this will disable SPTD service). Reboot to check if your issue is solved.
Note that you have to (re-)enable sptd service after the problem causing the crash is solved in order to get Daemon Tools working.

Everybody be cool! You, be cool!
They'll keep fighting! And they'll win!


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